The sandstorm was so strong that it was difficult to break.

Spreading out his six arms, Hoopa put the sandstorm back into his aura.

When the sandstorm dissipated, only three elves were left lying on the ground, and the invincible existence that no elf could touch from beginning to end, Hoopa!

"Hoopa is very strong"


Shocked, excited, and cheering for the strong resounded throughout the aquarium.

"Hoopa is too strong!"

"Oh, no, I'm really obsessed with her."

"How can there be such a powerful Pokémon!"

"Hoopa Hoopa, I love you"


"How could it be?"

Objective audiences expressed their love and admiration for Hoopa, but some people were confused at this time.

"How is it possible," Zhang Wu stood there with a dull look: "I, my main force, in an instant..."


The strongest trainer after the King level.

But the result was that, three to one, but only used one skill, and then was crushed by the opponent without any resistance.


This is massacre!

One-sided, ruthless annihilation!

Looking at the distraught Zhang Wu, Ye Xuan had no sympathy, because Ye Xuan knew the things he did in private.

"Hupa is very strong, very strong!"


Looking at Hupa who was still showing off in the air, Ye Xuan shook his head: "Hupa."


Liberated Hupa knew that it was her master who was calling her. Although the power made her feel comfortable, the master's order was more important. Hupa's body slowly shrank and took the power back into her body: "Hupa is back, hehehe..."

"Don't be naughty, Hupa."

"Got it, master."

This time, Ye Xuan did not take back Hupa's power. That power belonged to her. Ye Xuan hoped that she could use it well instead of showing off or doing anything wrong.

"Come back, Hupa."

Hupa was taken back to her home, where there were legendary elves like Hupa, who would not let her be alone.

As for Zhang Wu...

Ye Xuan turned around and left the Magic City Gym without any hesitation.


"Why did the inspector leave?"

"How did our assessment go?"

"It looks like we're done for. None of us could defeat even one of the inspector's elves."

"It was still a round-robin battle, a ring battle."

"In the end, even the gym owner was slaughtered..."

It's terrible, too terrible, just like a monster. When did the Elf Alliance have an inspector of this level? I've never heard of it!

"Okay, he has finished the work."

Bai Kongtan stood up: "Next, it's our job."

"It's terrible, the young man is really terrible," said the old doctor: "Let's go, let's finish the work quickly so that we can go see the young man."

"It's just a phone call."

"Yes," the old doctor: "The director of the League Magic City Gym and the Pokémon League Doctor jointly reported that Zhang Wu abused his power, used his power for personal gain, and persecuted innocent people..."

"Too much, there are too many to say."

Modu News Report [Zhang Wu, the owner of the Magic City Gym, privately used his influence in the Magic City and was suspected of a series of illegal transactions. After investigation, the official alliance confirmed that Zhang Wu violated..."

In less than half an hour, the whole Magic City was in an uproar.

The media, whose efficiency was many times higher, and countless official investigators, uprooted all the problems of Zhang Wu with the force of thunder.

The League protects Pokémon trainers.

The title of the profession is like a gold medal of immunity from death.

But the problem is that Zhang Wu lost and was forced to retire. This was a matter that had already been decided in the sacred elf duel, and even the Elf Alliance had no right to intervene.

And without his professional identity, Zhang Wu could no longer resist the investigation and crusade of the Elf Alliance.

According to the two old men, if nothing unexpected happens, Zhang Wu will be faced with the most severe punishment. The lightest punishment is life imprisonment, and he will be a prisoner for life, while the heavier punishments...

"Let me introduce you," Bai Kongtan introduced: "This is Dr. Qin, a world-renowned authority in the field of elf research."

"Hello, Dr. Qin," Ye Xuan stretched out his hand: "My name is Ye Xuan, and I have heard of your name for a long time."

This is not a compliment, but the truth. In this world, many books on elves are

All the books have been handed down by Dr. Qin. It is no exaggeration to say that he is the enlightenment mentor of every trainer. For nearly 30 years, the first guide of all trainers has been this old man.

And there are countless trainers, researchers, breeders, and coordinators who have been influenced by him.

"Young man, you are the one who scared me," Dr. Qin looked at Ye Xuan: "I didn't believe what Xiaobai and Xiaojiang said about you. I didn't expect that you are better and stronger than they said."

"No, no," Ye Xuan: "I still have a lot to learn."

"By the way, young man, you mentioned the matter of improving your rank before," Dr. Qin said: "I have helped you to the maximum extent, but it can only be improved to the seventh rank at most. As for the eighth and ninth rank, you need to pass the national competition to get it."

"Well, I know this."

"That's good," Dr. Qin said: "In the next period of time, about a month, we will help you improve your rank from the third rank to the seventh rank accordingly."

Such a speed is really amazing.

Basically, Ye Xuan might get a new legendary Pokémon every week: "Thank you so much, Dr. Qin, oh, and Senior Bai."

"This time, the doctor contributed the most, and I, I am just a bystander."


Mu Lanshan's game is in the afternoon, and there is still time, so Ye Xuan is not in a hurry, but chats with the two old men for a while.

"Young man, do you know why I came here?"


Ye Xuan shook his head: "Doctor, is there something?"

"I do have something, I want to ask you, oh, I want to ask you, a trainer who is traveling around and has strong strength." Dr. Qin said: "Before you, I also dragged many young generations from my friends' families to help me."

"Unfortunately, there is no news so far."

"What is it?"

Dr. Qin and Bai Kongtan helped him a lot. If it is something he can do, Ye Xuan also hopes to help as much as possible.

"It's like this," Dr. Qin said, "When the elves come, they will also be accompanied by some special things, such as evolution stones, special environments and minerals, and among them, there is also a very precious thing."



Dr. Qin said, "Technology from another world."

"Elf balls, elf bracelets, and badges, these are all developed little by little based on the technology that has come from another world in the past two hundred years," Dr. Qin said, "and among these technologies, there is a part that we think is very dangerous, so it is put on the shelf and researchers are strictly prohibited from touching it."

"For example?"

"For example..."

Dr. Qin looked at Ye Xuan and thought he was a trustworthy person, so he told him a secret that he had never told anyone before: "Elf giantization technology!"

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