The two of them were killed in a fight.

Because he was afraid that he might not be able to stop fighting and kill all of them, and it would be troublesome if he wanted to run away. Of course, the most important thing was to keep his identity secret and try not to implicate the Dragon Kingdom.

After planning everything, Ye Kai fell asleep.

The next morning, Ye Kai continued to wear a black robe and rode the invisible Latios. According to the navigation, he avoided the city and flew towards the S-level secret realm northeast of Jiuchong City. After approaching the S-level wormhole, Ye Kai found that many people were riding Pokémon and flying there, and there was even a helicopter. In order to avoid suspicion, Ye Kai asked Latios to fly higher.

Ye Kai stopped when he was five kilometers away from the wormhole. After all, this is near the S-level wormhole. He is worried that there will be garrisons guarding it like last time in China. And he suddenly thought of a problem, that is, how can he get in. After all, this is not Dragon Country, and the Pokémon trainer level certificate may not be useful. But according to the world's classification of Pokémon trainers, the levels are the same, then it may be useful, but it may need a stamp.

Back on the ground, Ye Kai, who couldn't think of a solution for a while, planned to ask General Chen directly. After all, this carelessness would be a trouble. Dial the phone, and the other end was quickly connected as before.

"Hello, Mr. Ye, what's the matter, haha."

"It's like this, I'm in Sakura Country now, I want to go to Sakura Country's S-level and SS-level wormholes to see, do you know how to get in?"

"Sakura Country? Mr. Ye, you really went abroad, so how did you get there?"

"I flew here directly on a Pokémon."

"Fly over directly! Then you are smuggling directly!"

"... Uh... I guess so." Ye Kai was speechless.

"Don't mind my wrong words just now, haha~" General Chen on the other end said awkwardly.

"Okay, just tell me if it's okay, if not, is there any other way?"

"There's really no way, because this needs to be officially stamped by Sakura Country, and you know, our two countries have always been at odds, and even Hua Wuao and his team made Sakura Country's participating team so miserable some time ago... This... Alas!"

Hearing this, Ye Kai was a little disappointed, but not much, after all, this was within his expectations.

Ye Kai hung up the phone. Since there was no way, he could only go to the scene to see what was going on, and then see if there was any chance.

Having made up his mind, Ye Kai rode Latios towards the S-level wormhole, but Ye Kai was flying in the woods. Soon, Ye Kai stopped about 500 meters away from the wormhole in front, because there were indeed many small Baga soldiers guarding in front, about 200 people, which was indeed heavily guarded.

Ye Kai slowly approached and stopped at 200 meters. At this time, a helicopter landed in the sky, which was the one he had just seen in the air.

After the helicopter stopped, a young woman in a black tights walked down from the plane. Although the woman was wearing sunglasses, it was not difficult to see that she was very beautiful, with a high nose bridge, transparent thin lips, and snow-white skin. As for whether it was delicate or not, it had to be verified by hand.

The sunglasses not only did not cover her beauty, but added a bit of heroism to it.

Two men in black suits, sunglasses, and strong bodies followed the woman. After coming down, they stood behind the woman, one on the left and one on the right. They seemed to be bodyguards.

The helicopter could stop directly at the entrance of the S-level wormhole, and no one stopped it. Ye Kai knew that the identity of this woman was definitely not simple.

Ye Kai quickly took out the Poké Ball and released Latias and Latios. Then he whispered: "Latios, fly to the vicinity of that woman in stealth mode and transmit all the images over there to Latias."

"By the way, be careful not to be discovered by them."

After saying that, Latios nodded and his body slowly disappeared.

Seeing this, Ye Kai also hurriedly said to Latias: "Latios, you also become invisible."


Through telepathy with Latias, a screen appeared in front of Ye Kai.

In the screen, a Sakura country colonel saw the person coming and immediately ran towards the young woman in two steps. Because of his fat body, the fat on his face flew straight when he ran, and the woman couldn't help but frowned slightly, obviously a little disgusted.

He stopped two steps in front of the woman, saluted seriously, and then

Bent over and said: "Miss Inugami Keisi, what are you doing here?"

The woman relaxed her brows and said coldly: "Enter the wormhole and catch a Pokémon."

"Oh, that's how it is. Please follow me."

The woman nodded in agreement and followed.

After reaching the entrance of the wormhole, the colonel turned around, made a gesture of invitation, and said to Inugami Keisi: "Miss Inugami, please, hehe."

"Well, then thank you, Mr. Wangba."

"You're welcome, you're welcome, hehe!"

When the woman walked past Wangba Sunzi and walked towards the entrance of the wormhole, Wangba Sunzi, who was standing next to her, took a deep breath of the fragrance carefully when the other party passed in front of him, and his face instantly showed an intoxicated pig brother. Then he stared at Inugami Keisi's walking posture with his eyes, which made his nose bleed on the spot, but he didn't react and was still fascinated.

Although some other soldiers noticed this, they did not show any disgust, but envy.

Birds of a feather.

It was not until Inugami Keisi and two bodyguards walked into the wormhole that the colonel felt something strange and wiped it with his sleeves. It seems that he often sees beautiful women bleeding from their noses, otherwise he would not wipe it without checking what it is. And there are still many black blood marks on his sleeves, which should be left by wiping blood in the past.

Seeing this, Ye Kai immediately had an idea and said, "Okay, Latias, let Latios come back."

Ye Kai's plan is to wait for the woman to come out, find an opportunity to hijack her, and then rely on her identity to let her take him in. Although it took some time and the time was a little uncertain, it was worth it to think about it because it would be much more convenient to enter the wormhole later. Catching the other party is like having a high-level pass, and the other party even knows more other useful information for him. This is simply killing two birds with one stone.

In this way, Ye Kai began to wait for a long time. Of course, he couldn't watch it by himself, so he released Greninja and whispered, "Greninja, keep an eye on that exit. Once someone comes out, remind me. Please."

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