That’s right! In fact, the three elders, they are not really confronting Mizuharazawa for the unfair treatment of Mizuharazawa, they just want to take advantage of the opportunity to make a profit.

As Mizuhara said, Mizuharazawa has been two years behind, and the trainers of his generation, some of whom are even dojo-level trainers, are enough time to erase his amazing performance.

If Mizuharazawa was still ten years old, the three elders would definitely fight to offend the family master and protect him, but it was a pity.

“It’s a pity for a good seedling!” Looking at the expressionless Mizuharazawa below the ring, the Third Elder sighed in his heart.

After all, the results of Dabi are not as important as rumored for the high-level management, and they are more interested in potential, just as Mizuharazawa, although his performance is extremely amazing, but it belongs to the type with limited potential

However, what they didn’t expect in the future was that Mizuharazawa was not only a demon with unlimited potential, but also a monster, an invincible monster.

“Good! The final of this family competition will be played next! Please bring the players from both sides to the stage,” the referee in charge of the final said, waving a small flag.

“Mizuharazawa, I didn’t expect you to really make it to the final! It seems that I underestimated you,” Mizuhara Chao pretended to be surprised, but the sarcasm on his face was not hidden in the slightest.

Indifferent… The answer to Suwon Chao was still Mizuharazawa’s standard indifference, and he said lightly: “Aren’t you tired?” Show a deliberately disgusting look all day, what a child, you are very childish! ”

Attacked by Mizuharazawa’s merciless counterattack, Mizuhara Chao’s face immediately became gloomy, and he sneered: “It seems that the previous victory made you a little arrogant, do you think that you can defeat me with that idiot beast of yours?” Those who know will surrender immediately, or the consequences…….. Hum! ”

“Beat you in three rounds, if it doesn’t work, I’ll lose!” He took out the Pokeball and said lightly.

“What! Three rounds? Good! Very good! Suwon Chao’s teeth clenched together fiercely, making a rattling sound, and the fierce anger made his chest block.

Taking a deep breath, Mizuhara glanced at the referee next to him coldly, and said in a gloomy tone: “Let’s get started!” ”

“Uh…. Good! The game begins! The referee swallowed his saliva and said.

“Come out! Swamp Leaping Fish” flashed white light, and a perfect and strong swamp jumping fish appeared.

As soon as the swamp jumper appeared, there was an immediate exclamation below.

“Is this an evolutionary swamp leaping fish of the water leap fish?”

“That’s right, this is the evolutionary swamp leaping fish of the water leaping fish, the big young master is really the big young master, this has not officially traveled!” The leaping fish evolved into the swamp leaping fish.”

“It seems that Mizuharazawa is hanging this time, but I don’t know if there is a miracle?”

Although everyone was amazed by the initial spirit of Suwon Tide, he was unmoved, as if this was a king carp, without the slightest fluctuation on his face.

“Come out! Stay! He flicked the button on the Pokeball, and Xiao Du was immediately released.

“Kill him! Use a water gun!! As soon as Xiao Du appeared, Suwon Chao couldn’t wait to issue an attack command.

“Marsh~~” The swamp jumper yelled, and then a thick jet of water erupted from its mouth.

“First round! Stay! Hold on plus meditate! It was still that cold voice.

A pale green light mask wrapped Xiao Du’s whole body, and at the same time Xiao Du entered a meditative state, and the special attack and special defense were constantly soaring.

“Bang!!” The thick water column crashed into the green protective cover with a deafening sound, but this seemingly powerful water column did not have much impact on Xiao Du.

The green protective cover didn’t even produce any fluctuations, and the water column collapsed directly, turning into a trace of water spray and floating in the air.

“This is…. Dual-minded!? This dumb beast is not simple! The three elders sitting on the high platform opposite the ring were also taken aback, a dumb beast that could be used with two hearts, even he had never seen it.

Not only the three elders, but also the other high-ranking members of the family were taken aback when they saw such a special dumb beast, and then they began to calculate in their hearts, such a strange dumb beast seemed to be worth their investment.

“Abominable! Swamp Leap Fish! Shoot me with mud! I see how you resist this time!! Mizuhara shō cut his teeth.

With that, an earth dragon composed of mud erupted from the mouth of the swamp jumping fish.

“Second round, hold on!” The calm voice that disgusted Suhara came again.

The impregnable green barrier reappeared, blocking the mud shot.

“It’s over! Dumb uses illusions! Without waiting for Mizuhara Chao to react, Mizuharazawa suddenly said.

Colored light emanated from Xiao Du’s eyes, and after two rounds of meditation, Xiao Du’s special attack increased sharply, and he caught the swamp leaping fish at once.

“What! Swamp Leaping Fish Hurry Up and Break Free! Seeing the swamp jumper caught in mid-air, Suwon Chao suddenly became anxious and immediately shouted.

Hearing the master’s words, the swamp jumper began to struggle, but in front of Xiao Du, who had two rounds of meditation, this little strength was simply not enough.

I saw the light in Xiaodu’s eyes skyrocket, and the swamp leaping fish in mid-air was thrown down fiercely, directly losing the ability to fight.

“Three rounds, it seems that I won,” he said as he withdrew Xiaodu into the Poké Ball and said with a nonchalant look, as if it were a very common thing.

“I…” Hearing Mizuharazawa’s words, Mizuhara Chao’s face flushed, and unwilling emotions jumped on his face.

“Win….. Win? “The people below are a little unbelievable, the eldest young master who has always been high and high was defeated like this? Just three simple rounds?

“It’s true! That guy from Mizuharazawa really won! ”

“Mizuharazawa! Mizuharazawa! Slowly the people below began to chant his name.

“Big than first! Big than first! ”

Perhaps infected by others, some people who were not interested in him also joined the ranks of cheering for him, and in the end, the slogan shouted by several people actually gathered together and made a heaven-shaking sound.

And in the ring, Suwon Chao is full of fire, these cheers, these honors should have been him, but because of this person in front of him, he took away everything that originally belonged to him.

“Mistress! This routine is good, hold on to the meditation, and then kill the opponent with one blow,” the fifth elder saw through the routine he used at a glance and said to the three elders.

“But there are also many drawbacks, the success rate of the second time is halved, plus the elves who are single-minded are not so easy to encounter” The three elders with vicious eyes said the drawbacks of his battle routine.

“Having said that, this kid is still very talented, we really…” As he spoke, the voice of the fifth elder slowly became subtle.

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