The two people, Dai Yue and his partner, who were targeting the Hoenn Alliance, were in a wilderness where there were a group of Pokémon.

Pokémon: Bulbasaur

Attribute: General

Characteristics: Courage

Qualification: King

Level: Early Quasi-King

Most of the Bulbasaur's body is brown, and its ears and abdomen are grayish yellow. There are many bulges on its shoulders and legs, and its child is in the pouch in front of its belly. The body of the little Bulbasaur is lavender, and the rest is very similar to its mother.

Looking at the leading Bulbasaur, Dai Yue's eyes lit up slightly. Just when he was about to throw the Poké Ball and release the Pokémon.


A rope entangled Dai Yue's arm, and a girl with blue hair, wearing a red vest and shorts, riding a Pidgeot, appeared in front of everyone.

"Who are you?"

Amy held the Poké Ball and looked at the girl with a vigilant face.

The girl took out her ID and faced Dai Yue and Amy.

"I'm the Pokémon Ranger Xiang Naier, you damn poachers, you're under arrest."

"Poachers? What poachers? Where are the poachers?"

Amy looked around and saw no one.

"We're not poachers. I'm a doctor from the Alliance and I just happened to pass by here."

Da Yue reached into his doctoral robe and took out his doctoral certificate.

After looking at Da Yue's certificate, Xiang Naier scratched his head awkwardly.

"I'm sorry, Dr. Da Yue! I'm really sorry, because poachers are rampant recently, so I accidentally mistook you for a poacher."

Xiang Naier bowed to Da Yue repeatedly to apologize.

"It doesn't matter, this is also the duty of you Pokémon Rangers."

Da Yue was willing to forgive her because the person opposite was a girl.

"By the way, what is a Pokémon Ranger?"

Amy asked a question on the side.

"Pokémon Rangers gain experience by completing various tasks and may be promoted to Chief Rangers. They use hunting cursors to calm frightened Pokémon, release controlled Pokémon, and communicate with Pokémon to draw on their power. Tasks include resolving various conflicts and even confronting evil organizations. After being promoted to Chief Ranger, they will enjoy additional privileges, but the difficulty of the tasks will also become very great."

Da Yue Xiao Classroom is online again.

"The hunting cursor can launch and manipulate the hunting disc to make the ranger and the wild Pokémon communicate with each other and become temporary partners. In addition, it has built-in functions such as telephone transmission and Pokémon encyclopedia viewing."

"The hunting disc will circle around the wild Pokémon under the control of the hunting cursor, leaving a light trail and conveying the mood of the ranger to the wild Pokémon. When the two are in tune with each other and the hunt is over, the wild Pokémon will be willing to provide assistance to the ranger and form a temporary partnership. If the light is attacked by the Pokémon, the hunting line will be broken in half, and the hunting cursor will also be damaged and the energy will decrease; if the energy of the cursor drops to 0 during the capture, the hunting disc will explode."

"It's amazing. I didn't expect Dr. Dai Yue to understand the Pokémon ranger so well!"

Xiang Naier on the side couldn't help but applaud.

"It's just that I read a little more books. It's no big deal."

Da Yue waved his hand, indicating that it was nothing. (Damn, he tricked me.)

Just as they were chatting, a huge net was thrown towards the marsupials. The marsupials were caught in the net, and a helicopter flew out of the woods, pulling the huge net away.

"Oh no, it's a poacher!"

Xiang Naier stood up and chased the helicopter.

"Go, hunting disc!"

Xiang Naier threw the hunting disc on the hunting cursor towards Duduli not far away.

The hunting disc dragged the light around Duduli for a few circles. After a burst of light, Duduli went directly towards Xiang Naier. Xiang Naier flew and rode Duduli towards the helicopter.

"Bloodwing Dragon GO!"

Da Yue released the Bloodwing Dragon and followed Xiang Naier with Amy.

Just before and after the helicopter came to a cliff, it suddenly took off.

Xiang Naier directly abandoned Duduli and used the hunting disc to hunt a Pidgeot that was eating tree fruits again.

Pidgeot and Bloodwing Dragonite took off and chased the helicopter.

"This is not a solution!"

Amy said anxiously while sitting on Bloodwing Dragonite's back.

Just as the plane flew over a lake, Dai Yue also issued an order.

"Bloodwing Dragonite, destroy the death ray, smash the net."

The violent energy gathered and shot directly at the big net. The big net was directly destroyed, and all the marsupials inside fell into the lake below.

"Damn it, come out, Toucan! Use the destruction death ray."

A head popped out of the helicopter and threw out a Poké Ball.

Pokémon: Toucan

Attribute: General/Flying

Feature: Sharp Eyes

Qualification: Gym

Level: Gym Peak

The feathers of the Toucan are orange, and the part between the two wings behind and the ends of the wings are milky white. It has a red crown on its head and a long, sharp pink beak. It has a slender neck, rough and messy feathers on its chest, and four brown tail feathers. Its wings are wide and large, and its light pink claws have four toes, three toes facing forward and one toe facing backward.

The Destruction Death Ray shot at the Bloodwing Dragon, which dodged by turning sideways and shot down the Toucan with a Destruction Death Ray.


"Good job, Bloodwing Dragon!"

"Run away!"

The poacher on the helicopter shouted anxiously to his companion. The companion who was driving the helicopter directly turned the power of the helicopter to the maximum.

"Pidgeot Storm!"

Xiang Naier commanded Pidgeot to use Storm, and the strong airflow blew the helicopter's propeller crooked, and the helicopter fell down.

With a loud "bang", the helicopter crashed directly to the lakeside, and the two poachers climbed out of the helicopter with difficulty.

Bloodwing Dragon and Pidgeot landed directly beside the poachers.

"I am the Pokémon Ranger Xiang Naier, you are arrested."

"Damn it!"

The two were tied up by Xiang Naier, while Da Yue and Amy were spraying wound medicine on some injured marsupials.


The marsupials thanked them, and several small marsupials hugged Da Yue and Amy's legs and rubbed them intimately.

Soon all the marsupials were treated.

"Thank you for your help, I will take the poachers to the alliance to report the situation. Goodbye everyone!"

After that, Xiang Naier took the two poachers to the Pidgeot.

"Goodbye Xiang Naier!"

Da Yue and Amy waved to Xiang Naier.

The two spent a night beside the marsupials, and continued their journey the next day.

After a day of running around, the two finally arrived at a town.

Entering the town, Da Yue and Amy replenished a bunch of energy cubes in the Pokémon store. Da Yue's original stock was eaten up by Amy's Snorlax.

After replenishing the energy cubes, the two went to the hotel and had a good sleep.

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