The two of them were very happy.

At this moment, Mei Chuan Nei Ku, who occasionally glanced at Ye Kai and the others, noticed this and said again: "Hey, General Chen, your Longguo will not fall out of the top 20 this time, hahaha~"

At this time, General Chen's face was completely black, but suddenly his face changed again, his face kept relaxing, his eyebrows slowly loosened, and there was a faint smile on his face. This made Mei Chuan Nei Ku, who was still laughing, freeze his face instantly. What was the other party laughing at? Soon he noticed the other party's sight, as well as the excitement and excitement in his eyes.

He also hurriedly followed the other party's line of sight and saw that on the big screen, he looked for a long time, but he didn't see the faces of the other Longguo people. It might be because there were too many people, but he frowned quickly. No, I didn't look carefully just now. Why is this Inu Jiatian wearing... wearing... what is green? He remembered that this guy was not wearing green clothes at the beginning. No, he squinted his eyes carefully and looked at the others. Why are Yamamoto Kojiro and You Kawauchi Ku all wearing green pants... No... Why do they look so much like skirts?

The main reason why Mei Kawauchi Ku made a mistake was that the camera's angle of view was too far just now, and it was shot from top to bottom. As long as the top is normal and the bottom is the same color as the grass, it really makes sense that he didn't see it at once.

General Chen also noticed the appearance of Inu Jiatian on the side, and couldn't help but raise the corners of his mouth higher. That's right, the reason why he had that expression just now was because he saw the situation of the other contestants, and this also indirectly proved that their Sakura Country should not let Hua Wuao and others do anything, but was instead made miserable by Hua Wuao and others.

Although this was probably the case, he still felt nervous because he hadn't seen Hua Wu'ao and others yet.

But soon Hua Wu'ao, Gu Xi and others appeared one by one in the edge area of ​​the surveillance camera. With the appearance of familiar faces and clothes one after another, General Chen's heart was completely relieved.

Looking at Meichuan Neiku and Meichuan Neiyi on the side, they were dumbfounded at this time. How come so many people from Dragon Country appeared at once? The key is that only five people from their Great Sakura Empire have returned so far, and they are five shameless ones. They are so angry that they are about to have a heart attack.

General Chen and Ye Kai smiled at each other knowingly. This slap in the face comes quickly! I want to see what the reaction of these sons of bitches will be when they come out later. After all, there are still 25 contestants from Sakura Country who haven't come back. If that group of people also wear grass skirts at that time, the scene will be exciting to think about!

Wormhole safe zone, Inu Kaeda was already anxious at this time. After all, they only had nine nameplates in their hands, and that was one that Yamamoto Kojiro and his duo picked up at the risk of being stung by a giant bee. Ten nameplates were needed to ensure that they could enter the next round. Even if these nine nameplates were possible, it would depend on luck.

He and the other four were looking for other contestants from Sakura Country in the crowd, but they had been looking for more than ten minutes and had not seen the figures of those guys. Now Inu Kaeda was cursing those people as good-for-nothings and wastes in his heart, and was still struggling, struggling whether to go to the king-level strongman at the exit to count them.

Mainly because of the rules of the competition.

Although the ranking in this competition was based on the number of nameplates submitted by each person, the first 256 people could enter the next round, but when they were ranked later, there would be many people with the same number of nameplates. For example, the 255th, 256th and 257th place must be chosen from three people who all have nine nameplates. So who will be eliminated at this time, the 255th or 256th place?

At this time, the competition will adopt the principle of priority, that is, ranking according to two criteria.

Take the 255th, 256th and 257th place as an example. At this time, the 254th place has ten nameplates. Zhang San, Li Si and Wang Wu all have nine nameplates. Then several people compete for this ranking, and someone will definitely be eliminated. At this time, look at two points: who returns to the safe area captured by the surveillance camera first, and who queues up to register the results first.

Situation 1: If Zhang San is ahead of the other two in these two aspects, then there is no doubt that the 255th place belongs to Zhang San. If Li Si's two items are also faster than Wang Wu at this time, then

Naturally, Li Si advances and Wang Wu is eliminated. But if the two of them each take the first place, then the time difference between the two data will be used for calculation. That is to say, if Li Si enters the safety zone 20 minutes earlier than Wang Wu, but Wang Wu registers his score 10 minutes earlier than Li Si, then Li Si is considered the winner.

Situation 2: If Zhang San enters the safety zone first and Li Si reports the first score, then these two advance and Wang Wu is directly eliminated. As for who is in the front between Zhang San and Li Si, then the time difference in situation 1 will be used for comparison. Whoever has a larger time difference than the other will be in the front.

Situation 3: This is also the simplest, that is, Zhang San, Li Si and Wang Wu, Zhang San's two items are all first, and Li Si's two items are all second, then Wang Wu can be eliminated directly.

(Of course, the author does not mean to suppress Wang Wu here, it is purely for convenience)

So at this time, Meichuan Neiku was very entangled, but when he thought that there were still fifteen minutes to go, and that group of guys were probably as embarrassed as him, he hardened his heart and planned to queue up to register the results first. That group of people could no longer be counted on. It must be said that this time, Inu Kaeda finally made the right decision, but he also lost the opportunity to become one of the top sixteen.

Of course, he naturally attracted a lot of ridicule when he went to queue up, even the person who registered the results was the same, which caused Inu Kaeda to keep his head down and not speak unless the staff asked him.

At this time, Hua Wuao and others were distributing nameplates. Now they have a total of 288 nameplates in their hands. If it is reasonable, they can guarantee that 28 people will advance, but it is not that simple. If they distribute it in this way, then there will be 400 to 500 people with ten nameplates, but this is unrealistic, and there will be problems with statistics at that time.

Therefore, another rule emerged, that is, the top four must have thirty or more nameplates in the first round, otherwise they will be automatically eliminated. And those who want to enter the top sixteen must have twenty or more nameplates in the first round, otherwise they will be automatically eliminated.

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