The more the enemy attacked, the more they were defeated.

Just as Ye Kai was analyzing, a loud noise suddenly interrupted him.

Then he saw the scene where the first bird was about to be hit, so he helped.

Suddenly, a shout came from below: "Little friend, thank you for just now."

Although Ye Kai heard it, he did not speak, but released Latias.

"Latios, Latias, use 100,000 volts on this monster together!"

After receiving the order, the brother and sister looked at each other and accumulated strength at the same time.

Then, the two of them hit the sea monster almost at the same time, and the two strong currents intertwined and became a stronger current.

The other party sensed the attack, and immediately lifted its tail up, and then slapped it, and a huge wave rose up, covering itself like a defensive screen.

But it was directly penetrated by the thick electric current and hit the sea monster, which made it tremble, let out a creepy roar, and then slowly sank into the sea.

The people below cheered when they saw this scene, only Chu Zhongtian was still staring at the place where the sea monster sank. He always felt that even if the previous attack was strong, it would not be enough to defeat the other party directly.

Ye Kai naturally knew this, and the sea monster was not that simple, but the tacit cooperation of Latios and Latias just now really amazed Ye Kai.

Sure enough, the next second, two whirlpools suddenly appeared on the sea surface, and then two thick water columns rushed into the sky and shot towards Latios and Latias.

But the two beasts seemed to have known it long ago, and dodged it with a lightning speed.

Seeing that it had missed, the sea monster did not hide and rushed out of the sea.

Then the evil energy in its body began to surge violently, and a deep purple light gradually emerged around its body, which contained endless malice and destructive power. Then, it opened its mouth, and a twisted dark purple wave gushed out of its mouth. It was the evil wave!

Ye Kai clearly felt that this evil wave was much stronger than the one emitted by the Bangira, the leader of the Tianji Organization.

Since this attack had absolute restraint on Latios and Latias, Ye Kai had to let the two dodge.

At the moment when the evil wave came, Ye Kai only felt that his right leg was only a few centimeters away from the wave. If Latios' reaction or speed was a little slower, his right leg would probably be directly annihilated by this terrifying dark purple energy.

Even though he was now in the rain and his whole body was cold and wet, he still felt a cold sweat on his back.

Just when Ye Kai was about to fight back again.

Before the sea monster returned to the sea, a more domineering blue energy beam hit the sea monster directly, and this hit the sea monster and rushed towards the distant sky along the direction of the beam.

You should know that the weight of the sea monster is heavier than Kyogre, and under this oblique shot, this behemoth can be pushed into the sky, which shows how fierce this energy is.

Everyone was attracted by the source of this energy, and saw four blue vortices around Kyogre, who was glowing with blue light and several stripes of dazzling red light, and then the four rays of light converged into a ray of light and continued to shoot towards the distance.

Ye Kai said with a smile: "It's the real one!"

But this made Chu Zhongtian and others dumbfounded. How could there be another Kyogre here, and that one looked more like the one five years ago. What on earth was the one that was hit and flew away?

Huge confusion invaded everyone's brains, making everyone stunned.

As the whirlpools around Kyogre slowly dissipated, the sea monster also smashed directly from the air to the sea surface, raising layers of huge waves.

Then there was no movement at all.

Then, Kyogre roared, and a dazzling blue light emanated from his body. The black sea water that had just been spreading stopped instantly, and the surface of the black sea water emitted a light blue light, and the sea water gradually returned to its original blue.

After doing all this, Kyogre slowly sank into the depths of the sea.

Then the rain stopped, and the dark clouds in the sky also dissipated, followed by an extremely dazzling sunny day.

At first, everyone felt normal, but soon they felt that the temperature of the scorching sun was unusual.

Just when everyone was confused, a head wrapped in red armor with two spikes on both sides suddenly rose from the sea.

It was Groudon!

Seeing this, Ye Kai showed an expression of "I see". It was probably because Groudon sensed Kyogre's aura and came to fight.

Groudon stretched out his head, turned left and right, and looked around with a pair of wise eyes. Perhaps he didn't see Kyogre, so he slowly retracted his head into the sea.

Seeing this, Ye Kai wanted to subdue this Groudon for a moment, but unfortunately he didn't have a big...

No, that's not right.

"Tongzi, where is my last mission reward? Where is my Master Ball?"

"Ding, host, since you are busy with your business, I didn't bother you and put your reward directly into the system space."

In fact, the system was very nervous at the moment. It remembered to give out rewards last time, but forgot.

But before it opened its mouth, it had secretly put the Master Ball into the system space.

Sure enough, when Ye Kai opened the system space and saw the Master Ball inside, he was relieved and said, "Not bad, but you should remind me next time."

"Okay, host, I will definitely remind you next time."

"Alas, it's a pity for Groudon this time~"

Looking at the ocean that had returned to calm, Ye Kai planned to go back to find Xia Qingxue.

Kyoto Command Room.

Mu Lao was stunned in front of the screen, recalling the battle scene in the Whale Sea just now.

Mu Lao frowned and murmured solemnly: "Two Kyogre?"

Looking at the calm screen again, he said to the operator: "Contact Lao Long and tell him that the matter has been resolved. Whale Sea is fine now."



Chu Zhongtian and others looked at the calm sea and breathed a sigh of relief.

"Let's go back, no, let's go to General Jie and join the rescue operation."




Ye Kai rode Latios over the Whale Sea, looking at the city that had just been baptized by the disaster. He didn't know how many people died and how many people would be destroyed.

But when he saw that group of people in military uniforms and alliances were still rescuing people who were still in distress.

He thought that there might be many people who were destroyed this time, but as long as there were such a group of lovely people, there would definitely not be many.

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