“Your Honor Searcher! Is there really no problem with this? The captain of the Elven League, rubbing his blue shoulders, asked Instantaneous with some hesitation.

“Hmph! A sucker! Do you think I can really single out hundreds of them alone? This result is already very good! Instantaneous said irritably.

“Uh… But it’s hard to explain over there in the Elders’ House! ”

“You don’t have to worry about it over there in the Elder House, I’ll take care of it myself!” And do you think they can get out that easily? Those pedantic guys are guarding the outside! Instantaneous said with a wicked smile on his face.

It turned out that when Instantaneous arrived, Shui Wutong and Red Flame Pine also came out of which secret room, and unexpectedly, the lava team did not kill them all, but negotiated with Instantaneous, on the condition that as long as they released the people of the Elven Alliance, then Instantaneous promised not to trouble the lava team and the water fleet for a month.

In desperation, Instant could only agree, because the difference in strength between the two sides was too great, and he could not allow him not to agree.


At the top of the meteor waterfall, the figure of Mizuharazawa suddenly appeared.

“Huh! Mizuharazawa you are back! What do you think? Where did you go? Nasha, who had been fighting with both eyelids, saw Mizuharazawa return, and her eyes lit up and said.

“Hmm! Go and see that so-called baby, and it turns out nothing! Let’s go! Mizuharazawa nodded lightly and said.

“Go? Where to go? Isn’t the battle here not over? Nashalen said.

“No more fighting!” Mizuharazawa said directly.

“Mizuharazawa? Are you leaving? The game isn’t over yet! Don’t you want the eggs of the salamander? “The explosive maniac who came from the side heard that Mizuharazawa was actually leaving, so he stopped fighting! So he said immediately.

Mizuharazawa gently “hmm”, and then directly grabbed Nasha’s hand, and his eyes made a look at Xiao Du.

Without waiting for the explosive madness to reflect them, Mizuharazawa instantly disappeared in place, and his crisp and neat departure made Mizuhara Chao speechless for a while, this Mizuharazawa is really like this!

“Broken! The Elven Alliance and our people have failed! Chito Yi looked at the message sent by the ring and said in surprise.

“What? Ours and the people of the Elven Alliance failed? How is this possible!? Even the lava team and the water fleet combined are not our opponents! At this time, Mizuhara was really shocked, but he didn’t expect that the people of the Elf Alliance and their people would all fail! He wasn’t so surprised if one of them failed, but it made him a little puzzled if they all failed.

“It won’t be any accident, will it!” Burst inflammation and wrinkle.

“That’s right! It was an accident! The moment the Spirit Alliance ambushed the lava team, which search officer in charge of the ambush was dragged down, plus the lava team they told the Elf Alliance’s plan, so the Elf Alliance was defeated. Chito Yi nodded and said.

“Don’t tell me it’s Mizuharazawa who dragged that searcher! That kid could actually drag a search officer? That’s unlikely! Mizuhara said as he looked at Chito Yi with a look that he didn’t know.

“That’s right! It’s that kid, although it’s just a trainee search officer…”


“Yay! It’s so dizzy! Well? Where are we? Unlike the last teleportation, this teleportation took a particularly long time, which made Nasha’s whole person feel dizzy.

“This is above the Storm Desert!” Releasing the hand that held Nasha, Mizuharazawa said lightly.

“Storm Desert? Above? This…. What is this for? Nasha’s heart suddenly said a little nervously.

“Your people have already set up a place outside the Storm Desert, not enough because they have not been in contact with the outside world for a long time, they are very unfamiliar with the outside world, so I want you to go back and lead them again” Without the slightest fluctuation, Mizuharazawa said as if like a repeater.

“So… Am I going back? It turned out to be so fast…..,” Nasha bit her lower lip and looked at Mizuharazawa and said.

The pupils were still so flat, and Mizuharazawa froze like a log at this time, and did not answer Nasha.

“Yes, too! Towing oil bottles like mine are too troublesome for you, so go back! Anyway, I learned a lot during this time! So…. Mizuharazawa! See you later! Nasha said as she barely held back the tears in her eyes.

“Hmm!” A trace of fluctuation flashed in Mizuharazawa’s eyes, but it was only a flash, and it instantly turned back into a calm and unfazed said.

“Nasha~~ We are here! Over here! At this time, a loud voice in the distance was shouting.

“Is it Uncle Da Niu? I am here! Listening to the familiar voice, Nasha couldn’t help but turn her head and shout.

However, at the moment when Nasha turned her head, Mizuharazawa gently patted Xiaodu’s hand, and then Xiaodu’s spiritual power suddenly launched! It’s just a teleportation.

“Mizuharazawa! Or……. Just go away? Just as Nasha turned her head again and said, she found that Mizuharazawa had disappeared.

“Nasha? What happened to you? Crying? Is Mizuharazawa gone? I haven’t thanked him yet? Uncle Da Niu ran over from a distance, found that Nasha’s eyes were red, and a trace of tears had fallen, and suddenly asked worriedly.

“I’m okay! It’s just that the wind and sand are too big for the eyes! Show me where the people live! Nasha wiped her eyes and pretended to be happy and said.

“Are you really all right? How do I feel like I’m crying! Did that guy Mizuharazawa do something bad to you? Uncle Da Niu said with a suspicious face.

“Nope! I was really squinted by the sand! Uncle Da Niu! Let’s go! Nasha said with a smile on her face, but her eyes were dark.


“I really didn’t expect it! Those three major families are still in ambush outside! No wonder the people of the Elf Alliance agreed to our conditions so quickly! But it’s all worth it! One month! Chi Yansong looked at the somewhat embarrassed team behind him and thought secretly in his heart. _

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