The Hoenn League Caiyou Conference ended successfully.

At this time, Daigoshi was saying goodbye to everyone in the contestant village.

"Daigoshi, we are leaving."

Furong said to Daigoshi, and Aku stood beside her.

"So soon, what are your plans for the future?"

Daigoshi looked at Furong and Aku.

"I decided to travel to the Galar region. I heard from Daigo that there is a ghost-type quasi-god Pokémon there, and I also want to see what powerful opponents there are!"

Furong said with high morale.

"I will go with Furong. This time I will not be eliminated easily!"

Aku also said.

"Then I wish you a safe journey!"

Daigoshi smiled and waved to them.

"Daigoshi, we are leaving too!"

Huayue said to Daigoshi, and Bonnie stood aside.

"Do you have a goal?"

Daigoshi asked.

"I'm going to the Unova region. I must get the three-headed dragon. I'm also going to challenge the Alliance Conference of the Unova Alliance! I can also travel with Bonnie."

Hanazuki said confidently.

"Tsk~ Just don't hold me back."

Bonnie said coldly.

Turn around, Hanazuki hugged Daigo's shoulders.

"You can travel soon, right? I'm not in Hoenn, will you miss me?"

Daigo pushed Hanazuki away and said with a look of disgust.

"Go away, who misses you!"

Daigo and Hanazuki have become very familiar with each other during this period, and they often joke around.

"Okay, be safe on the road!"

Dayue said.

"Where are you going to go next, Daiyue?"

Hanazuki turned around and asked Daiyue.

"I've decideda long time ago. I'm going to Sinnoh!"

Speaking of Sinnoh, two figures appeared in Daiyue's mind.

"Is Daigoshi going to the Sinnoh region?"

At this time, Chisato and Mitsuko also came over.

"Where are Chisato and Mitsuko?"

Daigoshi nodded and turned to Chisato and the others.

"We are getting married!"

Chisato scratched his head shyly, while Mitsuko leaned on Chisato's arms with a blushing face.

"Congratulations to you!"

Daigoshi and the others all expressed their congratulations!

"Thank you!"

Chisato and Mitsuko smiled.

"Everyone is here, I'm leaving too!"

At this time, Kamishiro also came over.

"Does Kamishiro have a goal too?"

Daigo asked.

"Yes, I am a person who wants to adventure in various ruins. This time I want to go to the ruins near Misty Mountain!"

Kamiyo said in a somewhat second-year manner.

"Good luck to you!"

When Daigoshi heard about Misty Mountain, his eyelids twitched and he remembered something.

Soon everyone left one by one, leaving only the two brothers Daigoshi. As soon as they left the contestant village, they saw Dorasena.

"Miss Dorasena!"

Da Yue took the initiative to greet Dorasena.

"Mr. Dai Yue!"

Dorasena was also surprised to see Dai Yue.

"Are you going back to Carlos?"

Da Yue asked.

"Yes, I'm going back to Carlos to take over as the Dragon King!"

Dorasena said with a smile.

"Congratulations, Miss Dorasena!"

Da Yue smiled and congratulated.

"Thank you, I look forward to the next duel with you!"

Dorasena looked into Dai Yue's eyes and said.

"Me too!"

Da Yue also looked directly at Dorasena.

A strong desire to fight was surging, but it eventually turned into a slight smile.

After saying goodbye to Dorasena, Dai Yue and the others rushed towards the direction of Kanaz City.

After half a month of traveling, the two finally arrived at the Kalu Tunnel, and they could reach Kanaz City by passing through the Kalu Tunnel.

The two entered the Kalu Tunnel, turned on the flashlight and walked forward. At this moment, a black shadow flashed by, which made Dai Yue frown. He took out the Poké Ball and released the Metagross.

"Metagro GO!"


The Shining Metagross appeared beside the two Dai Yue brothers, and the powerful telekinesis enveloped the surroundings. A figure appeared in front of Dai Yue and the two.

Pokémon: Single Sword Sheath (Shiny)

Attribute: Steel/Ghost

Features: No Defense

Qualification: Master

Level: Late Novice

The shape of the Single Sword Sheath is a sword, with a scabbard outside the sword body. The scabbard is brown and has patterns on it - a ghost face-like pattern. The blue eyeball on the sword guard of the Single Sword Sheath is its body. There is a long blue ribbon tied to the end of the hilt, and the end is light blue, with a finger-like fork, which can move freely like a wrist. The sword body will be exposed in battle, and the body will be hidden in the scabbard at other times.

The scabbard of this Pokémon is brown, the eyes are pink, and the ribbon isalso pink with a purple-blue end.

"Brother, I don't think I've ever talked about this Pokémon!"

Daigo said as he looked at the shining scabbard.

"This is a scabbard, which is more common in the Kalos region, not so common here, and it is a shining scabbard. The scabbard seems to be the soul of the dead, which is reincarnated in the ancient sword, and will attach to humans to suck life. It wraps the arm of the person holding the hilt with a blue cloth to suck life until he falls. The soul of the person who died because of this sword a long time ago became the soul of the scabbard. "

It has been a long time since we last saw Dai Yue Xiao Classroom.

Because he plans to go to the Sinnoh region, he needs some new Pokémon. They have entered the King level, and Blaziken has also entered the ranks of Quasi-Kings, so he wants to capture this kind of scabbard.

"Hello, little guy, are you willing to travel with me? "

Da Yue released his Sanctuary Power, and there is a feature of Sanctuary Power that Da Yue has only recently discovered. Sanctuary Power is very attractive to Pokémon with high double defense.

Feeling Da Yue's power, the Sword Scabbard also took the initiative to come over. Da Yue took out the Poké Ball and put the Sword Scabbard into it.

"Get the Shining Sword Scabbard!"

Dai Yue smiled while holding the Poké Ball of the Sword Scabbard.

After conquering the Sword Scabbard, Da Yue and the others continued to move forward. Some Diglett and Sandshrew appeared from time to time on the way, but when they saw the Metagross, they chose to escape. Da Yue and the others also successfully passed the Kalu Tunnel and came to the long-lost Kanaz City!

The two took a car to the headquarters of Devon Company. Kuroda had received the message and was waiting at the door.

"Kuroda, long time no see!"

Dai Yue said with a smile.

"Yes, Master Da Yue, Master Daigo! "

Kuroda was also very happy to see the two.

The three of them took the elevator to the top floor of Dewen Company, where Zifuchi Mujin was fiddling with his machine parts.

"Dad, we're back!"

Dayue's sudden call startled Zifuchi Mujin, and the screws in his hand fell to the ground.

"It's Daiyue and Daigo who are back!"

Zfuchi Mujin shook his head helplessly, then looked at his two sons with a smile on his face.

"Dad, my brother is awesome..."

Dawu told Zifuchi Mujin about what he saw in the league competition.

Zfuchi Mujin listened carefully, and Daiyue would say a few words from time to time, and the scene was very warm...

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