“Ahem!” Director Kuthrocky brushed away the dust in the air and coughed.

“Saved! Saved! We are saved! ”

“Are we saved? It’s okay! We’re okay! ”

“Haha! It’s okay! ”

The crew of the shipyard touched their whole bodies with their hands, and found that there was nothing at all, and they hugged and cheered each other happily.

At this time, the green protective cover in front of Mizuharazawa slowly disappeared, and Xiao Du slowly closed his eyes and fainted.

“Dumb! Are you okay! Seeing Xiao Du who passed out on the ground, Mizuharazawa panicked for the first time, and at this time his head was a piece of paste, and he didn’t know what to do.

“Thank you so much! Juvenile! If it weren’t for you, we might not have survived! Also, your King Hippo just fainted from physical exhaustion, please don’t worry,” Kuthrocki thanked Mizuharazawa.

“Exhausted?” Mizuharazawa’s head finally cleared up a little and asked in confusion.

“Yes! Juvenile! It’s just exhaustion! Just go to the Pokémon Center,” Kuthrocky confirmed.

“So it is! Come back! Stay! At this time, Mizuharazawa had completely recovered, and the confusion on his face returned to his usual indifference.

He looked up at the big hole above, and his eyes gradually narrowed, “Submarine, Sea Emperor Tooth, I know what you want to do!” Water fleet! Hum! Wait for it! Mizuharazawa’s eyes contained a trace of oozing cold light.

“Let’s do it~~” Dense footsteps came from a distance.

“Mizuharazawa? Why are you here? This was a familiar voice.

“Daigo! You’re here too! I’ll leave first,” Mizuharazawa glanced at Daigo, and then hurried towards the Pokémon Center.

“Huh? Why is he walking so fast! Looking at Mizuharazawa who was in a hurry, Daigo said a little puzzled.

“That boy’s King Hippo fainted from exhaustion, and is now rushing to the Pokémon Center! May I ask you are? Kuthrocky explained.

“It’s the king hippopotamus! That king hippopotamus should mean something different to him! Looking at Mizuharazawa’s departing back, Daigo thought secretly in his heart.

“Oh! This is the last champion of the Fangyuan League! Daigo! Chief Shi on the side hurriedly introduced.

“Daigo! This is……….”


“Excuse me, uh… That is, what happened to my king hippopotamus! As soon as Miss Joy came out of the room in the medical room, Mizuharazawa rushed up as soon as possible, and said with an eager face.

“Uh…. Your King Hippo is fine, it’s just exhausted physical strength, don’t worry,” Miss Joy was directly startled, and then said slowly.

“Whew~~ Thank you, Miss Joy” Hearing Miss Joy’s words, Mizuharazawa gently exhaled a breath and said with ease.

In fact, Xiao Du’s sudden fainting this time was due to the exhaustion of mental power, because he misestimated Xiao Du’s mental power, thinking that Xiao Du could control the big tongue shell on his head and use three skills to send out stunts at the same time.

Because Xiaodu is the king of hippopotamus, in fact, it is a symbiote of a dumb hippopotamus and a big tongue shell that relies on each other, and the crown on the head of the hippopotamus king, that is, the big tongue shell, also has its own will, but because the mental power of the little dumb is too strong, the will of the big tongue shell is suppressed and sleeps.

However, because of the symbiote, the consciousness of the big tongue shell has not disappeared, and it is possible to fight for dominance with the dumb beast at any time, and the mega evolution of the dumb hippopotamus is the best proof.

The dumb hippopotamus evolved by MEGA is that the big tongue shell temporarily gained the dominance between the two sides and swallowed the dumb beast, but the consciousness of the dumb beast also did not disappear, but it was only temporarily sleeping.

The symbiotic relationship between the dumb hippopotamus and the big tongue shell is a very complex relationship, one must sleep when the other is awake, otherwise there will be insanity, and the coma of the little dumb is because the consciousness of the big tongue shell is unintentionally awakened.

“All right! Your King Hippopotamus is now almost healthy! You can now go inside and see it! Miss Joy walked into the treatment room with Mizuharazawa.

“Dumb! Are you okay! As soon as he walked into the treatment room, he rushed to Xiaodu’s side and said.

“Stay~~” Xiaodu said full of energy, and the exhaustion in his eyes had all disappeared.

“Great!” Although many people told him that Xiaodu was okay before this, the worry in Mizuharazawa’s heart really dissipated when he really saw Xiaodu.


“Found it? What kind of person is that little ghost! It’s so powerful! In a secret underwater base, Shui Wutong asked while looking at the information on the screen about the Howler Whale King-class submarine.

“Pray Chief, if we hadn’t made a mistake in our investigation, that imp who disrupted our plan would be an ordinary clan member of the Suwon family,” Seth said respectfully as he stood behind Sui Wutong with his head slightly lowered.

“The Suwon family? If you remember correctly, there was also a genius boy called Suwon Chao who recently swept through six dojos! Shui Wutong said nonchalantly.

“yes! Recently, the boy called Suwon Chao is really powerful, but I didn’t expect to have such a powerful little ghost as Mizuharazawa, this Suwon family is really talented! Seth shook his head as he sighed.

“The Suwon family? Hum! A decaying and declining family! It’s time for the world to see how powerful our water fleet is! Seth! “The Suwon family, which has a huge reputation in the eyes of ordinary people, is very worthless in the mouth of Sui Wutong.

“In! What is the leader’s command! Hearing the leader’s call, Seth immediately straightened up.


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