“Report sir! These people are only mildly hypnotized! It will recover after a while! It’s not a big deal! A man in a police uniform reported to Miss Junsha.

“It’s okay! But who is so boring? Unexpectedly, the pedestrians in this vicinity were hypnotized for no reason! And it’s such a big piece! This person’s strength is definitely not low! Hearing her subordinate’s report, Jun Sha nodded, and then thought with her brows furrowed.

“No clue! Who is so boring! After thinking about it, Junsha finally found that she couldn’t guess what the motive of this ‘murderer’ was! Finally, he could only say a little decadently.

Just when Jun Sha was a little irritable, a piece of news suddenly shocked her spirits! It turned out that one of the pedestrians who fell into a coma had woken up and claimed to be a witness to the incident!

Soon Junsha walked up to this witness and asked, “Who hypnotized you?” Is it a lava team or a water fleet? What conspiracies do they have? Or foreign forces? ”

Junsha’s series of questions made the man a little speechless, as if the machine gun question made him unable to answer.

“Uh…. It’s me who is a little impatient! Who do you say hypnotized you? But fortunately, Jun Sha quickly understood that she was too impatient, so she immediately adjusted and asked in a gentle tone.

“It’s not the lava team and the water fleet that hypnotize us! But Mizuharazawa, one of the top ten geniuses! The man slowly said the real answer.

“Mizuharazawa? It’s him!? Hearing this name, Junsha was very surprised.

“That’s right”


And the line of sight returned to Mizuharazawa’s body, at this time he used Chirurian’s teleportation to teleport to the avenue between Kanaz City and Kama Yan Town, and now he was dressed in a long black robe, and the hood on his head directly covered his face by half.

Looking at his disguise, we know how much harassment he has encountered, and since Elf TV reported about his ideals, countless dissatisfied or famous trainers have sought him out and wanted to fight him.

If that’s all, that’s fine! But what’s even more frustrating is that I don’t know who organized an organization called Eliminate Unrealistic Ideas, and whenever he went to a place, someone would publish his coordinates and let more people ‘harass’ him.

Mizuharazawa already knew at a glance that this was someone secretly ghosting, and this person was definitely not Baking Yanyan, because Explosive Yanyan definitely did not have such a large amount of energy to set off a frenzy.

Now that half of the Fangyuan region has slowed down a trend called finding Mizuharazawa to fight, some young trainers have regarded finding him to fight as a trend, and even formed a recognition that newcomers cannot call it an adventure if they do not find Mizuharazawa to fight a game.

“Who is behind this? Is it a lava water fleet? Explosive family? Or the Suwon family? He thought about it carefully, and found that those he had offended and had such the ability to take revenge on him were just these few big forces, and the others could basically be ruled out.

“Hah! I found you! Suwon I will fight! Just as he was thinking about it, a childish voice came into his ears.

He looked up slightly and saw a child who had not yet reached the age of ten was holding a Poké Ball in a challenging gesture.

“There are elves before they are ten years old? The clothes are luxurious, which big family should be the children! Mizuharazawa frowned, then ignored the kid and walked directly past him.

“Hey! Mizuharazawa! Did you hear me! I’m going to fight you! Zvoqi Qianye looked at Mizuharazawa and ignored him, and his mouth immediately deflated and said a little angrily.

He glanced lightly at Zvoch Chiye, did not speak, and then continued to walk forward.

“Hey! I Zvoch Thousand Nights want you to fight me to hear me! Feed! How abominable! Come out! Iron dumbbells! “Zvoqi Chiye saw that Mizuharazawa could not reply to him, and he threw the poké ball directly in anger, and an iron dumbbell appeared in front of Mizuharazawa.

“Zvoch? Isn’t this the name of the man at the helm of the German company? And this is ….. Do you have the original form of the sub-god beast qualification alloy monster? At this time, Mizuharazawa finally stopped, and a hint of surprise flashed in his eyes to look at Zvoqi Chiye.

“Haha! Did you promise to fight me? Looking at Mizuharazawa, who stopped, Zvoch Chiye said happily.

“Why fight me!” He looked at the iron dumbbell that was slowly floating in the air, and then said lightly.

“Huh? Why? Of course, because playing against you is the coolest thing right now! You’re so weird! Zvoch Chiye said a reason that made him cry and laugh.

“You are not my opponent! And your iron dumbbells better put away, otherwise if you run into an elf hunter, your iron dumbbells will not be guaranteed! Looking at this child with an obviously extraordinary background, he lightly reminded.

“Oh! Come back! Iron dumbbells! To his surprise, Zvoch Qianye obediently withdrew the iron dumbbell into the Pokeball.

“Well! So be it! Without stopping, Mizuharazawa walked forward again.

“Hey! Ahead is the famous storm desert! Where is the famous barren land! Where are you going? And when will I be your opponent? Zvoch Chiye shouted forward.

“Barren land?” It just so happens that this place is just right for him now, and after traveling for so long, he hasn’t really trained his elves once! This stormy desert is just right for him to ask for trouble, and the environment is harsh enough to train elves.

“Hey! Really! Ignoring people again! When will I be Mizuharazawa’s opponent? Looking at Mizuharazawa’s back, Zvoqi Chiye said with a somewhat cute chin up.

“Ah~~ Little young master, it turns out that you are here! It really scared me to death just now! I thought you were gone!! At this time, a man dressed in a costume similar to a butler rushed over with a worried face and said.

“Little night is not gone! I just found Mizuharazawa! Am I awesome? Zvoch Qianye said with pride on his face.

“Mizuharazawa?” The butler raised his head and looked at the back in the distance. _

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