The old man was very proud of his ability.

Even so, Shu Weng still got an orange-quality Mara.

A Mara that can be called the king of kings!

"In terms of combat power, my old friend is the strongest among all my elves." Shu Weng did not hide his shortcomings and said bluntly: "Orange quality can be called a talent and potential that is rare in a hundred years."

Just as Ye Xuan thought, it was indeed a powerful elf above 80, domain level.

"Latias, the next battle," Ye Xuan was really serious this time: "Be careful."

Champion level!

This is the first time Ye Xuan has encountered an opponent who can fight a real equal with his elf.

All along, Ye Xuan has fought strong and crushing battles.

Although this kind of battle is fun, it is not a real battle for a trainer.

Because it is not challenging at all.

However, it is really difficult for Latias to fight against Magellar.

First of all, Magellar is a Dark Pokémon, and it has almost absolute restraint on Psychic-type skills.

Although it is impossible that Psychic-type skills will have no effect on it, it is already a blessing to be able to cause one-tenth of the damage.

What's more, Shuong's Magellar is still orange quality, champion-level combat power.

The damage of Psychic's ultimate move has once again been reduced to an unprecedented limit.

'Disadvantage! '

'The rules are so changeable, Latias is also at a disadvantage. 'Ye Xuan considered whether to take Latias back, but in the end he decided to let him try first to prevent the exposure of the second Pokémon.


"This inexplicable excitement..."

Ye Xuan secretly clenched his fists, looking at the Mara in front of him, feeling its powerful strength. Ye Xuan had forgotten the traps set for him by Shu Weng.

At this moment, his only thought was to find a way to let Latias defeat this powerful Pokémon through his own command!

"Your Pokémon is called Latias, right?"


"Looking at the quality, it should be the same as my Mara, but her race is obviously much stronger. Is this the legendary beast?"


"Don't be surprised. The definition of a beast, I also saw it with my own eyes."

Shu Weng said: "Although I have only seen the big bird burning with black and purple flames, your Pokémon is obviously in the same realm as it. It is reasonable to call it a beast."

"But her power has not been fully stimulated, right?"

There is no level in this world, but experienced veteran trainers can still see the state of Pokémon at a glance.

Obviously, Shu Weng easily knew the exact level of Latias.

"Maru-la," Shu Weng said calmly: "Disappear."



Is there such a skill?

However, just when Ye Xuan was surprised, Maru-la really disappeared without a trace from the sight of Ye Xuan and Latias.

"It's cheating!"

There is a stealth skill, but it is a ghost skill. Maru-la is a dark elf. How could he learn this trick? !

"This is not stealth, Xuan."

"I know." Ye Xuan: "Then Latias, can you find it?"


Latias: "I can't feel where it has gone at all."

"Where's Xuan?"

"Let me try."

Ye Xuan concentrated his mind and energy, searching everywhere over and over again. This time, he even scouted the corners and cracks many times.

But this time, Ye Xuan simply couldn't find the trace of Ma Xila.

'Damn! '

Ye Xuan took a deep breath and tried to keep himself calm: 'Are you kidding me? This time, even the power of Changpan can't be found? '

Before, the champion-level Ma Xila used an unknown trick to hide his breath. Even Ye Xuan, who has superpowers and wave power, was fooled by it. If it weren't for the power of Changpan...

That's right, the power of Changpan!

The power of Changpan can not only give vitality, but also sense vitality.

Ma Xila is a living being, so even if the power of wave is disturbed by sound waves, the power of Changpan is still accurate and senses a hidden life fluctuation, and it is Ma Xila!

But this time, Ma Xila is real, and disappeared from Ye Xuan's eyes and perception...

"Hide and seek, young man," Shu Weng: "Guess what I am.

Where did Mara hide?"


Ye Xuan's three abilities were unable to find Mara's location. This was not to say that they were useless, but that Ye Xuan's development of abilities was still too weak in the face of a champion-level powerhouse.

Of course, there are not many powerful Pokémon of this level in the world.

It can be said that if it weren't for this fight with Shu Weng, Ye Xuan would not know where the limit of his ability was.


Ye Xuan ordered: "Since we can't find it, let's do our own thing first."

Our own thing?

"Latias, use Light Wall!"


The golden light curtain flickered on Latias.

Light Wall: The Pokémon protected by it receives less damage from special moves.

Unlike games and animations, in the real world, the damage that the Light Wall can reduce is related to the Pokémon's own strength and the opponent's strength.

"Half reflection!"

"Woo! ! "

A light green light flashed over Latias' body.

Half reflection: The physical damage received by the protected Pokémon is greatly reduced.

A skill of the same nature as the light wall, except that it targets physical attacks.

"Then Mystic Guardian!"

A light green light flashed.

Mystic Guardian: Your Pokémon will not fall into abnormal state, confusion state, or sleepy state.

This skill is also different from the same game. Take the sleeping state as an example. If the enemy is very strong, such as a super beast of the level of Mewtwo performing hypnosis, then Mystic Guardian will also be suppressed, and the Pokémon will be hypnotized.


Latias, as if ignoring the existence of Magna, desperately improved his special defense and physical defense, and at the same time used meditation to improve his special attack and special defense.

However, Shu and Magna seemed to have seen nothing, allowing Latias to improve his status at will.

"It's still early. "

Shu Weng looked at the setting sun in the sky: "You improve your status slowly, and when your status decreases, you can improve it again. I am not in a hurry."

Ye Xuan: "..."

What's going on?

Well, Ye Xuan has misunderstood the true meaning of this game.

This is not an infinite time game. Once the two girls wake up, Ye Xuan will lose!

In other words, it is not Mara-la who attacks Ye Xuan, but Ye Xuan's Latias who wants to defeat Mara-la!

But now, Mara-la does not collide with Ye Xuan's Latias at all, and has an attitude of delaying time, which makes Ye Xuan feel like hitting cotton, powerful but nowhere to display.

Latias is very strong. Not to mention that he is level 65, the combat power after mega is comparable to the quality of red myth.

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