“Fire Chicken….. You are such a fool! Even if it is the weakest! Looking at the dazzling evolutionary light, Mizuharazawa said softly, the strong emotional changes before the evolution of the fire chicken just now were clearly captured by him.

The dazzling light gradually disappeared, and what appeared in front of everyone’s eyes again was no longer the delicate fire chicken, but the strong chicken with sharp eyes, a strong body, and long claws reflecting a trace of cold light!

“Strong!” Li Zhuang Chicken roared angrily and took a deep breath.

“This is learning to spray flames?” Looking at the appearance of the strong chicken, Mizuharazawa couldn’t help but guess with joy, after all, the fire chicken can just be said to have been reborn from the ashes! But there was a hint of deep worry hidden in his eyes.

Sure enough, just as he was worried, the strong chicken sprayed forward fiercely, and a trace of sparks spewed out of its mouth.

“Is that really the only way? It’s still like this even after evolution! “Because the strong chicken was consumed by the fire energy in Yan Gongzi’s tormented body when he was a fire chicken, after evolving into a strong chicken, he still can’t use any fire skills.

“Bang!!” did not stop because of the evolution of the fire chicken, the coal turtle with a whirring sound directly hit the strong chicken, and the strong chicken that had just been stunned because of the unsuccessful use of the jet flame was immediately knocked away.

“I don’t know what you’re up to! But I’m not going to waste my chance! Coal turtle! Use the Flame Vortex! Without any hesitation, Yasha showed the strength of a Taoist hall owner at this moment, and her precise skill connection and strong heart were all on display.

“Strong chicken! It doesn’t matter if there’s no flame! We just believe we are the strongest! Double kick! His calm face began to burn violently, and passion burned.

“Strong!!” After evolution, the character of the strong chicken has changed a lot, when he heard him say this, the whole body suddenly tensed, the strong chicken in the air twisted, the right leg full of strength kicked fiercely, and kicked the head of the coal turtle fiercely.

And when the strong chicken kicked the coal turtle, a blazing flame formed a whirlpool to engulf it.

“Flames! Can I help! Strong Chicken!! ”

With Mizuharazawa’s domineering words, the strong chicken endured the flame vortex, twisted his crotch again, and his left foot was like a bow full of strength and kicked the head of the coal turtle again.

“Abominable! What a thing! Coal turtle use overheat!! Looking at the faint tendency to be overturned, Yasha said a little impatiently.

“Is this a relationship between humans and elves? It’s so wonderful~~ Yasha is actually impatient! It seems that the result of this duel has been divided” Mulla also felt the strong chicken’s attachment to Mizuharazawa, and couldn’t help but sigh at the relationship between humans and elves, and at the same time expected the final result of this match.

“Overheating? Strong chicken! Light stone fire! And then split! A flash of essence flashed in Mizuharazawa’s eyes, and he keenly grasped the breath when the coal turtle was overheated.

Before his words fell, the strong chicken with traces of flames left on his body was like an electric light, and instantly flashed in front of the coal turtle, and its sharp and long claws hit the coal turtle’s neck fiercely.

Although the strong chicken seized the opportunity to charge gas in that second, Yasha’s coal turtle was also unusually tenacious, and even endured the sharp pain in his neck and roared, and the next second a terrifying and extremely hot flame erupted like a volcano.

“Strong chicken! “Because the strong chicken was in front of the coal turtle, the terrifying flame had already come to the strong chicken without waiting for him to give an order.

However, at this moment, a blue light suddenly flashed in the eyes of the strong chicken, and the body passed through the dead angle of these bursting flames at an extremely tricky angle.

“This is: Preliminary? Strong chicken! Use Ascension Fist!! Seeing that the strong chicken himself used the first decision to avoid the fatal blow, Mizuharazawa also reacted extremely quickly, and the new command was issued again.

After a few strides, the strong chicken came to the chin, and then its right hand suddenly swelled in a circle, and the white light wrapped its fist, and swung violently towards the chin of the coal turtle.

The coal turtle, whose physical strength was greatly reduced due to the release of overheating, could not dodge at all, or did not dodge, and was directly hit.


The coal turtle’s bulky body fell violently to the ground, kicking up a burst of dust, and the huge sound of hitting the ground echoed in the hall.

“I lost! Damn it! What an unwillingness! Come back! Coal turtle! Although she did not want to believe it, Yasha still accepted the reality, after all, defeat is defeat, and there is no room for denial.

“Strong chicken! You did so well! “From the cowardice and cowardice of the fire chicken to the self-confidence and strength of the strong chicken now, it is just a passing night, which is really amazing, Mizuharazawa can only say that the qualification of the strong chicken is too strong!

“What a battle! Great comeback! That’s right! Can you ask how you got this strong chicken? At this time, Mulla came over and first praised, and then asked Mizuharazawa.

“What for?” After the battle, he returned to his usual calm and indifferent appearance.

“That’s right, at the beginning I saw that your strong chicken was a little malnourished, you know what malnutrition is, so I had some doubts… Of course, the performance behind you and Lizhuang Chicken is different from what I imagined, which shows…” Mulla said a little embarrassed, after all, he suspected that Mizuharazawa was abusing Lizhuang Chicken at first, but the battle between Mizuharazawa and Yasha later proved that his speculation was wrong. _

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