The more the rain fell, the more it fell.

Because of Togekiss's painful expression, Mu Lanshan's score began to plummet, and at this rate, if she didn't do anything within 20 seconds, she would really lose.

"Togekiss, use Rain Prayer!!"


Togekiss, with a painful face, used Rain Prayer, but this time, the rain cloud was a little messy because Togekiss's condition was too bad.


However, as the rain fell, the singing of Fat Keding was slightly affected.


However, in just a moment, Tang Guo changed her tune very smoothly, and the original sound of rain became the best accompaniment.

'Awesome! ’

Ye Xuan sighed: ‘She actually turned the unfavorable conditions into favorable factors. This girl is even stronger than Xiao Lan! ’

No, not stronger.

Rather, much stronger!

“Pogekiss, use Thunder!!”

Thunder, this is a skill that Mu Lanshan taught Pogekiss not long ago. Although it is not powerful, the roar of thunder and lightning…


“Boom boom boom…”

However, Tang Guo seemed to have anticipated the thunder and lightning roar. She used her singing voice to command Fat Ke Ding to use his shadow clone, allowing him to hide in a place not covered by the dark clouds. He actually avoided the Thunder skill that was bound to hit him in the rainy weather. Then he changed his singing voice and turned it into a deep and shocking epic song.

"Xiao Lan..."

Ye Xuan was already very clear about the outcome of this game: "Lost."

Tang Guo was too strong and completely dominated the entire battle, and Ye Xuan had never heard of that strange singing battle method: "Although this singing is powerful, it has great racial restrictions."

In other words, for some high-quality elves, this kind of illusion skills are completely ineffective.

For example, Ye Xuan could instantly crush any beast he sent out.

Unfortunately, Mu Lanshan is not Ye Xuan. Her elves are not that powerful, and she herself is just a coordinator, not good at turning defeat into victory in such an unfavorable situation.


Mu Lanshan's Pokkis score was reset to zero, and the champion of the Magic City Competition finally fell on Tang Guo.

And from Ye Xuan's perspective, Tang Guo deserves it!

"The winners are Tang Guo and her Fat Ke Ding!!"

"Pa pa pa pa..."

At this moment, everyone applauded, not only for Tang Guo, but also for Mu Lanshan, because she did make the right choice in the last two attacks. If Tang Guo hadn't been so buggy and changed the tune twice, Mu Lanshan might have won.

"Then next, it will be up to our Bell and..." Xiao Xi: "To decide who gets the third ribbon."


Ye Xuan, who was still thinking about how to encourage Mu Lanshan, was suddenly stunned: "The third ribbon? What the hell?!!"

Isn't there only one ribbon for the gorgeous competition?

How did you throw out the third ribbon?

"Oh, Mr. Ye doesn't know," said Momo, "The nature of the gorgeous ribbons is the same. They are all stepping stones for the celebration. As long as you collect five, you can participate."

"But the value of gorgeous competitions in different regions is different," said Momo, "The gorgeous competition in the Magic City is top-notch, so the number of ribbons that can be issued is as many as three."

In this world, not all ribbons in the gorgeous competition are the same.

Just like the gym challenge, you don't have to win to get the badge.

The condition for holding a gorgeous competition is that it must be based on a city. In other words, you can only hold it in a city, and you can't choose a small unit like a village or town, because those alliances don't agree.

But relatively speaking, cities are also divided into large and small, and the strength of the coordinators who come to participate is also uneven.

In small cities, the contestants may only be some girls aged 14 or 15, and the possibility of winning ribbons is much greater.

But the problem is, if everyone chooses this, then who will come to participate in the competition in big cities? Wouldn't it be better to go to those small cities to try their luck?

"Small cities can only have one ribbon, but the frequency of the event is higher. Big cities have two ribbons, which are given to the two finalists. The frequency of the event is slightly lower. The last one is a big city, with three ribbons, but basically only twice in one celebration. It can be said to have the highest gold content."

"The essence of the gorgeous competition is to give the coordinators and their elves more exposure."

Qin Xin explained: "Because of popularity,

This is the foundation of a coordinator's status. Only when more people like you can you become an excellent coordinator. In comparison, the outcome of the competition is not very important. "

"There have been many such examples in the past. The coordinator who won the celebration championship may not be very famous, while the coordinator who lost the competition may also rise to fame because of the love of the audience and the people."

"I understand."

This is like the talent show in the previous life. From the moment you can stand on the stage, you have actually taken the first step, and the subsequent results, whether you are the strongest one, do not affect your final achievement.

In fact, the national competition is the same. Even if you are not the champion, you can get into the top eight or even the top sixteen, which is also a good honor.

"The winner, Bell Player!!! "

The third place was also decided. Lingling did not lose heart because of the defeat to Mu Lanshan. Instead, she dominated the whole competition very strongly and easily won the qualification for the third ribbon.

What is the most important thing in the gorgeous competition?

It is rhythm!

Only by controlling the rhythm and leading the enemy by the nose can the audience and judges see the talent and strength of a strong coordinator.

"Thank you for the guidance of Mr. Ye."

Lingling, who won the ribbon, expressed her gratitude to Ye Xuan.

"Thank you, judges."

Mu Lanshan expressed her feelings to all the judges.

"Thank you."

Tang Guo, who seemed to be a little three-no, was an introverted girl who was not very good at speaking, but she still saluted the judges from the bottom of her heart.

"It's really a satisfying visual feast. "The competition is over, and the judges are going back.

Momodi: "But this time, I really saw something more powerful. It turns out that gorgeousness is not just what the eyes see."

"Yes," Miss Yayu: "It's eye-opening."

"And Xiaolan and Lingdang are both very good coordinators." Sister Sana has seen many excellent coordinators, so her evaluation is the most valuable for reference.

"And Mr. Ye is really amazing. I thought that a trainer of Mr. Ye's level would be at least 60 or 70 years old, but I didn't expect that Mr. Ye is still so young." Sister Sana admires Ye Xuan very much: "It's really scary, young people are all monsters."

"Sister Sana is also very beautiful..."

Ye Xuan's praise made Sister Sana blush slightly, and then she held her face with both hands: "I'm very old, don't praise me so much."

"Wow, wow, this is the first time I see Sister Sana like this. ”

Miss Yayu joked: "Mr. Ye has the hope of returning with a cartload of gold."

"What do you mean?"

"A girl who is three years older than you should bring back gold bricks."

Qin Xin: "..."


Ye Xuan: "Well, I'll take my leave now. I'm very happy to serve as a judge with all of you seniors. If there's a chance next time..."

Momodi: "I will definitely invite Mr. Ye."

"If there's me, I'll also invite Mr. Ye."

"Ala, then I have no choice," Sister Sana: "But I also like to serve as a judge with Mr. Ye. It will be very relaxing."

Finally, Ye Xuan said goodbye to Qin Xin. She seemed to be going overseas from the Magic City. It was estimated that they would not meet for a while.

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