After he finished speaking, Mu Lao took out a Poké Ball from the bag on his waist.

A blue light flashed, and a dragon appeared on the beach.

Mu Lao stood up and let the dragon take him to swim towards Groudon and Kyogre.

Seeing this, the others also took out their Poké Balls and released Pokémon.

Blastoise, Charizard, Dragonite, Bulbasaur, Claws, Gengar...

Some of them swam over on water Pokémon, and some flew over on flying Pokémon.

At this time, Kyogre and Groudon, one using Water Wave and the other using Sun Blaze, were fighting each other.

As the powerful energy exploded between the two, the aftermath spread to the surroundings, and the waves were raised one after another.

Before they got close, everyone was hit by this energy, and even their Pokémon couldn't help but retreat a little.

Everyone looked surprised and solemn.

One of the two-star lieutenant generals shouted: "Not good, these two Pokémon are not only level 85, I'm afraid they are about to reach level 90!"

Except for Mu Lao, the other one-star major generals were shocked again.

In the army, if you want to get the rank of major general, you must be a king-level trainer. If you have three Pokémon that have reached level 70 or above, you can be awarded the rank of lieutenant general. If you become a champion-level trainer, you can be awarded the rank of general and guard the country.

Mu Lao is between the champion-level trainer and the master-level trainer. He already has three Pokémon that have reached level 80 or above, but the highest is only level 83, and this dragon has only recently been upgraded to level 80, which can be said to be his third combat power.

Although he had no effect on the energy aftermath of Groudon and Kyogre's moves, he clearly felt some of the information that Dragonite conveyed to him - these two Pokémon in front of him were very strong!

Mu Lao shouted to the back: "General Gu is right, everyone should stop hiding and release their strongest fighting power!"

In fact, he wanted to say that these two Pokémon might have reached level 90, but he couldn't say it. If he did, it would greatly undermine their confidence and momentum in fighting.

After hearing Mu Lao's order, except for those Pokémon that could neither fight in the water nor in the sky, all the others were released at once.

Since this group of people were stationed at the seaside, their water-type and flying-type Pokémon still accounted for the majority.

In addition to Dragonite, Mu Lao only had one Dragonite that could fight, but fortunately Dragonite was his second fighting power, with a level of 81.

But he released two elves, one was Dragonite and the other was a level 77 Venusaur.

He let Dragonite carry Bulbasaur to fight in the air, while he rode Dragonite to command on the sea.

With a strong destructive death ray from Dragonite, Kyogre and Groudon's fight was interrupted, and a fierce battle began.

"Geng Gui, use the evil wave on the red Pokémon, and then use Shadow Ball!"

A level 64 Gengar stood on the back of a Charizard and began to charge up. The dark evil energy around him continued to gather towards him. As Charizard gradually approached Groudon, it finally reached Gengar's attack range.

Gengar successfully charged up and fired the evil wave at Groudon's head.

As the strange dark purple energy beam hit Groudon, Groudon just raised his huge arm to block the attack.

Seeing that there was no effect, Gengar quickly gathered energy and quickly fired a Shadow Ball.

But this still had no effect on Groudon, but he was irritated. Groudon slapped Charizard with his backhand. Fortunately, Charizard was fast and dodged it.

Then he quickly retreated.

Mu Lao ordered Dragonite to carry Bulbasaur to attack Kyogre.

"Dragonite is carrying Bulbasaur and constantly approaching the blue Pokémon!"

"Bulbasaur, use Leaf Blade on the blue Pokémon."

Mu Lao wanted to use the grass type to restrain the water type to increase the attack effect. This is indeed true, but the huge level gap between Pokémon is different from the innate talents between Pokémon.

And... this is the sea!

This also means that the effect will not be better than he imagined.

As Dragonite quickly approached, Bulbasaur also charged

Success, countless blades made of grass-type energy were sent towards Kyogre.

As countless blade-like leaves shot towards the opponent, the opponent also reacted, and with a slap of his hands, those leaf knives were annihilated in the sea water by a huge wave.

"Dragonite, use Dragon's Fury quickly!"

Hearing Mu Lao's order, Dragonite immediately began to charge up. When the wave fell, he also successfully completed the charge and fired straight at Kyogre. This time Kyogre did not dodge and was hit hard, and it was near the eye.

You should know that Dragonite is very good among dragon-type Pokémon. It has a high innate advantage, and the damage of dragon-type skills is generally high, not to mention that this Dragonite is also at a very high level.

As expected, Kyogre let out a painful scream.

Seeing the effect, Mu Lao and everyone were also happy.

Kyogre quickly sank into the sea.

This made Mu Lao feel something was wrong, and he immediately shouted to Dragonite in the air: "Dragonite, come back!"

Dragonite received the order and just wanted to fly back, but was hit by a huge water ball that suddenly shot towards them from the sea surface and fell into the sea.

Seeing this scene, everyone was stunned, only Mu Lao quickly reacted and told Longlong to swim towards where Dragonite fell.

Seeing Mu Lao approaching Dragonite, General Gu shouted anxiously: "Mu Lao, come back! Danger!"

You know, Mu Lao is the head of Dragon Country. If he gets into trouble, then...

But this doesn't work at all. These Pokémon are his companions and even relatives who have been with him since childhood. How could he abandon them?

Seeing that it didn't work, General Gu shouted to everyone: "Everyone, attack the two Pokémon at the same time to attract their attention. Pay attention, attract them away from Mu Lao."




But they were still too weak. Those attacks hit them like tickling, and did not cause any substantial damage to them.

But fortunately, the two Pokémon were entangled by them, just like one person against multiple mosquitoes and flies. They couldn't hit them but they still bothered you. This made Kyogre and Groudon uncomfortable for a while and became more irritable.

Suddenly, Groudon and Kyogre seemed to have a tacit understanding, and they used Sun Flame and Water Wave at the same time to sweep towards their Pokémon.

Most Pokémon were hit because they couldn't dodge in time and fell from the air.

Then Kyogre launched another tsunami, which directly hit them and almost wiped them out.

The range of the tsunami directly affected Mu Lao, and a huge wave seemed to be about to cover him.

At the critical moment, Dragonite rushed out of the sea with Bulbasaur on its back. Bulbasaur used a whip to tie up Mu Lao and flew into the sky with Dragonite, escaping the disaster. As for Dragonite, it is a water-attributed Pokémon, so it is naturally not afraid of such waves.

Seeing that all these "flies" were cleared, Kyogre and Groudon came to the waters nearby and fought again.

At this time, the generals also looked for their own Pokémon like Mu Lao at the beginning.

At this time, General Chen finally rushed to the east coast with a large number of non-military uniforms.

When General Chen saw the scenes in front of him, he was shocked. It was only a short time, and almost the whole army was wiped out!

The supporters from the alliance, major families, and famous schools behind him were all dazed, especially when they saw the two huge Pokémon fighting not far away, they looked even more solemn, and some even had the intention to retreat.

The most powerful ones here are two champion-level trainers.

At this time, Mu Lao brought those generals who were in a state of embarrassment at the moment to General Chen.

Seeing this, General Chen and everyone immediately stepped forward and asked with concern: "Mu Lao, are you okay?"

Mu Lao shook his head to indicate that he was fine, and then cast his eyes on the people who came to support.

First he glanced at them, then took a deep breath and said: "I am here to thank everyone for helping at this moment. This kindness will never be forgotten by Longguo and its people!"

Someone in the crowd immediately said: "Hey, Mu Lao, we are all Longguo people. When our motherland is in danger, we should contribute our own strength."

"Yes! Yes!"

"That's too polite!"


Many people agreed.

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