The best they can do this time is to keep a top 20 ranking. But so far, they haven't seen a single person, how can they not be anxious? Their original worst plan was that Inugata would have 20 nameplates, thus getting a chance to advance to the top 16 or top 8. But the current situation is obviously far beyond their expectations. Now they only hope that Inugata can enter the next round, and they dare not have more extravagant wishes. When they saw that they were almost 200th, their faces were so ugly that they could not describe it. The beads of sweat kept rolling down, almost killing them. At this moment, someone suddenly shouted: "Everyone, look, the strongest contestant from Sakura Country, Inugata, is on the list, and he's number one!"

"Dude, you forgot to say the word 'countdown'!"

"Oh, I'm asking the two behind me to make up for it!" As they said that, the two turned their heads and looked at the two people behind them.

That's right, these two people are Umekawa Neiku and Umekawa Neiichi.

After being provoked and ridiculed like this, the two seemed to have suffered 10,000 critical hits. But they still cast their eyes to the lower right corner of the big screen, and it was really!

256th place... Sakura Country... Inugata... 9 points.

Seeing this scene, Umekawa Neiku and Umekawa Neiichi didn't know whether to cry or laugh, and they felt both fortunate and ashamed. They didn't know how to express their feelings at this moment.

But no matter what, they must be too embarrassed to see anyone. Therefore, Umekawa Neiku and Umekawa Neiichi did not want to stay at the scene any longer, but ran directly, planning to go back to the apartment to vent first.

As the rankings were announced, the excitement of the crowd gradually faded, and the crowd gradually dispersed, leaving only staff, a few sparse spectators, and a touch of afterglow.

As for hula dancing? Don't even think about it! From the moment the results came out, the Sakura people ran away, and there was no way they could care about their face.

In the Sakura Country.

In the Prime Minister's special ward, the Prime Minister of the Sakura Country, Kameda Daibe, slowly opened his eyes.

"Prime Minister, you are awake, how are you, are you okay?"

After a brief confusion, Kameda Daibe did not answer the question immediately, but immediately widened his eyes and asked: "How is it, are the results out?"

The secretary, doctor, nurse and guard on the side fell into silence for a while, not daring to say a word, and even dared not breathe, as if they had returned to the time when the Prime Minister had just fainted.

The Prime Minister saw this scene and knew that the situation must be bad, but he still covered his chest and said with difficulty: "Speak, speak, I can bear it."

The secretary hesitated and pursed his lips and said: "This, this, then, then what did I tell you?"

Seeing this, the Prime Minister estimated that the result this time was ridiculously bad, but he thought, how bad could it be, it was nothing more than less than ten people could enter the next round.

But the next words would definitely refresh his understanding of the group of contestants wearing grass skirts.

The secretary stammered: "That's it, that's it, our Sakura Country only has one Inugata entering the next round this time, and, and..."

When he heard that only one person entered the next round, Kameda Daibe almost fainted again. The hand holding his chest couldn't help but clenched a lot, as if he had used all his strength, his fingers turned white, and his brows were tightly furrowed.

Especially when he heard that there was another "and" at the end, he knew that this situation might once again break his expectations of Inugata.

Then, he used all his strength to say: "Speak, speak, and what, I can accept it."

"And, and, he also took the last place, the 256th place."

As expected, after hearing this, Kameda Daibe's eyes went dark and he fainted again.

"Prime Minister, Prime Minister!"

The standing doctor hurried to Kameda Daibe's side to check.

On the other side, in Dragon Country Kyoto.

Mu Lao and the three leaders Long, Huang, and Hua stood in front of the big screen, almost laughing from beginning to end. Since Inugata appeared in a grass skirt, the smiles on their faces have almost never stopped.

Elder Long said: "These Sakura people are simply a group of clowns. Why are they wearing grass skirts? This is unique since the start of this competition, hahaha!"

Leader Huang on the side said: "Indeed, and this time our Dragon Country team members have made us proud, hahaha, and Lao Hua, your grandson is really good.

, hahahaha!"

The Flower Alliance Leader also smiled, and said proudly and modestly: "Hahaha, they are all excellent, all excellent. After all, this is a team competition, and it is all the joint credit of those little guys. However, my kid really gave me some face."

At this time, Mu Lao also smiled and said: "Hahaha, well, this time the Sakura Country has no face to jump around in the world for the time being. And I feel that the fact that they wear grass skirts is probably done by the little guys from our Dragon Country, hahaha!"

"Well, indeed, I think this possibility is very high. After all, as long as the Sakura Country meets our people, it will definitely not be in a good mood, and those tricks are endless. But I guess they turned over this time, and were counterattacked by the little guys from our Dragon Country, hahaha!" The Dragon Alliance Leader continued.

Mu Lao also said with certainty: "Indeed, and I believe the children, their performance tomorrow will definitely be even better. "

When Alliance Leader Long heard the tone of Elder Mu, he couldn't help but asked with a smile: "Old Mu, when did you become so confident? Although our children are excellent, we should also believe in them and have confidence in them, but from your tone, it seems that you are particularly sure, hahaha!"

The other two Alliance Leaders also looked at Elder Mu with some doubts.

Old Mu looked at the eyes of the three people, and the corners of his mouth slightly raised, saying: "I believe in the children on the one hand, and on the other hand, I believe in their instructors."

"Their instructor? Well... Indeed, that instructor is indeed not simple. Judging from the number of people who just made the list, this should be the most number of nameplates our Dragon Country has won since participating in the competition, and the number of people entering the next round of the competition is also the largest. I just did a simple calculation, and we won a total of 288 nameplates this time." Alliance Leader Hua said.

"But, Old Mu, why do you trust that instructor so much? Is there something you are hiding from us? "Alliance Leader Long narrowed his eyes and looked at Elder Mu's face with a sly smile.

With the experience of last time, Elder Mu was able to deal with it calmly this time. He has mastered the expression and demeanor management to perfection. He has learned how to pass the buck a long time ago, but this time he can only apologize to General Chen again. I am here to say to you silently, I am sorry.

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