The next day, Da Yue took Amy to the Inyu Gym.

The two entered the gym, and a little girl stood at the front desk.

"Hello, I'm here to challenge the gym."

Da Yue stepped forward and said.

"Hello, I'm Naqi, the gym leader of Inyu Gym!"

The little girl puffed out her chest and said to Da Yue.

"You can be the gym leader at such a young age?"

Amy looked at Naqi curiously.

"Naqi, don't lie! I'm so sorry, I'm Xiaoyi, the gym leader of Inyu Gym. This is my sister Naqi."

Xiaoyi picked up Naqi and apologized to Da Yue and the others very sincerely.

"Naqi apologized to others."

"I'm sorry!"

Naqi whispered.

"It's okay, I want to have a gym battle."

Da Yue waved his hand to show that he didn't mind.

At the same time, Da Yue also knew that the future gym leader of Inyu Gym was Naqi, so when Da Yue heard Naqi's name at first, he didn't doubt it too much.

"Of course, no problem!"

Xiaoyi brought Dai Yue and the other two to the battle site.

Xiaoyi and Dai Yue stood in the battle position, and then the battle site began to rise, directly rising 10 meters.

"Can you still adapt?"

Xiaoyi shouted to Dai Yue.

"No problem!"

Dai Yue made an OK gesture.

Naqi took Amy to the high-altitude viewing seat by elevator.

"Now the Inyu Gym Tournament begins. Both sides can use three Pokémon. When all three Pokémon of one side lose their combat ability, the game is over. In addition, only the challenger has the right to change Pokémon."

"Go, Owl!"

Pokémon: Owl

Attribute: Water/FlyingFeature: Sharp Eyes

Qualification: Gym

Level: Elite Early Stage

Owl's yellow beak occupies most of its body, its feathers are white, and its claws, wing tips and forehead are blue. Its beak was so big that a kindergarten kid could fit in it completely.

"Banguiras, GO!"


"The challenger will attack first!"

"Banguiras, roll up the sandstorm, use the sandstorm!"

The terrifying sandstorm covered the entire venue, even in the sky.

"Smallmouth, pray for rain!"

The rain fell into the sand, but the sand did not dissipate because of the rain. Instead, it became more violent, sweeping the raindrops towards the largemouthed gulls in the sky, and the largemouthed gulls wailed in pain.

"Banguiras' sandstorm is not so easy to resolve."

Da Yue looked at Xiao Yi confidently.

"Smallmouth freezing beam!"

The powerful ice energy gathered in the mouth of the largemouthed gull.

"Banguiras, don't give him a chance, 100,000 volts!"

Because of the rain, the electric current went to the largemouthed gull at a very fast speed, directly hitting the largemouthed gull that was still condensing the freezing beam. The gull fell directly from the sky and lost its ability to fight.

"The gull lost its ability to fight, please ask the gym owner to change the Pokémon!"

"It's really strong, so I'll leave it to you, Charizard"

Pokémon: Charizard

Attribute: Fire/Flying

Feature: Fierce Fire

Qualification: Quasi-King

Level: Early Gym

Charizard is a bipedal Pokémon with Western dragon characteristics. Its skin is mainly orange, which is lighter than Charmeleon's. It is buttery from the abdomen to the tip of the tail and the soles of its feet. It has short and sturdy lower limbs and relatively small upper limbs. The upper limbs have three sharp claws, and there are also three sharp claws on the feet. Charizard has huge wings on its back that can be used for flying. The inside of the wings is blue-green, and there is a horn-like protrusion at the third joint. It has a long neck, small blue eyes, two horn-like protrusions on the back of its head, and flames burning at the end of its long and thick tail.

"Charizard, sunny day, dispel everything!"

The sun appeared again, dispelling the dark clouds, but it still couldn't dispel the sandstorm, and could only look at it from a distance.

"Flash Charge, Crack Tile!"

Charizard, covered in flames, rushed into the wind and sand, heading towards Bankiras.

"Come on, Bankiras, shoot down, Thunder Fang!"

Charizard, which was originally diving at high speed, was directly knocked down by Bankiras's boulder, and then the lightning energy gathered and bit on Charizard's shoulder.

"Charizard uses Crack Tile continuously!"

The fighting energy gathered and hit Bankiras. Even with the protection of the power of the sanctuary, Bankiras was seriously injured in the face of four times the damage.

"Don't let go, Bankiras, sharp stone attack!"

Charizard was hit by a rock-type big move at close range, and rolled his eyes directly, and his arm slowly fell down, losing his ability to fight.

"Charizard has lost its ability to fight. Please ask the gym owner to replace the Pokémon!"

"Vanquilas is so strong, pleaseYou are my strongest partner Tanabata Bluebird!"

Pokémon: Tanabata Bluebird

Attribute: Dragon/Flying

Feature: Weather-independent

Qualification: King

Level: Gym Peak

Tanabata Bluebird has a sky-blue body and fluffy wings like cotton. Super Tanabata Bluebird is more like a huge ball of cotton. Its tail has become longer, and the originally white and fluffy feathers are distributed on its back, not on its chest.

The sandstorm blew on Tanabata Bluebird, and Tanabata Bluebird shook its feathers as if it didn't feel anything.

"Then I will also give my all! Respond to my bond! Bloom your light! Mega Evolution of Bankiras!"

Colorful light flashed, and Super Bankiras appeared!

"Song of Destruction!"

A strange song came out of Tanabata Bluebird's mouth.

"Super Bankiras will take care of him, and the freezing beam!"

The freezing beam shot at Tanabata Bluebird.

"Tanabata Bluebird avoids, use the power of the moon! "

Qixi Bluebird rolled in the air to avoid the freezing beam, and then sent out a pink moon to directly hit Super Bangiras.


The hit Super Bangiras roared.

"You are indeed a traitor to the Dragon Clan!"

"What is a traitor to the Dragon Clan?"

Facing Xiaoyi's doubts, Da Yue did not explain, and directly commanded Super Bangiras to use the Dragon Wave.

"Avoid itagain! Use Meteor Shower!"

Qixi Bluebird lightly avoided the attack of Super Bangiras again, and the meteor show flew directly to the ground.

"Hold on!"

The green energy shield blocked the falling meteor show.

"Shoot it down, destroy the death beam! "

The huge rock appeared again in the sky, directly knocking Tanabata Bluebird down from the sky, followed by a terrifying white light.

Tanabata Bluebird lost its combat ability, and at the same time Mega Banguiras rolled his eyes, and the Song of Destruction was activated at this moment. Mega Banguiras exited the mega evolution state, fell to the ground and lost its combat ability.

"Tanabata Bluebird and Banguiras lost their combat ability at the same time! Because the gym owner's Pokémon lost their combat ability, the winner is the challenger Dai Yue."

The lift slowly descended, and Xiaoyi came to Dai Yue and handed over the badge.

"This is the proof of victory over the Inyu Gym, the Wing Badge!"

Dai Yue took the Wing Badge.

"Get the Wing Badge!"


Dai Yue took Amy to the Pokémon Center to treat Banguiras.

The two rested for another day, and Devon Company sent someone to hand over a brand new communicator to Dai Yue.

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