The eyes in Che's blood-red and blue three-magatama Sharingan were extremely cold, and the total amount of cursed power in his body reached a new level again.

The reason why Che had some difficulty facing the Eight-Tails before was that he lacked large-scale moves.

Ordinary ninjutsu does not work on monsters like the Eight-Tails, and Cangjia's boxing is very effective against ordinary enemies, but it still has little effect on the Eight-Tails.

Now Che has mastered the reversal technique He, he wants to let the Eight-Tails see who is the monster.

Che raised his hand again and gestured to aim at the huge bull head of the Eight-Tails.


The Eight-Tails immediately raised its tentacles and hugged its head to defend.

He hit the tentacles, and the huge Eight-Tails was forcibly pushed back 20 meters to the sea.

The Eight-Tails used eight tentacles to block this attack.

However, the Eight-Tails came to the sea, which is his home court.

The Eight-Tail sank under the sea, but it could not be hidden from Che's eyes. Che kept using He to bombard the sea surface, but after being blocked by the sea water, the force hitting the Eight-Tail was much smaller.

After all, the current body of the Eight-Tail was controlled by Killer Bee, so the combat IQ was very high.

Che sneered, then raised his hands, and blue light condensed in his palms, and then the sea was actually separated.

The two Cangs sucked the sea water on both sides separately. The Eight-Tail was about to dive deep to take refuge, but was sucked by another Cang.

Che's spell power operation at this time can already use multiple Cangs at the same time.

The Eight-Tail relied on its physical strength to wrestle with the Cang used by Che. One wanted to dive, and the other wanted to pull the Eight-Tail out.


The Eight-Tail let out a deafening roar, burst out with all its strength, and forcibly broke free from Che's Cang.

The Eight-Tail dived deep into the sea, setting off huge waves, which hit the coast, splashing water everywhere.

The sound of the waves and the bangs of the waves hitting the coast mixed together, like a huge tide.

Under the deep sea, a black tailed beast jade slowly condensed, and the terrifying deterrent power contained in it came through the sea water.


The tailed beast jade broke through the sea water and attacked Che who was standing in the air.

Che had not removed the limitless limit on his body since he fought with Killer Bee.

Therefore, Che was not afraid of the tailed beast jade at all, and dived directly down, opening his hands to catch the tailed beast jade.

The limitless limit wrapped in his hands blocked the attack of the tailed beast jade, and the huge tailed beast jade could not invade any more.

At the same time, Che used Cang to move downward in the air, and quickly pushed the tailed beast jade downward.

The eyes of the eight-tail showed a look of horror, and a concentrated ink cannon was instantly spit out from his mouth to blow up the tailed beast jade.

However, Che used Cang to reverse the trajectory of the ink cannon and let it shoot into the sky.

Che brought the Tailed Beast Ball to the Eight-Tails.


The Tailed Beast Ball exploded immediately, this time directly evaporating a large hole in the seawater, and then set off a huge wave far exceeding the previous one.

Even the Cloud Hidden Fleet, which had not yet approached the coast, was greatly affected. The transport ship was violently shaken by the huge waves and almost capsized.

"Lord Kirabi has released the Eight-Tails. The fleet stopped moving forward to avoid accidental injuries!"

The Cloud Hidden Fleet stopped a few kilometers away from the coast to watch the massive battle between Che and the Eight-Tails.

This was a battle between monsters, and they could not intervene.

The explosion dissipated, and the seawater returned to fill the hole.

The Eight-Tails' skin and flesh were already covered with scars, which showed that even the Eight-Tails could not completely resist the power of the Tailed Beast Ball.

But Che was still unscathed, at least on the surface.

It was just that the constant use of the Unlimited Technique and the repeated use of Cang and He put a heavy burden on Che's brain, but Che quickly used the Reversal Technique to cure the overload and fatigue of the brain, and for convenience, he set the Reversal Technique to be released continuously, anyway, the six eyes were enough to make up for the required mana consumption.

In this way, Che could devote himself to the battle without worrying about his own condition.

Che's invulnerable Unlimited Technique pushed away the sea water and dived deep into the seabed.

Che came to the Eight-Tail and raised his fist to punch.

The fist quickly pushed away the sea water to form a cavity, which was then exploded by a huge force.

Bang! ! !

The Eight-Tail's head was severely injured and tilted downward.

However, before the Eight-Tail could react, Che hit it again.

The two consecutive punches made the Eight-Tail and Killer Bee dizzy.

The Eight-Tail hurriedly waved its tentacles to fight back, trying to catch Che again.

However, Che was prepared, dodging quickly around the Eight-Tailed, shuttling back and forth between the eight octopus tentacles, and occasionally seizing the opportunity to use He to counterattack.

The Eight-Tailed withdrew its tentacles in pain, wrapped its body, and then began to spin at high speed.

Eight-Tailed Beast Volume 8!

The huge body of the Eight-Tailed plus the huge torsional force generated by the high-speed rotation quickly made the surroundingThe surrounding large area of ​​seawater began to rotate, and soon formed a huge vortex.

The vortex swept up everything around it, including the mud and fish in the sea, and it seemed that Che was not immune.

Che was sucked into the huge suction formed by the vortex and was forced to start rotating.

However, Che soon found a way to break it.

Che used all his cursed power to drive out an unprecedentedly powerful Cang, allowing it to maintain an opposite suction with the tailed beast Eight Volumes.

The powerful forces of the two collided with each other, and two opposite vortices appeared on the sea surface in an instant.

The two opposite forces once again stirred up huge waves on the sea, or in other words, since the battle between the two moved to the sea, the huge waves have never stopped.

This amazing confrontation did not last too long, and one vortex slowly swallowed another vortex.

The winner was Che.

Che's Cang forced the Eight-Tails to stop rotating and let it rotate along with its own attraction.

Then Che raised his hands and flew upwards at the same time.

Che first surfaced, and unexpectedly brought Eight-Tail out of the water with him.

Che swung his hand vigorously, throwing Eight-Tail's huge body into the air, and then aimed two fingers at Eight-Tail in the air.






Reversal of the technique·Maximum output· Huh!

Che released Huh six times in a row, each more powerful than the last.

Every time Eight-Tail was about to land, it would be bounced back into the air by Huh.

Che's methods were extremely violent, and his eyes could not help but reveal a crazy look.

In Eight-Tail's spiritual world, Eight-Tail and Killer Bee were shocked.

"Mad man... He is simply a mad man..." Eight-Tail sighed while enduring the pain in his body.

Kirabi lost the mood to rap in this situation, and asked hurriedly: "Xiao Ba, what should we do now?"

The Eight-Tail replied: "I don't believe that his chakra is more than mine. Protect yourself and let him fight."

Then the Eight-Tail used its tentacles to roll itself into a big ball, and was launched into the sky by the last and most powerful He, and then fell heavily into the sea, this time the splash was the highest.

Che did not give the Eight-Tail any time to breathe, and sucked himself in with Cang, raised his hand and punched again.

Then a strange scene appeared on the sea, a white-haired boy flew in the air, chasing the huge Eight-Tail wrapped in a ball and beating it up.

Obviously, the Eight-Tail was the one who looked more powerful, but he was beaten to no temper.

The Cloud Hidden Clan watching from a distance were scared. This guy's fight was more terrifying than the Eight-Tail's rampage back then. He was simply a monster.

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