The morning battle was over, and the 256th team qualified.

Everyone took a break at the Pokémon Center.

As the competition was in full swing, in the small world of Daiyue, the Blue Blade Demon and the Bloodwing Dragon broke through after the battle at the Kamaen Gym. And Metagross was not far from breaking through.

"The 256 to 128 competition starts now!"

"Shakiras GO!"

"Let's go, Sea Rabbit!"

Pokémon: Sea Rabbit

Attribute: Water/Ground

Feature: Power of Sand

Qualification: Champion

Level: Mid-Elite

Sea Rabbit has tentacles like horns, and a pattern similar to eyes on its forehead, making it look like it has three eyes. Its head and back are leaf green, and its abdomen is sky blue.

This Sea Rabbit is the East Sea Rabbit, while the West Sea Rabbit has a reddish-brown head and back and a pink abdomen. (Shirona's Sea Slug is the Sea Slug of the West Sea.)

The opponent released Electabuzz and Giganotosaurus.

"Shakiras, raise the sand, sandstorm!"

Sand and wind rolled up on the field.

"Electabuzz uses Ice Fist on Shakiras."

"Giganotosaurus uses Dark Wave on Sea Slug."

Electabuzz condenses its ice ability and quickly approaches Shakiras, while Giganotosaurus directly gathers Dark Energy and shoots at Sea Slug.

"Sea Slug Rock Blast, stop Raidenmon."

Amy's reaction was not slow either. Sea Slug condensed rock energy and threw boulders at Electabuzz. Electabuzz dodged the first rock, and was then hit by the second rock, followed by the third, fourth...Electabuzz was directly knocked away.

"Shakiras Spike Attack!"

Rock pillars protruded from the ground and headed towards Giganotosaurus. Giganotosaurus' Dark Wave just shattered two rock pillars and disappeared. The remaining rock pillars directly knocked Giganotosaurus away.

"The last hit is the destruction beam!"

Daikoshi and Shimi said in unison.

Two beams of destruction beams shot at the Wolfhound and the Electric Beast, and both were hit directly and lost their ability to fight.

"Daikoshi and Shimi win!"

The two looked at each other, smiled slightly, and clapped their hands.

As soon as the two left the venue, they happened to meet Amy and Bonnie who had just finished fighting. The four of them went to the battle site between Furong and Aku.

Haunter, Ultrasonic Larva VS Haxorus, Metal Monster

"Furong and the others have met the Quasi-God Team."

Shimi crossed his hands in front of his chest and watched the battle in the field.

"It's not a big problem. The second stage Quasi-Gods are not that scary. And these two Quasi-Gods have just evolved."

Daikoshi spoke calmly, and Amy nodded beside him

"You guys are talking so lightly!"

Bonnie rolled her eyes directly.

The strange figure of Haunter was elusive in the field, and from time to time he would rub a shadow ball to hit the metal monster.

And the ultrasonic larvae directly fought against Haxorus. Since ancient times, the left side of the fight has lost, and Haxorus happened to be on the left.

After a fight, Haxorus and the metal monster lost their ability to fight.

"The Furong and Aku team wins!"

Da Yue glanced at Bonnie, meaning that you see, I am not wrong.

Bonnie did not look at Dai Yue, and directly pulled Amy to find Furong.

Dai Yue spread his hands to Shimi again, Shimi shook his head and followed Bonnie, and Dai Yue had to follow.

After the afternoon competition, the 256 to 128 competition ended, and the 128 to 64 competition will be held tomorrow.

At night, everyone followed Amy to the water, and Amy released the Ugly Fish.

"Chouchou, it's time for you to evolve!"


Chouchou works very hard. Every time Dai Yue trains his Pokémon, she asks Amy to let her train together. In addition, she is also very talented, so she reached the threshold of evolution very early. Dai Yue suggested Amy to let Chouchou accumulate some experience so that she can make great progress.

And today is the day for Chouchou to evolve.

Amy handed the exquisite beautiful scales to Chouchou, and a dazzling white light emerged from Chouchou.

After a long time, a beautiful Pokémon appeared in front of everyone.



Amy hugged Mienshao's neck excitedly.

Mienshao's level directly reached the middle elite stage.

Amy's team also took shape, with middle elite stage Mienshao, early elite stage Channa, early elite stage Butterfree, and early skilled stage Eevee.

In the middle of the night, when everyone fell asleep, Dai Yue came to the training ground alone.

"Come out!"

The Pokémon that were preparing to fight appeared on the training ground.

"Practice more!"

The Pokémon were used to it. In the wild, they practiced with their "big brothers". In the town, they practiced with several of them, taking turns.

The morning came, and Dai Yue and others came to the competition field.

"Now the 128 to 64 competition begins!""Shakiras GO!"

"Turtlefoot is here!"

Pokémon: Turtlefoot

Attribute: Water/Rock

Feature: Hard Claws

Qualification: Champion

Level: Early Gym

Seven Turtlefoots are fixed on two rocks to form a Turtlefoot body, and the head gives orders to the hands and feet. Turtlefoot has four hands, and the Turtlefoots that serve as hands have only one eye. Its body is orange and brown. The Turtlefoots that make up the head and body have evolved into five nails, and the "five fingers" are bent, and the shape is more similar to the claws of animals. (Turtlefoot is the degenerate form of Turtlefoot)

The opponent sent out Steelix and Kodora

"Shimi, the opponent is very tanky!"

Da Yue raised his eyebrows.

"Then fight a few more times."

Shimi said he didn't care.

"Turtlefoot sharpens its claws."

"Shakiras Dragon Dance."

Turtlefoot sharpened its claws, and Shakiras danced.

"Steelwind Sandstorm!"

"Kodara Metal Sound!"

The sand and dust were raised again, and the harsh sound also went towards Shakiras and Kamasutra.

Shakiras and Kamasutra showed pain on their faces.

"Kamasutra Shell Break, Shell Knife!"

Kamasutra quickly completed the enhancement, and the blue blade condensed on its claws and rushed towards Steelix and Kamasutra.

"Heavy Impact!"

The two issued the order in unison.

Steelwind and Kamasutra directly condensed steel energy and rushed towards Kamasutra.

"Shakiras Rock Blockade!"

Rocks blocked Steelix and Kamasutra one by one.

The two Pokémon smashed the rocks directly, and the impact speed slowed down at the same time. Kamasutra also arrived, and the water blade directly slashed Steelix and Kamasutra. The two roared in pain, and their skills were interrupted.

"They are so weak, and the two enhancements can only cause damage to them."

Shimi sighed.

"Evil Wave."

Shakiras added another evil wave.

"Giant Steelix Dragon Breath."

"Kodara Spike Stone Attack."

"Kamegi Giant Armor Water Cannon."

The violent skills exploded in the field, and after a long time, Steelix and Kodara finally fell.

"Ogoshi Shimi Group wins!"

The two sighed heavily.

"You are so slow! We have been waiting for a long time."

Furong teased.

"Who told them to be too tanky."

Ogoshi spread his hands helplessly.

The morning game was over, and it was time for halftime again.

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