“Did that forcibly order protection succeed just now? How is this possible! How can a failed skill be forcibly turned into success? This…..”At this time, Genji, who had always maintained a calm appearance, also had a face full of surprise, this was the first time he had seen this kind of thing!

“Suffered! Sun Elves! There was no time to wonder what had just happened, Kirito looked at the irrepressible spiritual power on Xiaodu’s body, and immediately shouted to the Sun Elf.

“It’s over! Dumb uses illusions! Mizuharazawa’s calm tone was filled with a murderous aura.

Xiao Du followed his voice, his closed eyes slowly opened, and at the same time, the eyes that looked a little dumbfounded also became full of killing intent at this time, and the sharp eyes simply made people dare not look directly at Xiao Du.

“Sun ~~” The moment Xiao Du opened his eyes, the sun elf felt that he was caught by an invisible force, and the endless pressure made it feel as if it was in a swamp.

“What! It turned out to be so terrifying! Sun Elves! Quick…” Listening to the screams of the sun elves, Kirito immediately said anxiously.

However, before he finished speaking, he saw Xiao Du’s fingers gently swiped down, and the entire body of the sun elf was smashed on the ground, and suddenly countless splashed out from the ground at any time, and the hard ring was smashed into small cracks.

Terror! Genji looked at the Sun Elf, who had lost his ability to fight, and began to face up to this boy who was dozens of years younger than him in his heart! I don’t know if it’s an illusion, Genji actually thinks that Mizuharazawa has strength that can match him.

But this idea came out in a flash after all, Genji shook his head again, although Mizuharazawa’s strength was terrifying, but the distance was still a little worse.

“The Sun Elves lose their ability to fight! So the winner is King Hippo! After shaking that fleeting thought out of his head, Genji said calmly.

“Too… It’s terrible! It only took one move to end the Sun Elf! Mizuhara Shio, who had been fighting with Mizuharazawa at the beginning, immediately swallowed his saliva when he saw such a scene and said.

“This tactic is a bit unsolvable! First protect yourself with protection, and with the special ability of dual use, enter a meditative state while exerting protection, and desperately improve your mental power! After three rounds like this, it becomes a rhythm that no one can beat! Chito Phantom frowned, and said with a very solemn face.

“Yes! That guy from the lava team is likely to be swept away by this king hippopotamus! The explosive maniac on the side agreed with Chito Phantom’s analysis, and nodded uncontrollably and said.

“This… This Mizuharazawa real thing! And that king hippopotamus too! Where did this kid get so many elves with special abilities! “Ichiba doesn’t feel anything, but when he saw Mizuharazawa’s routine that is simply a little unsolvable, he immediately reacted, and the second uses the pervert of a real horse!

“It seems that the kid from the lava team is going to ” Surprised, Chito Yi saw a flash of panic on Kirito’s face, so he immediately said.

This… Looking at the sun elf who fell to the ground, Kirito’s fingers trembled a little, and a trace of fear began to spread from the bottom of his heart, could it be…. Will I lose at the hands of the brat!? Impossible! I’m a genius among geniuses! How can you lose to such a guy!

“Come back! Sun Elves! Reluctantly suppressing the fear in his heart, Kirito’s slightly trembling hand raised the Pokeball and said.

“All right! Hurry up and release your next sprite! This boring battle is over! The keen Mizuharazawa noticed that Kirito was trembling, so he unconsciously said with a hint of disdain on his calm face.

Speaking of which, Xiaodu’s performance this time actually did not meet Mizuharazawa’s expectations, because he had already asked Xiaodu to train this routine specifically from the time he first started traveling! I remember the first time he used this routine, it was in the Suwon family competition.

At that time, this routine was still very immature, and many ideas and coping methods had not been figured out, so it was not difficult to crack that routine as long as an experienced trainer met at that time, and how dirty this routine was, Mizuharazawa was very clear, so he kept thinking about how to make up for the shortcomings of this routine.

One of the biggest flaws in this routine is actually to protect this skill, protecting this skill in this routine can be said to be very important, if the protection fails, then this routine can be said to have failed by half, so Mizuharazawa is thinking about how to improve the success rate of protection along the way.

The kung fu pays off is that not long ago, Xiaodu increased the success rate of protecting this skill to 90%, close to 100%, although it will lose a lot of physical strength, but it is also a success.

“Abominable! Salamander! Come out! Use…..”Looking at the slightest disdain on Mizuharazawa’s face, Kirito suddenly became angry! Immediately threw a poké ball and said.

However, before he could finish, Mizuharazawa’s words kept interrupting him!


Just like the sun elf, the violent salamander that had just come out of the elf ball was instantly caught by the terrifying spiritual power of Xiaodu, and then smashed down fiercely.

“Boom!!” The entire ring was shaken slightly, and countless rubble was smashed into the air again.

“The Violent Salamander loses its ability to fight! Winner: King Hippo! In Kirito’s surprised eyes, Genji also said with some surprise.

“This…. Come back! Salamander! So… Come out! Crow head! Holding back the trembling of his body, Kirito withdrew the violent salamander into the Spirit Ball, and then said.

“Illusion!” It’s still such a calm voice.

“Hmph! My crow head but…” Also without waiting for Kirito to finish speaking, Xiao Du’s strong spiritual power directly controlled the countless gravel in the ring, and then the sharp stone cut through the air and slammed into the crow head.

“Raven Head loses the ability to fight! The winner is King Hippo! Genji began to feel a little sympathetic to Kirito at this time, what should he say when he encounters a pervert like Mizuharazawa? _

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