As expected, the surroundings were silent, but a few people intentionally or unintentionally cast their eyes on Hua Wuao. Hua Wuao just shook his head helplessly and said, "Don't look at me, I am definitely not the opponent of Instructor Ye. My level 50 Pokémon is a fire-type. Logically, Gu Xi is more likely to defeat Instructor Ye than me, but... Alas!" When those few heard Hua Wuao say this, they all lowered their heads and gave up the idea. After a long time, no one stood up and no one spoke. Ye Kai said, "No one?" "Then why don't you gather and stand up quickly!!" When everyone heard this serious voice, they immediately took action. After a while, the team was lined up, still in two rows, just like at the beginning.

"Not bad, the movements are not slow, all right, report the number first."







Until the last person reported, thirty people, not bad, the number matched what General Chen said.

"Okay, now that everyone is here, then I will tell you my rules next."

"First of all, I am a very free and casual person, but since I have become your instructor, I will naturally train you well. I will be more restrained, but my style will not change."

"Starting from tomorrow, every morning at 7 o'clock, start five kilometers on time, just run around this playground, don't be lazy, I will let Koga Greninja watch you, if I find any of you dare to be lazy, you will not be allowed to eat for a day!"

"Of course, if you are sick, I will let Happin cure the disease and then continue to run, so don't make excuses for me."

"Don't ask why you are running, you have to Ask is the strong body quality. Therefore, if you can, you can also let your Pokémon run with you, make progress together, and strengthen the tacit understanding. "Ye Kai looked at the time on the mobile phone and raised his head:" Okay, it's almost ten o'clock now, what else is there, let's do it by himself! " The Pokémon run together. "" Ah? "Ye Kai looked at the weird eyes of everyone:" Why, are you not enough, not enough, I will add five kilometers. " "Ah!~~"

"Ah!~~, Instructor Ye, why don't you stop running? We only need to run 5,000 meters, hehe!"

"Yes, 5,000 meters is enough for us, Instructor Ye~~"

"Yes, yes~~"

"Just now, I saw your expressions and the tone of Gu Xi. I feel that you are too idle. It is rare to meet such diligent students like you. I am very pleased as an instructor."


"Ah!~ Instructor Ye, this..."

"Okay, don't let me run more, otherwise I can only let you run 15 kilometers reluctantly."

After the words fell, the noise disappeared. Seeing this, Ye Kai smiled and turned away.

When everyone saw Ye Kai leave, they started to discuss again, but they were basically complaining. After all, they came here to receive training to participate in the World Trainer Competition and win glory for the country. But Ye Kai didn't train but only ran, which they thought was inaction.

Someone inside said, "Brother Wu'ao, Sister Gu Xi, what does Instructor Ye mean by this? If we only run, maybe by the time we participate in the competition, we may even become unfamiliar with our own Pokémon's moves."

"Who said it wasn't? Our principal was counting on me to bring honor to the school, and now... oh!"


Listening to the complaints of the crowd, Hua Wu'ao and Gu Xi looked at each other and nodded.

"Okay, in that case, let's go find General Chen together, and then we will share the responsibility, how about it?"

Gu Xi was the first to say, "I agree!"

With Gu Xi taking the lead, one "agree" after another came out.


Everyone reached a consensus.

So they released their flying Pokémon and flew towards the base where General Chen was.

At this time, Ye Kai finally found his own exclusive tent in the tent area.

Suddenly, Ye Kai heard a series of shouts and continuous air-breaking sounds coming from the square. He turned his head and looked up at the sky. He saw everyone riding flying Pokémon and flying out of the base. Although Ye Kai was very confused, he didn't intend to intervene.


Wormhole base.

General Chen frowned at the people in front of him and said with a gloomy face: "What's the matter? What are you going to do? Did you get Instructor Ye's permission to come?"

When everyone saw General Chen's expression, they were indignant at first, but they lost their temper in an instant, and they were scared and dared not speak.

Even Hua Wuao and Gu Xi were the same. They didn't know why they flew to find each other and why the other party was so angry.

"What's wrong? Are you mute? Why don't you talk?" You know, he personally sent Ye Kai over this morning, and told them to listen to Ye Kai, but all these people came over. Isn't this a slap in his face? How can he explain to Mu Lao and Ye Kai?

Although he was angry when he thought of this, considering that these people were about to fight for the country, he immediately breathed a sigh of relief, suppressed his anger and said, "What's going on?"

When everyone saw that General Chen's tone and expression had eased a little, they collectively cast their eyes on Hua Wuao.

Seeing this, Hua Wuao could only bite the bullet and say: "General Chen, it's not right for us to come here together, but this is what Instructor Ye agreed to."

This obviously made General Chen a little confused, but his face looked much better: "Agree?"

At this time, Gu Xi on the side also said: "Yes, Instructor Ye asked us to move freely and arrange our time freely, and when we left, Instructor Ye did not stop us. Isn't this consent or acquiescence?"

Hearing this, although General Chen was still a little confused, he believed that the other party would not dare to lie to him, so his face was no longer gloomy, and even his anger was almost gone.

"Okay, even if Instructor Ye acquiesced, do you think it's right for a large group of you to come directly to my military base to find me?"

Hearing this, everyone hurriedly bowed collectively and said: "Sorry, General Chen, we were wrong!"

This was the countermeasure they had thought of before they came, that is, if they made the other party angry, they would collectively admit their mistakes.

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