The more you look at the more you want, the more you will be able to see the light.

However, that is external force, and this is the true strength of the elves!

"The power of the wave guide..."

Ye Xuan closed his eyes, and then the wave guide position spread rapidly. In an instant, Ye Xuan established a connection with Kyogre and felt each other, which made Kyogre calm down a lot.


Kyogre: "I thought you were gone, but you're in the cover below."

"And this is a battle, right?" Kyogre: "Where are the enemies? Just now, a crocodile seemed to run out, why did it suddenly disappear again?"

"It's coming."

Ye Xuan commanded: "The opponent's water law is to lurk, lurk in the dark like a crocodile, and then deliver a fatal blow."

"On the left, it's moving at high speed!"

Getting Ye Xuan's hint, Kyogre also locked the position of Crocodile through the waveguide.

"Destruction Death Light!"


The golden destruction death light rushed towards Crocodile, which was moving at high speed. This scene made Bai Kongtan, who was observing from below, look depressed: 'How is it possible? ! How did she find out? '

Since Crocodile broke through level 70 and awakened the water law lurking in the dark, Bai Kongtan has not met anyone who can break his tactics so easily, even the champion, no one has done it.

But now, Ye Xuan did it, and it was easy and effortless.


Bai Kongtan knocked on the glass column next to him. He looked at Ye Xuan, who was standing there without holding the glass rod or saying a word, as if he had done nothing and let Kyogre fight by himself: "Could it be that it is a telepathic power?"


Krokodile spit out a whirlpool-like water cannon in the sea, facing Kyogre's destructive death light, and the result was no surprise.


Krokodile's water cannon was instantly dispersed. Although Kyogre, a level 47, was not high, she was a red mythical quality Pokémon, and her own attributes were far superior to Krokodile, plus her divinity was far superior to Latias and other Pokémon.

If the two competed with each other, Krokodile would definitely lose!

"It's time to end!"

Ye Xuan ordered through the power of waveguide: "Kyogre, use your domain power to control the sea water!!"

Domain power, yes, it is the domain power that can only be awakened by level 80 elves.

But again, it is not as mysterious as it sounds.

The domain power of ordinary elves is similar to climate skills, that is, it can create a position within a certain range centered on itself, and then greatly improve the power of its own and even the skills of elves with the same attributes.

At the same time, it can turn the original single skill into a group, and even show the control of the elves.

For example, let the destruction of the death ray turn, let the freezing ray split into two, or let the flame wrap around the elf, every move is blessed by the power of fire.

If the power of law is just a transformation of the elf's skills, making it stronger, it can also allow the elf to gain some special abilities, such as the dark lurking of the powerful crocodile.

Then the power of the domain is another qualitative change.

It allows Pokémon to no longer simply use and release skills, but to control skills, making them as flexible and free as ten fingers.

"What happened?"

The Crocodile in the water suddenly cried out in surprise. Its body was imprisoned by layers of sea water, as if it was knocked into a glass tank. No matter how it struggled, it could not move.

"Bang! Bang!"

Bai Kongtan knocked on the glass column a few more times, but Crocodile remained indifferent.

"What's going on?"

As a veteran trainer, Bai Kongtan quickly discovered the problem: "That Pokémon called Kyogre, can she actually control the sea water?!"

And it's such a large area of ​​sea water!


"What happened?"

Emilia was confused: "Why did Crocodile suddenly stop moving?"

"Then, give it the final blow," Ye Xuan ordered in his mind: "Kyogre, destroy the death ray."


The golden destroying death ray enveloped Crocodile. Kyogre attacked too fast, so fast that Baikongtan had no chance to surrender. Of course, Ye Xuan would not let him surrender, because...

[Defeat the opponent in the gym battle and gain experience, and the experience bonus is ten times]

[Kyogre gains enough experience and the level is increased. ]

[Kyogre gains enough experience

, level up. 】

【Kyogre gets enough experience, level up. 】

Ye Xuan looked at Kyogre's soaring experience, feeling relieved. Ye Xuan looked at Bai Kongtan and said, "Don't worry, senior, I asked Kyogre to show mercy, your Crocodile should be fine."

"Come back, Crocodile."

Bai Kongtan took Crocodile back. After so many years of fighting, he still had some judgment: "Thank you on behalf of Crocodile."

No trainer would want his Pokémon to be injured. It is better to be able to come back safely.

Ye Xuan also controlled this point. If he could end the battle without seriously injuring the Pokémon, he would try to make them slightly injured, which was also considered to be making good use of the Pokémon's power.


Gender: Female

Level: Level 58

Quality: Red Myth

"Upgraded by 11 levels in a flash," Ye Xuan once again lamented the horror of the gym battle: "If I had fought a few more games..."

Ye Xuan really hoped that Baikongtan would not end so quickly, and quickly throw out a bunch of Pokémon so that he could play a six-in-a-row, or even directly take down someone else's gym.

However, Ye Xuan was not that manic and overbearing.

The reason for the Jiangnan gym was that he was really upset. The queue was fine, but the gym trainers there were obviously very idle, with time to eat and drink, chat and gossip, but they still made the challenger wait, which was a bit too much.

As for the Magic City...

Alas, Ye Xuan originally wanted to defeat them.

You ask, is this too arrogant and rude?

Is Ye Xuan really that kind of person?


It's all experience!

If you can force the Magic City Gym to release 100 elves above level 50, you will get ten times the experience, which means you have challenged 1,000 elves above level 50, and that is pure experience, not counting the level difference.

How much improvement is this?

If you don't earn so much experience and pretend to be an honest man, then this honest man is really at a loss.


[The powerful crocodile loses the ability to fight. In the first game, challenger Ye Xuan wins!!!]

"Congratulations, young man," Bai Kongtan shook hands with Ye Xuan in a friendly manner, and then handed a badge to Ye Xuan: "This is the permanent badge of my Magic City Gym."

It's a pity that Bai Kongtan is a good person and his personality is quite to Ye Xuan's taste.

For such an old man's gym, Ye Xuan can't just do it for experience, that would seem too inhumane.

"You are also very strong, worthy of being a quasi-king-level trainer," Ye Xuan said, "If I didn't have special abilities, I would have really failed here."


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