“How? What was the result of that Mizuharazawa challenging the dojo? In the dimly lit study, came the majestic voice of Mizuhara Ba.

“Failed! But…” came a voice from somewhere in the room.

“Oh? Failed? It seems that I overestimated him! But the superpower on him is still very suspicious! Let’s lower the monitoring level first! Let’s take a look before we say “Hearing that Mizuharasawa failed is news, Mizuhara’s first reaction is to lower his attention, after all, as the head of a large family, it is not an exaggeration to say that it is a daily opportunity.

“But…” The dark shadow hidden in the corner of the room was silent for a moment, ready to open the stairs to tell what he had seen today.

“Is there something going on?” Hearing the somewhat hesitant voice of his henchman, Mizuhara stopped the rushing pen in his hand and asked.

“It’s about Mizuharazawa!”

“Oh! There is no major event in the future, no need to tell me! As soon as he heard that it was about Mizuharazawa, Mizuhara instantly lost interest.

Even the first dojo can’t win, and Mizuhara doesn’t think he can pose any threat, because the dojo to get the badge is not really to defeat the hall owner at all, as long as it reaches a certain level, the pavilion owner will give the badge to those novice trainers.

After all, if it is real, how can these newcomers who have just debuted be the opponents of those pavilion owners, generally better qualified trainers face the first dojo, there is basically no pressure to pass, so the failure of Mizuharazawa’s first dojo challenge makes Mizuhara-sa instantly lose interest in him, if it were not for the suspicious superpower, Mizuhara-ba would not pay too much attention to this clan member who seemed to have mediocre qualifications in him.

“………. Be! The man hiding in the darkness hesitated, but finally did not tell what he had seen and heard in the Orange Hua Taoist Hall.


After leaving the Orange Kado Hall, Mizuharazawa first went to the Pokémon Center to treat Xiaodu for comprehensive treatment.

Although he has a lot of knowledge of treatment and various drugs, it is safer to send it to a professional for the sake of insurance.

After a brief rest at the Pokémon Center, early the next morning, Mizuharazawa headed towards Kanaz City with Xiaodu.

“Is this the Orange Forest?” Just in front of him, countless shrubs were growing vigorously from the towering trees, the lush canopy blocked the sunlight in the sky, and a slightly rotten smell of leaves kept coming.

“Xiaodu, we’re going to start special training! Here’s how to train your superpowers! Use your superpowers to lift yourself up instead of walking! As soon as he entered the forest, Mizuharazawa said to Xiaodu.

“Stay ~~” said the little dumb who had been following behind him, squinting.

Then I saw the blue light of Xiaodu’s eyes, and the whole body began to float, and the bulky body immediately floated two or three centimeters above the ground.

Obviously, with Xiaodu’s super mental power, this training is simply a piece of cake for him.

“Very good! Now it’s time to get real! Get ready! Looking at Xiao Du who easily did what he said, a fine light flashed in his eyes, and then a strong spiritual force also emanated from him, forming something similar to a gravity field on Xiao Du’s body.

“Stay ~~” Xiao Du only felt that his body sank, and an invisible pressure pressed against it like a mountain.

“Dumb! Hold on! This is just part of the training! Looking at the somewhat strained little nerd, he encouraged.

“Stay!” Xiao Du roared softly, and a greater spiritual power emanated from it.

“Haha! Well done little stay! That’s it! Seeing that Xiaodu’s potential was stimulated, Mizuharazawa couldn’t help but praise again.

At this moment, Mizuharazawa’s iceberg face is the real thaw, and if people who are familiar with Mizuharazawa see his appearance, they will definitely be surprised, this iceberg face that they think they can’t smile naturally has such a side.

Just as Mizuharazawa and Xiaodu were training, a special and secret fluctuation came, and then a sudden ripple appeared in front of him.

“Plop” saw that after the fluctuation, a small figure fell straight to the ground.

“Huh? Who is it? Mizuharazawa’s face instantly returned to that ancient well-free look.

He slowly walked forward and found a green head with two red tentacles on his head, while the petite elf fell to the ground.

“This is Larulas?” Looking at the appearance of this elf, Mizuharazawa instantly recognized Lalulas, a super-powered elf that was very rare in the Fangyuan area at this time.

“The scars of so many evil skills? It seems that someone brought an evil elf and wanted to capture this Larulas, but this little guy escaped! While observing Larulas’s injuries, he pulled the first aid medicine out of his backpack.

He sprayed the Super Injury Spray at the area where Larulas was seriously injured, and then shoved the energy cube that restored his strength into Larulas’s mouth.

“That should be fine!” Looking at the gradual stabilization of the injury, Mizuharazawa gently picked it up and said.

A moment later, the unconscious Lalulath gradually woke up, and the awakened Lalulass saw that he was being held by a stranger, and immediately moved in panic, but fell into his arms because of his injuries and weakness.

“Larulas? Are you leaving? Looking at Lalulas, who was struggling in his arms, Mizuharazawa habitually asked in that somewhat cold voice.

“Ra~~” Hearing his somewhat cold voice, Lalu Lasi seemed to be frightened, and the red tentacles on his head exuded panic emotions.

“Don’t worry! It’s safe here! Feeling the panic of Larulas, he said in the voice that was as gentle as possible.

“Lalu ~~” Through the red tentacles, Lalu Lasse sensed that this cold-looking man really had no malice towards it in his heart, and then cried out a little timidly, and then lay directly in his arms.

“Cute little one!” Looking at the unsuspecting Lalulas, his iceberg-like face couldn’t help but thaw, and a hint of a smile emerged, this feeling of being trusted is really strange!

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