Dai Yue and Amy came to a research institute.

"We actually came to the weather research institute."

Dai Yue pointed to the research institute in front and said to Amy.

"Is it the weather research institute that specializes in studying weather changes?"

Dai Yue nodded and walked towards the weather research institute with Amy.

A white Pokémon was floating in the air, and three researchers were recording data below.

Pokémon: Floating Bubble

Attribute: General

Feature: Uncertain

Qualification: Gym

Level: Mid-proficient

"Professor Layton, long time no see!"

Dai Yue walked towards one of the elderly researchers.

The old man heard someone calling him, stopped what he was doing, and looked up at the source of the voice.

"Hahaha, it turned out to be Dr. Dai Yue!"

Professor Layton saw Dai Yue and responded with a smile.

After the two exchanged greetings, Dai Yue introduced Amy to Professor Layton.

"Professor Layton, how do you study the weather?"

Amy asked Professor Layton a question.

"Use this floating bubble."

Professor Layton called two researchers and took the computer they handed over.

"Floating Bubble is a Pokémon that changes its appearance into the sun, rain or snow cloud when it is affected by the power of nature. The head of the sun looks like the sun, the head of the rain looks like a water drop, and the head of the snow cloud looks like it is wrapped in clouds."

Professor Layton pointed to the three pictures on the computer and explained to Amy.

Andthe three pictures just correspond to the appearance of the floating bubble sun, the rain and the snow cloud.

"The appearance of the sun is the appearance of the floating bubble benefiting from the clear weather when there are no clouds in the sky. If it is exposed to the sun, it will also become this. Its body is warmed by the sun, and if it touches the skin, it will be unexpectedly hot. If you touch its hot body, you will feel dry. In the experiment before putting it in the heater, it did not turn into this form."

A researcher took the computer and clicked on the picture of the floating bubble in the shape of the sun, and countless experimental results appeared in front of everyone.


Amy seemed to have opened the door to a new world and listened very carefully.

The researcher clicked on the picture of floating bubbles in the shape of rain and introduced it to Da Yue and Amy.

"The appearance of rain is the appearance of floating bubbles when they are hit by continuous rain. Its body will swell slightly when it meets water and it is soft. If you press its body, it will ooze out some water like a sponge. Its body is also damp and slippery. In the experiment of letting it take a shower, it did not turn into this form."

Then the researcher opened the last picture.

"The appearance of snow cloud is the appearance of floating bubbles when snow falls. If it is hit by hail, it will also turn into this form. Its whole body is like ice, and its body temperature is about minus 5 degrees. The skin is cold and a little frozen, and it is slippery like ice. In the experiment of putting it in the freezer, it did not turn into this form."

Professor Layton gave the final conclusion.

"In order to protect its tiny body, Floating Bubble has gained the ability to use the great power of nature. Changes in temperature and humidity will affect the body cells of this Pokémon, thus changing its appearance. Recent studies have found that it is extremely similar to water molecules. But this is the result of a chemical reaction, and it does not seem to be its original intention. The worse the weather, the more irritable its personality will become."

"What a magical Pokémon, Professor Layton, you are so amazing!"

"Miss Amy, thank you for the compliment, this is our job."

Da Yue took the computer and looked at the data and pondered slightly.

"Why does this thing look so familiar?"

"Dr. Da Yue, do you have any suggestions?"

Professor Layton looked at Da Yue who was muttering to himself and asked.

"I don't have any suggestions, but this data reminds me of three Pokémon."

"Oh? Which three?"

Professor Layton asked.

"Kyogre, the king of the sea, is accompanied by a strong rainstorm every time he appears; Groudon, the king of the land, is accompanied by strong sunlight every time he appears; Rayquaza, the king of the sky, is accompanied by a huge airflow every time he appears."

Da Yue explained.

"It's a bit like that!"

While Dai Yue was discussing professional issues with Professor Layton, the other two researchers took Amy to visit the institute.

"I heard from Emperor Yue that an evil organization called Team Meteor has been very active recently. The target of these evil organizations is likely to be one of the three legendary Pokémon."

Because Dai Yue is a time traveler, he knows that many evil organizations target legendary Pokémon. Take the evil organization Fire Team in Hoenn for example.For example, the Rock Team and the Water Team, their targets are Kyogre and Groudon.

Amy and Daigoshi stayed in the Weather Research Institute for a whole morning, then left and continued to head to Inyu City.

At night, a group of people wearing meteorite pattern clothing broke into the Weather Research Institute.

"Captain Liang, we have captured all the people."

The Meteor Team members tied up Professor Layton and the other two and came to a short man with shifty eyes.

"Who are you? What do you want to do?"

Professor Layton yelled at Captain Liang.

"Professor Layton is the head of the Weather Research Institute, dedicated to studying floating bubbles to understand the principles of weather changes."

Captain Liang said irrelevantly.

"Captain Liang, the information has been collected!"

The team members stepped forward to report the situation.

"Take the people away, and burn the institute."

Captain Liang said calmly.

"You can't burn down the institute, you can't, you can't..."

Professor Layton, who was still protesting,was knocked unconscious by an elbow from a member of the Meteor Team.

"Stop making so much noise!"

"Don't waste time, let's go!"

Captain Liang left first.

The Meteor Team also left the Weather Research Institute, and at the same time, a raging fire started.

Captain Liang got on the car and came to a hidden base. Entering the base, Captain Liang came to an empty room.

The computer screen in the room lit up, and the familiar boss chair appeared again.

"I, Liang, greet the leader. I hope the leader's wishes come true and he will dominate the world soon!"

Captain Liang prostrated himself on the ground and saluted with great respect.

"Okay, how's the matter going?"

The leader of the Meteor Team waved his hand and said.

"Leader, I have captured Professor Layton and the others, and I also brought back the weather data. I also burned down the weather research institute!"

Captain Liang answered triumphantly.

"Idiot! Why did you burn down the weather research institute? Did you do it to make the Alliance's crawlers pay more attention to us?"

The leader's furious voice sounded.

"I know I was wrong! I know I was wrong!"

Captain Liang knelt on the ground and trembled.

"Forget it, you go and meet up with Chi. Mei and Wu will also meet up with you after completing the mission."

The leader of the Meteor Team hung up the communication after saying this.

Captain Liang stood up, wiped the cold sweat from his head, and breathed a sigh of relief.

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