Finally, the four people of Daiyue arrived at Shuijing City.

"Mienshao, use Water Ring!"

The four people of Daiyue who were walking on the street heard the voice not far away.

I saw a green-haired boy directing Mienshao to release skills. Mienshao's movements were very gorgeous, attracting the onlookers to stop and watch.

"Use Mystic Guardian!"

White light rose on Mienshao, who was wrapped in the water flow, making Mienshao shine brightly.

"The last high-speed star!"

Countless star-shaped energies went towards the water flow, and the two collided and burst into starlight.

The people around were all fascinated and applauded.

The boy bowed slightly to greet.

Pokémon: Mienshao

Attribute: Water

Feature: Charming Body

Qualification: Master

Level: Mid-Elite

"Isn't this Mikoli."

The voice of Daiyue sounded in the crowd.

"Brother Daigoshi, Amy, why are you guys here?"

Hearing Daigoshi's voice, Mikoli was very excited, and he quickly ran to Daigoshi and others with his Mienshao.

"Of course I'm here to challenge the Liuli Gym."

Daigoshi said with a smile.

Mikoli's Mienshao also came over to rub Daigoshi.

"You've evolved, it's really great."

Daigoshi also gently touched Mienshao's head.

"Daigoshi, you know this guy."

Hua Yue on the side said.

So Daigoshi told everyone about his encounter with Mikoli and the story of giving him the Uchuuyu.

And Mikoli kept calling him Brother Daigoshi, which made Daigo, the legitimate younger brother, jealous.

"Come out, Mienshao!"

Daigoshi also released his own Shining Mienshao, and the two Mienshaoshi happily bumped heads when they met.

"How about a battle as a warm-up before the gym match?"

Daigoshi suggested.

"I want to go with big brother."

"I want to go with brother Daigoshi."

Daigo and Mikoli spoke at the same time.

But Daigoshi pointed at Kagetsu and said.

"I'll be in a group with Kagetsu, Daigo, you and Mikoli, let's play doubles."


Hearing that she could beat up weak players together with Daigoshi, Kagetsu was very excited.

She completely forgot about the "screaming" that Daigo had beaten her a while ago.

Daigo and Mikoli glanced at each other and turned away.

The five of them came to the open space, and Amy stepped forward as the referee.

"Now it's Daigoshi, Kagetsu VS Daigo, Mikoli doubles match, the game begins."

"Mienshao go!"

"My partner, Metagross!"

Daigo and Mikoli released their Pokémon first.

"Please, Blaziken!"

"Menggonia, go!"

Pokémon: Menggonia

Attribute: Grass/Evil

Feature: Water Storage

Qualification: Champion

Level: Mid-level Gym

Menggonia's body is green. It has yellow eyes. There are many dark green spikes scattered along Menggonia's upper limbs, legs and neck. These dark green diamond-shaped spikes extend downward from the front of its body. Menggonia has a triangular, inverted thorn-like structure on its head. The structure is darker than the green on its body and looks like a hat.

"You attack first!"

Da Yue opened his mouth and lookedat Daigo and Mikoli.

"Megalodon, use Cannon Beam on Menggonia!"

"Mienshao Surf!"

Just as Metagross was gathering steel energy, a huge wave of water rushed towards him, interrupting Metagross's attack, and Metagross was also washed aside by the wave.

"What are you doing! Why did you let Milotic attack Metagross?"

Daigo looked at Mikoli unhappily.

"It was your Metagross that blocked Milotic's attack."

Mikoli also replied unhappily.

At this time, the water waves continued to move towards Mongoose and Flame Chicken.

Mongoose stood still without moving, while Flame Chicken jumped up directly, leaned over and sprayed fire to burn the remaining water directly.

"Mengone Leaf Storm!"

Countless leaves rolled up the storm and headed towards Metagross and Milotic.

"Jet Flame!"

Flame Chicken added the jet flame to the Leaf Storm, adding the power of the flame to the Leaf Storm and heading towards the opposite side.

"Miotic Water Cannon!"

"Megalodon Illusion."

Miotic Water Cannon entered the Flame Leaf Storm first, not only failed to stop the attack, but was swept into it and headed towards Metagross.

At this time, Metagross's superpowers could not control this attack at all, and it was directly rushed out.

"You're really getting in the way!"

Daigo said to Mikoli angrily, not at all the elegant demeanor of a noble young master in the past.

"Who told you not to dodge the Metagross? You can't withstand this kind of attack at all!"Mikoli retorted without giving in.

"Thenlet me show you my strength, you frog in the well. The light of the keystone will become a bond, and Metagross will mega evolve!"

However, this time Metagross did not complete the mega evolution.

"What happened?"

Daigo looked at his keystone in disbelief.

"Menggonia Seed Bomb!"

"Flame Chicken Explosion Flame!"

Daigo and Kagetsu would not miss this opportunity and directly let their Pokémon launch the final attack.

The grass energy directly fueled the fire energy, and the terrifying flames went towards Metagross and Milotic.

After the flames, the two Pokémon lay on the ground.

"Metagross, Milotic lost their combat ability, Daigo, Kagetsu win!"

With the end of Amy's judgment, the game was over.

And Daigo and Mikoli took their Pokémon to the Pokémon Center.


Da Yue shook his head helplessly, while Hua Yue on the side was celebrating with Meng Gonaya.

Several people also came to the Pokémon Center, while Daigo and Mikoli sat aside with their heads down and remained silent.

"You two follow me."

Da Yue said to the two people lightly, and the two stood up and followed Dai Yue to the outside of the Pokémon Center.

"Do you know why you lost?"

Da Yue asked.

"It's all his fault!"

The two pointed at each other in unison.

Dai Yue shook his head.

"That's because my brother is too strong."

Da Yue said again.

Dai Yue continued to shake his head.

"The reason why you said that is entirely because you don't trust each other, but instead speak ill of each other. Daigo, the reason why you can't mega evolve is entirely because you are acting on impulse and don't sense the existence of Metagross. The behavior of the two of you fighting each other is completely irresponsible for your own Pokémon."

Faced with Dai Yue's reprimand, the two bowed their heads.

"I'm sorry, big brother!"

"I'm sorry, brother Dai Yue!"

"You don't need to apologize to me, you should apologize to your Pokémon."

Dai Yue continued.

The three returned to the Pokémon Center, and Metagross and Milotic had recovered.

The two went to apologize to their Pokémon, and the Pokémon said it was okay.

And these two guys went to fight again in the middle of the night while Dai Yue and the others were sleeping.

Although I don't know what the result was, when Dai Yue woke up the next day, he saw the two of them sleeping on the lawn.

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