
Pokkiss flew directly beside Granny Hoshina.

Pokkiss has an egg-shaped body, covered with white fur, and has wide triangular wings. There are red and blue triangular dots on its lower abdomen, and two small feet close together. The spikes on the front of its head are spread into a crest divided into three bundles. The middle bundle is completely white from bottom to top, but the tips of the left and right are red and blue respectively.

"Pokkiss, save Latios, use air blades!"

Countless wind blades went towards Latios' chain, but the chain did not break, but instead released a strong current, and Latios screamed in pain from the electric shock.

"No, this is specially prepared for Latias and Latios!"

Sido sneered, and then several metal spheres flew out of the spaceship and surrounded Latias not far away.

"Metallica, Iron Hoof Beam!"

Just as the metal sphere was about to close, a beam of steel energy directly knocked the metal sphere away, but the metal sphere was still destroyed.

"Damn it, what material is this sphere made of? Why is it so hard!"

Da Yue looked at the intact metal sphere and said with gritted teeth.

Xiduo continued to control the metal sphere to tie up Latias, and threw out the Poké Ball at the same time.

"Go to hell, the King Bronze Elephant will crush him!"

Pokémon: King Bronze Elephant

Attribute: Steel

Feature: Heavy Metal

Qualification: Champion

Level: Peak Champion

Compared to before evolution, the King Bronze Elephant's body is covered with dark green rust and irregular bronze patterns. There are several huge pieces of bronze on its head, which are also covered with rust, and only a few pieces of unrusted bronze are exposed. There are two bronze ears connected to the forehead of the King Bronze Elephant. Under the ears is its nose. The bottom of its trunk is bronze, but most of its trunk is still covered with rust. Below the nose is its white ivory. The body of the King Bronze Elephant is a rectangular shape, and its four thighs are cylindrical. The pattern of the King Bronze Elephant's thighs has become more regular, the toes are white, and the toes are surrounded by bronze rings, and finally dark green rust. The King Bronze Elephant has a huge body and a short tail.

The huge King Bronze Elephant raised its huge trunk and whipped Dai Yue. Just when Dai Yue was about to be hit, the Metagross blocked the King Bronze Elephant's attack.


Dai Yue patted his chest with lingering fear, then took off his glasses and put them in his pocket, looking at Xiduo and the King Bronze Elephant with cold eyes.

"Respond to my bond! Shine your light! Mega Metagross mega evolution!"

The colorful light flashed, and the Super Metagross appeared.

"Awesome! Pokkis uses the wave missile!"

Grandma Hoshina was very happy to see Mega Metagross appear, but she did not forget to let Pokkis attack the King Bronze Elephant.

Pokkis rubbed the wave missile with his hand, and the wave missile rushed directly to the headof the King Bronze Elephant. The King Bronze Elephant swung its trunk and directly smashed the wave missile.

"Bronze Elephant~"

"The King Bronze Elephant's iron hoof beam knocked down the guy in the sky who was in the way!"

Sido said viciously.

The violent steel energy shot towards Pokkis.

"Megalodon, stop him!"

Megalodon flashed to Pokkis' side, opened the green energy shield, and resisted the King Bronze Elephant's iron hoof beam.

Large pieces of smoke and dust spread out from the energy center, which made it impossible for everyone present to open their eyes.

After a long time, the smoke and dust dissipated, and Latias and Latios had long lost their traces, and Sido's spaceship also disappeared.

"Da Yue can't let him take Latias and Latios away. Pokkiss will take off to find the spaceship!"

Grandma Xing Na said anxiously, while Da Yue on the side was in deep thought. After a long time, he finally spoke.

"Super Metagross, crush the rock!"

Super Metagross punched the stone statue of Latias directly, and the statue broke, revealing a colorful round stone.

This colorful round stone is exactly the mega stone of Latias. At the same time, Super Metagross punched again, and the stone platform in the middle, a blue bead appeared in front of several people.

"Sure enough, the heart drop is under the stone platform."

Da Yue showed an expression of "as expected".

"Heart drop?"

Uncle Drake and Grandma Xing Na also came over.

"The Heart Drop is the soul crystallizationof Latias or Latios. It should be left after the death of the previous Latias or Latios. So the Latios brothers and sisters did not leave even after being betrayed, and it should be because of this Heart Drop."

Da Yue's small classroom is online.

Da Yue puts two mega stones in his heartNext to the water drop, colorful light flashed, and a shadow of Latias appeared in front of several people.


The shadow of Latias cried, and then turned into two rays of light connecting the mega stone, and the other end of the line went to the distance.

The originally empty night sky suddenly appeared Sido's spaceship.

"Good job! Banguilas GO!"


Banguilas was released and roared violently.

Dai Yue raised the Z bracelet, and the steel Z originally embedded in the Z bracelet was replaced with a rock Z.

"Sleeping desert tyrant, burst your anger, destroy the world and the giant rock!"

One person and one Pokémon danced a strange dance, and countless rock energy gathered above the spaceship, and soon it had turned into a huge rock.

The huge rock hit the spaceship hard, directly knocking the spaceship to the ground, and directly smashed a big hole.

"Damn it! You damned brat, the King Bronze Elephant will crush him, heavy impact!"

The furious voice of Xiduo rang out from the spaceship, and at the same time, the King Bronze Elephant also rushed towards Daiyue.

"Super Metagross Comet Fist!"

The steel energy wrapped around the forelimbs of the Super Metagross, and then the Super Metagross crashed into the King Bronze Elephant like a missile.

The King Bronze Elephant, which was still running and colliding, was directly overturned by the Super Metagross with a punch, and hit the wing of the spaceship hard, and the wing was flattened.

The spaceship, which was about to take off again, could not fly at all.

Several people from Daiyue surrounded the spaceship and wanted to catch Xiduo, but just as they were about to get close, a large net covered them directly.

"Hahaha, I finally caught you, come and feel the electric current!"

Just when Xiduo was about to press the remote control to control the electric current, a dark purple sword light flashed and the net was cut off. The residual power of the sword light directly cut off Xiduo's hand holding the remote control.


Xiduo covered his broken hand and knelt on the ground wailing.

It was Da Yue's Cang Yan Blade Ghost who made the move. As soon as Cang Yan Blade Ghost appeared, he used the Regret Sword familiarly to cut the net.

After all, I, Cang Yan Blade Ghost, am a professional at cutting nets!

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