The old man was very angry.

Chouchou Fish.

This Pokémon is called Chouchou Fish, and like Magikarp, it is known as the two salty fish underwater.

Although after evolution, the former is the most beautiful water Pokémon Milotica, and the latter is the violent Pokémon Gyarados, both are very powerful ordinary Pokémon.

But before evolution, the title of salty fish king was probably only these two.

"It's so ugly!"

Emilia had never seen such an ugly Chouchou Fish, it was so ugly that it was earth-shattering.

"I think it's OK," Ye Xuan picked up the struggling Uchiha who was on the embankment, and then comforted him with the power of Changpan: "Okay, be good, don't be afraid, I won't hurt you."

Uchiha seemed to feel Ye Xuan's breath, she gradually calmed down, then opened and closed her mouth, staring at Ye Xuan with dead fish eyes.

"Want to be my Pokémon?"

Ye Xuan: "I will make you the most beautiful Pokémon in the world."

Uchiha is not only a Uchiha, but also the ugliest Uchiha in the group.

Of course, in fact, there are not many Uchiha in the world.

Compared with Magikarp, which can be caught by just one rod in any river, Uchiha is actually very rare.

And in the animation, there are only a handful of trainers who have Milotica.

However, it is Milotic after all, and Uchiha is not sure that it can evolve into Milotic, so the number of Uchiha cannot be as rare as Milotic, but it will not be too many.


Chouchou blew two bubbles, then happily crashed into Ye Xuan's Poké Ball and became Ye Xuan's Pokémon.

At this time, Ye Xuan's score was officially recorded, and the host burst into exclamations.

"Heroes emerge young, that contestant named Ye Xuan," Jax thought to himself, "I can't compare to him..."

"You know how it feels to be pushed forward by the waves behind, Jax boy!"

"You've been dead on the beach for decades."

"What are you talking about, little brat?!" Mr. Hua said angrily, "I'm only eighteen years old!"

"Yes, yes, you're immortal, awesome."

"Ye Xuan again?" Mila raised her head with a smile on her face. In fact, she didn't want to compete for the first place this time. Anyway, after seeing Emilia, her goal changed from the first place to surpassing Emilia: "It seems to be the man sitting next to Emilia. I don't know what their relationship is."

"Ye Xuan..."

On the island, a man wearing a black windbreaker on a hot day looked at Ye Xuan on the screen: "So your name is Ye Xuan."

He was a member of the hunter organization 'Van Helsing', the hunter D who had fought with Ye Xuan before.

"I didn't expect you to be here too," Hunter D had seen Ye Xuan's strength, and he felt that he was not Ye Xuan's opponent, so he pressed the hat on his head: "It seems that this transaction will be more covert..."

Of course, Ye Xuan didn't know all this, and he was still distributing the new rewards.

"Giant Magikarp, the ugliest Magikarp, I really look forward to the time when you evolve into Gyarados and Milotic..."


Gender: Female

Level: Level 5

Quality: Orange Legend (after upgrading)

In this way, Ye Xuan's ordinary team has six Pokémon.

Giant Claw, Gardevoir, Lucario, Vulpix, Giant Magikarp and Super Magikarp

"Brother Ye, you are really awesome!!!"

Emilia's admiration for Ye Xuan is really beyond words.

It was luck to catch a purple Pokémon this time, but it was twice, and there were so many blue Pokémon.

Is this the aura of a powerful trainer?

Emilia heard from her father that there is a kind of trainer in this world who is born with extraordinary talents, and such talents will be passively favored by elves, so such trainers can always encounter all kinds of rare elves and even obtain them.

If Ye Xuan heard what Emilia's father said, he would subconsciously say a person's name - silly thing!

"It's okay, I said before, I'm very powerful."

If you still lose with Jirachi, you'd better die.

After that, Ye Xuan basically just paddled casually, but his points were still more than a thousand points higher than the second place, and he perfectly won the championship of this Magic City Fishing Competition.

Of course, the activities here can't be so simple, otherwise

There wouldn't be so many people coming here.

This event in the Magic City is held once a year.

And it actually has another name, called the Sea God Festival.

Legend has it that at this festival, trainers can get the blessing of the Sea God, and the specific phenomenon is that the water-type elves will be improved in quality.

Although this improvement does not reach the level of directly improving to a higher level, the effect is not ordinary, at least it can allow elves to obtain better talents and more potential.

"Is there such a thing?"

Ye Xuan has won the game. It is now around three o'clock in the afternoon, and the Sea God Festival will not start until the evening.

At that time, a buffet will be held on the entire island, and countless delicacies will be placed here, and trainers and their elves can enjoy these foods at will until they are satisfied.

"The challenge to the Magic City Gym..."

"This should be brought up after the celebration, or at the award ceremony."

Ye Xuan's personality is not bad. His resentment towards the Magic City Gym was just a complaint at that time. It is impossible for him to destroy the Magic City Gym.

The worst case scenario is that he would use a Pokémon to challenge them and damage their reputation.

But this is really nothing.

You will pay for what you have done sooner or later.

It is normal for you to run a gym and encounter a powerful challenger and be defeated by him. You can't just make a claw machine and only allow people to spend money but not get dolls, right?

Winning without losing, there is no such good thing in the world.

"When will the awards be presented?"

"It should be a little later. The host will announce the names of some of the higher-ranked contestants and ask them to go to the stage in the central area to receive their awards."

[Side Quest. Magic City Fishing Competition]

Quest Status: Completed

Quest Reward: A special legendary Pokémon (whether to receive it)

"Receive it."

The Pokémon that Ye Xuan receives will appear directly in his home, and he can project his consciousness in his home.

"What is this?"

The petite body, like a blue body made of liquid, floats in the air, waving its two arms and making cheerful calls.

When this Pokémon appeared, the Magikarp and Uglius, who were originally in the water, felt relieved and happily swam to the side of this Pokémon.



Gender: Female (don't ask me why it's female)

Level: 1

Quality: Orange Legend

As expected, it is another orange legendary Pokémon.


Manaphy's voice was like that of a little girl of six or seven years old, sounding very well-behaved and lively: "Master"

She seemed to sense Ye Xuan's presence, so she happily flew to Ye Xuan's side, and then rubbed Ye Xuan's face intimately.

Unlike other elves with relatively mature personalities, Manaphy was like a child, ignorant, and when she met Ye Xuan, she said she was very happy, but her judgment seemed limited.

"Master has something to do now, you have to listen to Sister Kyogre obediently, understand?"


Manaphy turned her head and saw the huge Kyogre soaring out of the water: "Don't worry, Master, I will take care of this little guy."


Manaphy was not afraid, but looked at Kyogre with great curiosity. She is an elf who can feel the soul and is also called the Son of the Sea.

And Kyogre is the creator of the ocean, which is somewhat different from the God of the Sea Lugia.

But in essence, there is actually not much difference between the two.

If you must understand, you can think of it this way. Kyogre is the creator of the ocean and the god of the sea in the primitive era, while Lugia is the ruler of the ocean and the new god of the sea after Kyogre.

But Lugia cannot create and expand the ocean. In this respect, it seems that he is not as domineering and powerful as Kyogre.

Because in the world of Pokémon, Lugia is actually a very docile elf. Their job is more to calm the riots of the sea, so they are worshipped as the god of the sea by humans, while Kyogre is just the opposite. Wherever Kyogre appears, there must be violent storms, huge waves and tsunamis. Anyway, it is going to swallow the earth and bring countless disasters.

Therefore, Lugia is indeed the god of the sea, and Kyogre is more like the devil in the sea.

At this time, the giant Magikarp and the Super Uglius trembled when they saw the appearance of Kyogre.

There is no way, the level of Kyogre and them is too different.

After all, they are ordinary elves. Even if they have the qualities of the orange legend, they are just powerful.

Just a few, but compared with the real mythical beasts, or super mythical beasts, there is a world of difference.

"And these two children, they are also new companions," Ye Xuan said: "They are now in your territory, you can't bully them."

"Don't worry, master, I will take good care of them."

Ye Xuan's Kyogre, like a big sister, has a very gentle personality, but she is also helpless about the passive ability of wind and rain when entering and leaving the sea.

Because Kyogre has been instinctively expanding the ocean since her birth, this instinct is the same as Groudon who constantly summons magma from underground.

Of course, fortunately Groudon has not come yet, otherwise...

I'm afraid they will fight in their home.

But the problem is not big. At that time, as long as the two are separated and let them live in different environments, they can't see each other, and I guess they won't fight.

Ye Xuan thought so. In fact, it's not easy to be a mythical beast trainer.

There are some inherent conflicts between the elves, and how to ease their relationship is also a compulsory course for Ye Xuan in the future.

"Then I will temporarily hand over Manaphy, Magikarp and Uchiha to you, Kyogre."

"Don't worry, Master."

Ye Xuan's consciousness left his home, and then followed Emilia to the Central Water Island where the awards were presented.

Here, Ye Xuan was already late because he was in a remote area.

"Here! Here! Here!"

The host shouted excitedly: "The champion of our Magic City Fishing Competition, Ye Xuan, who has unprecedentedly won two purple epic elves! Let's congratulate him with warm applause!!!"

"Hua La La."

Except for a few people with dark psychology, most people in this world are essentially very simple.

They worship the strong, cheer for the winners, and are willing to give shelter to the weak and cheer for the losers.

"This is the young man."

Old man Hua Qi said to Jax beside him: "Look, he is really young."

"Two purple elves, the future is limitless."

"Hey, Emilia," Mira's attention was on Emilia: "Long time no see."

"Mira," Emilia: "You are not in Europe, why did you come to Asia?"

"Of course, it is to participate in the national competition here."

"National competition?"

"Nowadays, many trainers from other continents want to come to the East to try the water here."

"So you are planning to come here too?" Emilia said: "Then you will be disappointed this time."


"Brother Ye is very strong, much stronger than you think," Emilia said as a matter of course: "So you have no chance, and the rest of you have no chance either."

"Hehe," Mira said noncommittally: "If you say so, I am a little looking forward to it."

At this time, Ye Xuan had already stepped onto the award stage at the host's call.

The fishing tournament is simple yet grand, it is easy, anyone can participate, and it is quick, only taking half a day.

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