
Pokemon list again

this list is on battle strength not counting type advantage

1 Cinder (Houndoom) (on hand)

1 creek (Tyranitar ) (on hand)

2 Absol (On hand)

3 Spiritomb (on hand)

5 Shin (scizor) (on hand)

5 Zweilous (on hand)

7 weavile (Oaks)

8 metang (oaks)

9 Dash (Sharpedo) (oaks) (shiny)

10 Slash (Nuzleaf) (Oaks)

10 ditto (Oaks)

12-25 (13) aloan grimer (Oaks)

unknown ????? (mystery pokemon that pranks with ditto) (Oaks)

unknown?????( Mysterious martial brother) (training at Oaks)

so some of them are on the same level thanks to how they are at a similar power strength. the reason Scizor is lower is his strength in thanks to his battle experience and strengths are do to his setting him self up. dash because of hit limits being stuck in the water.As for the unknown Pokémon it makes sense as you know little about them even if one can be strong. This does not mean that in battle they are for sure to win against those lower.@@

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