“Flame Chicken! Flame Rush! In the ring, Explosive Maniac’s face was full of sweat, and his voice was a little trembling.

“Flames!” I saw the flame chicken that exploded wildly, roared up to the sky, and a hot and somewhat whitish flame appeared on its body, and then rushed over like a big truck.

“Swamp King! Use mud spray! Ning’s voice was still so cold.

“Marsh~~” I saw the swamp king roar gently, and two earth dragons composed of mud instantly flew towards the flame chicken that was rushing over.

The somewhat moist mud was instantly roasted hard by the hot flame when it was just approaching the flame chicken, and in a moment, the two earth dragons seemed to turn into two ceramic dragons.

“Bang!” The flame chicken rushed straight over, smashing the two earth dragons, and suddenly pieces of ceramic fell on the ring.

“Swamp King! Use surfing! Looking at the remaining flame chicken, he said calmly with a calm face.

In an instant, a large amount of water was summoned by the swamp king, and the huge wave suddenly covered the flame chicken.

“Flames!” The terrifying wave of impact directly hit the flame chicken, causing the flame chicken to make a painful sound.

“Flame Chicken! Are you okay! Seeing the flame chicken being covered by that huge wave, the flame maniac immediately shouted out anxiously.

The big wave overwhelmed, and the flame chicken in the ring lay weakly on it, his eyes swirling, obviously losing his ability to fight.

“The Flame Rooster has lost its ability to fight! Because all six elves of Exploding Madness lost their ability to fight, the ultimate winner of this battle was Ning! Seeing that the flame chicken lost its ability to fight, Genji said with a hint of praise.

“Lost….. I lost again! After hearing Genji announce the result, Bakugan lay down in the ring weakly.

The battle just now really made Bakugan a little desperate, the opponent obviously looks similar in strength to him, but why does he lose every time? If losing to Mizuharazawa is a gap in strength, then losing to this guy named Ning, Explosive Mania feels a little unclear.

“It’s really a blast that loses… Mizuharazawa, how did you know that girl named Ning would win! Nasha looked at the final result of this battle and said to Mizuharazawa with a face full of admiration.

“Because of this condensation… Very strong! Mizuharazawa’s flat voice seemed to be the same as Condensation.

“Is it strong? So are you powerful or this condensation? Nasha looked at Mizuharazawa, who had a calm face, and asked curiously.

“Me!” That confident and short voice came out of his mouth.

“You…. Is it? What a confidence! However, it is also Mizuharazawa, a pervert, in the field, I am afraid that only Genji Tenking can compete! Nasha was secretly in her heart

At this time, on the high platform, the patriarch of the Explosive Yan family exploded in anger, as if to say that it was not that the children of the family did not work hard, but that the opponent was too strong!

“It seems that in the end, it will be Mizuharazawa, Ning, and the people of the Imperial Dragon clan brought by that old guy Genji to compete for the final championship!” Chito Yi shook his head and said.

“Look at this situation, that’s it! No, the strength of that guy from the Royal Dragon Clan should be similar to that Ning! I don’t think they can win this monster Mizuharazawa! I don’t know why Mizuhara’s face was a little proud.

“Hmph! You old ghost! Suwonzawa does not represent your Suwon family! He just represents himself! What do you have to be proud of! Listening to the hint of pride in Mizuhara’s tone, Burst Yan immediately said with some resentment.

“But anyway, Suwonzawa has always been a member of our Suwon family, right? Ha ha! I see you’re jealous of me,” Mizuhara said with a smile.

“Hmph! I’m lazy to argue with you! Looking at Mizuhara’s smugness, he twisted his head to the side and said.


“Good! Then the next will be the third game! Chito Fantasy vs. Mizuhara Shio! Genji simply repaired the ring and continued.

As soon as Genji’s voice fell, Mizuhara Shio and Chito went to the ring and put a Poké Ball in my hand and made a gesture ready for battle.

“Good! I won’t say much about the rules! So! War….. Start now! Genji said with a slight nod.

“Come out! Giant Swamp Monster! “Suhara Chao threw the Pokeball directly.

White light flashed, and the giant swamp monster, which had always been somewhat stout, appeared in the ring out of thin air, and its huge weight also shook the ring.

“It’s really a giant swamp monster! Then you’re welcome! Lizard King! Come out! Chito saw that the first elf of the Suhara tide was the giant swamp monster, and his face showed such a look, and then threw the poké ball.

In an instant, the Lizard King, full of thorns and buds, appeared in the ring.

“Oh? Is there a battle between the water system and the grass system in the Mizo family? Interesting! Genji looked at the first elf on both sides and said with a smile.

“Lizard King! Flying Leaf Quick Knife! “Chito Phantom preemptively strikes.

“Hee-hee! In order to fight against your Lizard King, my giant swamp monster is specially trained! Giant Swamp Monster! Use Freeze Light! Facing the sharp blade like a knife, Suwon Shio was not afraid at all, and immediately said to the giant swamp monster.

For a time, the two sides played happily on the field, perhaps because both sides were too familiar and knew what routines and habits of the other party were clear, so this battle can only be described in two words, that is, stalemate!

“Mizuharazawa! Who do you say will win this time? Looking at the stalemate, Nasha couldn’t help but ask Mizuharazawa again.

“Sento Phantom!” Without hesitation, Mizuharazawa said directly.

“Chito illusion? Well…. I think so too! That Sento Phantom looks like it’s stronger! Nasha looked at the battle in the ring seriously, and finally nodded and said.

And while everyone was watching the battle seriously, on the periphery of the Meteor Mountain Range, a group of people in black robes were secretly doing something, only to see them digging left and right, as if they were looking for something.

At this time, a wind suddenly blew, and the black robes covered by the group of people were blown up, revealing the clothes inside, and the clothes inside were the uniforms of the lava team and the water fleet!

ps: Thank you very much for your support, recently because of the author’s lazy cancer attack, resulting in a slow update, very guilty, plus what previous rewards, flowers and votes, has not been added, so tomorrow I will try to break out a wave, to thank everyone for your support. _

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – favorites, recommendations

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