The dead body was broken, and the dead body was broken.

Everyone looked at Chen Rui and the motionless Blastoise.

"Wuwuwu, Blastoise, don't die, what will I do if you die, wuwuwu~~~~"

"Blostoise, you are so stupid, why did you save me, wuwuwu, don't worry, I will avenge you, wuwuwu~~~~"

Everyone felt a little sad when they saw this, and they could not help but slowly lowered their heads.

At this moment, Hua Wuao stepped forward and placed his hand directly on the nose of the Blastoise. Then he breathed a sigh of relief and said, "Okay, Blastoise has just lost its ability to fight, but it is not dead. Let's disperse quickly to prevent the people from the Blood Sky Sect from concentratedly attacking."

When Chen Rui heard this, she immediately stopped crying and looked surprised, but half doubted. She looked at him with tears on her face and said, "Really, really?"

Everyone was also a little skeptical.

Seeing this, Hua Wuao said helplessly, "Why don't you use the detector to measure it? If it's not, then you can't measure the level. And have any of you seen a Pokémon die? I saw it with my own eyes."

When Chen Rui heard this, her eyes lit up, "Yes, yes, there is a detector." As she said that, she quickly took out the detector from her bag and scanned it at Blastoise.

Then she looked at the display nervously.


"Really, there is really a value. Blastoise is really not dead. That's great!" Chen Rui was surprised.

Seeing this, everyone breathed a sigh of relief for the Blastoise.

Pu Chuan adjusted his glasses and sighed, "Ah, as expected, this is the rendering power and influence of the environment and atmosphere. It is obviously a very ordinary thing, but it will be extreme under such extreme circumstances."

"Sonic Dragon, use Dragon Wave to shoot directly at the group of people!"

Hua Wuao was the first to react: "Not good, everyone quickly disperse, Chen Rui, quickly put the Blastoise away!"

As soon as the words fell, everyone scattered around.

"Griffin uses Dragon Wave to interrupt that attack!"

Griffin quickly gathered energy in his mouth, and with a "Fierce Bite!", he quickly fired a Dragon Wave, hitting the Dragon Wave that was shooting at them from the side.

The energy of the Dragon Wave exploded in the air.

Suddenly, two Dragon Furies came out from nowhere and attacked the Griffin from the side. At this time, the Griffin's physical strength was obviously greatly consumed, and he kept panting and couldn't dodge.

Two Dragon Furies successfully hit Garchomp, who let out a scream. Hua Wuao looked at Garchomp, who was lying on the ground and had lost his ability to fight, and silently said, "Thank you for your hard work, Garchomp," and then took it back.

Then Wu Yonggong rode on the Tyranitar to the sky above Hua Wuao and others, overlooking the bottom.

"Hmph! I want to see how you can dodge this time, Sonic Dragon, Double Axe War Dragon, Tyranitar's three Dragon Waves!"

The three Pokémon began to charge up after hearing this.

Most people had lost the desire to fight at this time. Many of their Pokémon had lost their ability to fight in the battle. The Dragon Star Group just now also seriously injured many of their Pokémon. Now even the strongest Garchomp fell down.

Seeing the three Pokémon constantly gathering energy from different directions, everyone was ready to die.

Hua Wuao and Pu Chuan also looked unhappy when they saw this scene. Now they were powerless to resist, but they were still unwilling to give up. They looked at Elder Wu standing on the back of the Tyranitar, looked at each other tacitly, and then nodded heavily and said "hmm".


"Maximum power mental interference!"

"Blazing Chicken!"

"Charge a jet of flame at the fastest speed!" Hua Wuao pointed his finger at Tyranitar and gave Blaziken a look.

Then, Garnado's eyes emitted a fierce pink light, and an extremely powerful mental interference was used. The interference wave spread rapidly around, blocking the charging of Tyranitar, Sonic Dragon, and Double Axe War Dragon.

Elder Wu laughed and said, "Hahaha, you are just struggling to survive. Gardevoir can't interfere with the charging time of my three Pokémon."

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Flammel's head suddenly burst into flames, and then the flame energy in its mouth quickly gathered and sprayed towards Elder Wu on the back of Dragonite. Elder Wu finally realized the other party's intention. Yes, the other party's target of attack this time was him.

Looking at the flames rushing towards him like a fire dragon, he immediately shouted loudly, "Quick, quick, quick, protect me, they

Attack me!"

This attracted the attention of the three Pokémon that had just recovered from the interference and were about to launch the Dragon Wave, and forced them to stop the attack.

While the Tyrannosaurus quickly dodged to the side, it was still a step slower. The Tyrannosaurus was hit, but the injury was not serious, because the jet of flame did not charge for a long time.

Elder Wu, who escaped the disaster, felt like he had survived a disaster.

In an instant, his chest was filled with anger, and his eyes were wide open as he looked at the two people and the Pokémon on the ground.

He panted and said to the members of the Blood Sky Gate who had surrounded him below: "Quick! All of you come to me!"

"Sonic Dragon, use Air Slash on that little ghost, I want to cut it into pieces!"

"Double Axe War Dragon use Dragon Claw, I want to tear those two Pokémon into pieces! "

This time he did not let Dragonite attack again to prevent the opponent from stealing their base again.

The two looked at the already panting Flame Chicken and Gardevoir, and then looked at the several air slashes that attacked them and the double-axe dragon that gradually emitted dazzling light claws towards Flame Chicken and Gardevoir, with a look of despair on their faces.

As for the others, they were fighting with the members of the Blood Sky Gate who were surrounded and attacked from all sides, and they were always in a weak position and had no intention of taking care of this side. Many people saw the battle situation here and couldn't help showing ugly and worried expressions. They wanted to support and rescue, but they were powerless.

As the several air slashes and double-axe dragons continued to approach, the two looked at each other and Laughing, it seems that they are happy for the tacit cooperation and fighting side by side just now, but there is a trace of sadness and regret in the eyes of both sides. It may be that they have to leave their families and friends, or they cannot fight for the country and the dispersion of Long Guoxin.

Wu Yonggong, who is standing on the back of the violent flying dragon, laughed wildly with a ferocious face.


"This is against me..."

Before he finished speaking, two thick rays like crazy dragons suddenly burst out from the sky in the distance, accompanied by fierce breaking sounds, pointing directly at the double-axe war dragon on the ground less than half a meter away from the flame chicken, and the air blade less than three feet away from Hua Wuao and the others.

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