Uchiha Fugaku arrived after Sarutobi Hiruzen.

As soon as Fugaku arrived, he immediately asked the surrounding police force members about the details.

The surrounding police force members told Fugaku what happened hesitantly, and Fugaku's face changed immediately, and then he came to the people who committed the crime.

"You guys don't have to do your job anymore."

Fugaku immediately said with a serious face, and directly dismissed these people from their positions in the Konoha Police Force.


"Captain, why!"

"Captain, we..."

The reactions of these Konoha Police Force members were similar, and they didn't understand why Fugaku was so harsh on his family members.

Itachi held Sasuke and looked at his father's solemn expression in the crowd, and seemed to have noticed something.

Itachi keenly felt that his father did this not to punish these people, but for other reasons.

But what the specific meaning was, this was not so clear to Itachi, who was only four years old.

In fact, in this sensitive period when the Nine-Tails Rebellion just ended, especially when the Konoha high-level officials were suspicious of the Uchiha because of the Sharingan controlling the Nine-Tails, any incident that was unfavorable to the Uchiha could be magnified and then attacked the Uchiha.

If Fugaku did not immediately punish the Uchiha clan members who participated in this incident, then before tomorrow, Konoha would be full of rumors that the Uchiha clan members were arrogant and plotting to overthrow Konoha.

And for these guys who committed crimes, just dismissal was already quite lenient.

"Under any circumstances, you must not conflict with the people of Konoha. This is the rule you must abide by as members of the police force."

Fugaku preached seriously.

Those Uchiha members were naturally not in harmony with their hearts, and they all complained in their hearts that their family head spoke to outsiders.

The third generation Hokage Sarutobi Hiruzen next to him was quite relieved by this.

"As expected of you, Fugaku, you are mature and steady. I feel relieved that the Konoha Police Force is in your hands."

And those who had conflicts with the police force before were even more gloating.

"Hehe, it's really comforting to see the Uchiha guys in trouble."

"That's right, who told them to be so arrogant at ordinary times."

Hearing these words, almost all the Uchiha Konoha Police Force members present clenched their fists, feeling very unwilling.

"Say less, who knows how these guys will retaliate against us."

A smart person in the crowd saw the reaction of the Konoha Police Force and reminded them.

And these naturally did not escape Fugaku's ears. Fugaku heard these words, sighed slightly, and thought to himself: "It seems that Konoha and Uchiha have deep grievances. What should we do..."

Fugaku seemed to see the future when the conflict broke out. In front of Konoha, no matter how strong the Uchiha was, they were just a clan. At that time, the Uchiha might be in danger of extinction.

At this time, Fugaku thought of someone, Uchiha Che.

"I wonder if Che has a solution to this..."

Speaking of Uchiha Che, Uchiha Che arrived.

After settling down the seriously injured Yuhi Shinku, Che flew to the village to see if there were any injured civilians who took refuge, thinking that he could use his reversal technique to earn some reputation for Uchiha.

However, the injured civilians saw the series of events happening below before they could be treated.

With fluttering sleeves, Che landed steadily from the air.

"Hokage-sama, Captain Fugaku."

"What happened here?"

Sarutobi Hiruzen told Che the whole story.

"It was a quarrel between several members of the Konoha Police Force and some civilians in the shelter. The civilians were afraid of the Nine-Tails, so they doubted the evacuation order issued by the police force, so the members were very dissatisfied, and this happened."

"But Fugaku has already dealt with it and dismissed these members. Although I am the Hokage, after all, Captain Fugaku is the leader of the police force, so I agree with this way of handling it."

"That's good. Both sides are just impulsive. It's okay to let them calm down for a while."

Sarutobi Hiruzen's words are naturally clear-cut, that is, this matter is the fault of Uchiha, and the final handling is also done by Fugaku. As the Hokage, he is naturally not a bad guy on both sides.

This made Che, who had witnessed the whole thing in the air, sneer in his heart.

"It's worthy of being the Hokage..."

Che nodded and said, "I see."

Then Che turned to face the members of the Konoha Police Force and the civilians, and everyone looked at Che.

Che is now well-known in the village, not to mention the members of the Konoha Police Force. Even if the civilians don't recognize him,

... "I personally witnessed and assisted the Fourth Hokage in sealing the Nine-Tails. He is a well-deserved hero of Konoha."

Although Minato was in office for only one year, this gentle and humble young Hokage left a very good impression in the hearts of Konoha's civilians.

The reason why Che talked so much was to reduce the vigilance of Konoha's civilians towards him and to enhance the persuasiveness of what he was going to say later.

"But are only Lord Hokage and those ninjas who participated in the battle heroes?"

"No, in the disaster of the Nine-Tails, those members of the Konoha Police Force who protected the evacuation of civilians are also heroes. Without them, Konoha would have suffered many more casualties!"

"In this matter, everyone is actually right."

"For the civilians of Konoha, you have just experienced a natural disaster, and it is understandable that you are uneasy and afraid."

"And those members of the Uchiha Police Force are dissatisfied because they are suspected by everyone even though they clearly protected everyone. This is also understandable."

"So what everyone needs is mutual understanding. We are all Konoha people. In the face of this disaster, we are all victims and heroes!"

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