The weather was very bad, but the weather was very bad.

Ye Kai released Latios again, sat on Latios and came to the car window and shouted to the car: "Xiaoxue, there is a situation in Jinghai City. I will go to see it. You stay in the car and wait for me to come back. This is Snorlax's Poké Ball. Let him protect you." Then he threw a Poké Ball on the back seat and flew towards Jinghai.

"Okay, then you must pay attention to safety!" Xia Qingxue stretched her head out of the window and shouted at Ye Kai who was going away.



Now the entire Jinghai is almost completely covered by seawater, and many systems have been paralyzed, including the most important power system.

Gradually, the amplitude of the ground vibration decreased.

Whale Sea Pokémon Alliance.

In the command room.

Chu Zhongtian frowned and asked, "Have you found the source of the earthquake?"

The lieutenant general behind him said, "Found it, it's still in the same place as last time, 20 miles away from us."

Chu Zhongtian frowned even more after hearing this.

Suddenly, the command room went dark.

The lieutenant general said, "Huh? What's going on?"

The operator said, "Well, it seems that the power system is paralyzed."

"What, start the alliance backup power system immediately!"


In just two minutes, the command room gradually lit up.

The lieutenant general couldn't help wondering, "Why is the screen still black?"

The operator quickly explained, "It's okay, the command room system needs to be restarted, so it will take some time."

Hearing this, the lieutenant general stopped talking.

After a while, the big screen lit up again.

But the picture on the big screen stunned everyone present.

On the coast, amidst the turbulent waves, a huge blue-black object slowly emerged on the sea.

Everyone in the command room stared at the screen with their eyes wide open. They dared not breathe and just stared at the screen.

As the huge object continued to emerge, the solemnity on everyone's faces gradually turned into fear.

When it completely emerged from the sea, the surprise and fear on the faces of everyone in the command room reached its peak.

Chu Zhongtian squinted his eyes, took a step forward, and said in disbelief: "This, is this Kyogre?"

"Quick, zoom in, zoom in on this Pokémon for me!"

The operator quickly reacted, "Yes~Yes!" and then hurriedly operated.

As the picture continued to zoom in, Chu Zhongtian and the lieutenant general couldn't help but think of the scene of the battle five years ago.

The lieutenant general's face was instantly occupied by an expression of surprise and fear. His eyes were wide open, and his pupils were dilated rapidly due to shock. He swallowed his saliva and said, "Really, it's really Kyogre."

The same thing happened to Chu Zhongtian in front of him. After all, they were all people who had personally experienced the war that year.

Suddenly, Chu Zhongtian reacted and said hurriedly, "Quick, quick, contact the Jing Pokémon League!"

"Oh, okay, okay!"

As he said that, another operator hurriedly operated.

Chu Zhongtian turned around and said to the lieutenant general behind him: "You should quickly understand the current situation of the citizens of Jinghai City and organize them to evacuate inland as soon as possible..."

Speaking of this, Chu Zhongtian took a deep breath, put his hands on the other's shoulders, and his tone became extremely serious. He continued: "Remember, we must do our utmost to rescue every citizen in distress, and tell the soldiers and comrades that it is time to truly dedicate ourselves to the people and the country. Remember, always put the safety of citizens' lives first."

The lieutenant general's face also showed unprecedented seriousness and solemnity. He did not speak, but saluted Chu Zhongtian solemnly and left the command room quickly.

"Chief, connected!"

Hearing this, Chu Zhongtian immediately came to the screen beside him, looked at the operator on the screen and said: "Hello, I am Chu Zhongtian, the leader of the Pokémon Alliance in Jinghai City. Please tell Leader Long immediately that Kyogre appeared in Jinghai. I want to talk to him face to face. Please hurry up."

The operator on the other side saw Chu Zhongtian's serious and anxious face, and quickly responded: "Okay, I'll contact him right away."


Kyoto, Pokémon Alliance headquarters.

Suddenly, there was a rapid knock on the door of the leader's office.

"Come in."

A middle-aged man in a business suit quickly opened the door and walked in without even closing the door, and then said directly to the old man on the chair: "Leader, Chu Zhongtian, the leader of Jinghai City, said that Kyogre appeared in Jinghai!"

This middle-aged man is the secretary of Leader Long.

Although he knew some details about Kyogre and the incident, when the command room contacted him, he rushed here to report without paying much attention to the rules.

Alliance Leader Long was originally dissatisfied with the secretary's behavior, but when he heard the three words "Kyogre", he immediately stood up from his seat, his face instantly filled with surprise and solemnity, and that dissatisfaction had long been thrown behind his mind.

The next second, before the secretary could react, Alliance Leader Long hurriedly ran towards the command room.

Seeing this, the secretary also reacted quickly and chased after him.

Jinghai City.

In the command room.

At this time, Chu Zhongtian clenched his hands into fists, and his knuckles turned slightly white due to the force. He rubbed them from time to time, and his steps began to become hurried and messy. He paced back and forth from time to time, and wiped the sweat from his head from time to time.

The operators were all amazed at this scene. Was this still the calm leader who was always calm?

But at the same time, they also knew that this matter was not simple.

"Chu Zhongtian! Where is he?"

Upon hearing this, Chu Zhongtian immediately came to the screen. When he saw the appearance of Alliance Leader Long, he felt a little relieved.

He immediately replied: "I'm here."

"Share the picture with me quickly."


Chu Zhongtian hurriedly said to the operator beside him: "Share the picture quickly."


After a while, the picture of the surface of the Whale Sea appeared on another screen in the Kyoto operation room.

Alliance Leader Long hurriedly said: "Switch the screen to the largest screen."


Alliance Leader Long looked at the picture on the screen with his eyes slightly narrowed. When he saw the very familiar figure in the heavy waves, his eyes widened instantly.

But he instantly felt something was wrong. Why did the color of Kyogre become much darker? But he didn't look at it for long, thinking that it was because it was too dark.

"Chu Zhongtian, you organize the fighting force first and keep a close eye on it. I will contact Mu Lao, Hua Mengzhu and Huang Mengzhu to start the discussion. That's it. I'll hang up first."


Chu Zhongtian replied and immediately dialed the landline on the table in the command room.

"Hello, this is Chu Zhongtian, quickly organize..."


On the other side, Ye Kai was flying over Jinghai City on Latios.

Looking at the urban area that had been flooded by the dark sea water, the entire city was obviously paralyzed.

There were many Pokémon in the low altitude and on the water, but none of them carried people.

He asked Latios to slow down.

Observing various places in the city, but basically just a glance.

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