Pokemon: The new brain

63 Chapter 60 quater final part 2

Kash P.O.V

When they finally change the field as we begin the 2nd part of our match as she calls out the last Pokemon I know of Ludicolo making me recall Creek and call out another Pokemon my alolan Muk or as I call him Lucky. As the crowed and my opponent are shocked as they never saw a Muk like this before as my opponent starts with rain dance as she is preparing I call for toxic as it hits letting me know this match is mine while she frowns. As she tries calls for hydro pump as I just let it hit, thanks to his great defense and skills take little to know damage as I make use of the elasticity his body to send him flying toward Ludicolo while using gunk shot. As he is flying towards his target, I can Lake looking shocked at this reversal When Luck smashes into him and envelops before getting off as Ludicolo gets knocked out

Referee "Ludicolo is unable to continue, Lake is down to 2 Pokémon and Kash is at 5 left."

Lake "I have never seen a Muk like that how is he like that" as I smile

Kash " It's from a region called ahola and are this colour thanks to the different pollution that is found there" as she nods and is probably going to look into it

As we restart the match and she calls out a Starmie getting a smile from me thanks to the little information I decided not to tell. As she tries to use psychic while I know it won't take affect on him I call for Lucky to use crunch as he just ignore the attack and latches on, getting a shocked look from the majority of the crowed as it's not what is expected.As she tries again I tell him to throw multiple shadow punches as her Pokémon takes a lot of damage, she calls for ice beam trying to freeze Lucky down to the grown allowing for more hits. I was prepared for such things from my opponents as I thanks his parentage as I tell him through my aura to use shadow sneak into knock off from behind as he smashes Starmie into the ground. As I look at the leader of my Alolan Pokémon thinking at how I first met him as he was eating the most food and all it took was guarantee of a large amount of food when he was still a Grimer.

Referee "Starmie is unable to continue, Lake is down to 1 and Kash at 5" as Lake asks me

Lake " why didn't psychic work"

Kash " Guess I can tell you thanks to aloha unique characteristics, some Pokémon have gained the dark type attribute" as she nods at

Lake "while this last Pokémon isn't going to be as easy as this"

As she calls out her final team member, when I see a large Walrein appears and I mean bigger then normal easily as she calls for a move I never expected, sheer cold. As Lucky needs to take a hit to gain great speed causing him to get hit and as a result knocked out.

Referee " Muk is unable to continue, Lake is at 1 while Kash has 4 left"

Kash "I wasn't expecting that, nice though as I was, planning on using toxic"

Lake "Thanks, he was with me since the beginning, and he just keeps on getting stronger and stronger"

As I decide to call out Creek again, hopefully he has gotten enough rest when I see disappointment on his face when he sees all the water gone. As i start with brick break that she counters with blizzard as he tries to break through with his strong body but as the move piles on it causes ice to form on the ground by his feat getting him to lose footing amnd sent shooting back ward. As he tries to get closer to him he keeps sending him back as I decide to use earthquake to disrupt him when I call for him to run and use Iron head, when she stabilize and keeps using ice ball as they get stronger as they hit causing more damage. He finally gets close enough to hit sending his opponent back a little, before she calls for brine dealing a lot of damage from a powered up move like that as she sends Creek flying into the air and while he is flying she'd calls for ice beam at him, when he lands and smoke covers the battlefield before showing a knocked out Walrein.

Referee " Tyranitar is unable to continue, Lake is at 1 and Kash at 3"

As I decide to end this as I call for Spiritomb, when he enters the shadow right away getting ready to surprise attack as I call for wil-o-wisp both burning him and lower her Pokemons attacking power. She tries to use rest, but I stop it with taunt not letting Walrein to use none attacking moves causing Lake great frustration as she tries fireing multiple ice beams but thanks to hiding in the shadows they all miss and give more places to hide as the field is covered with ice structures instead of the grassy terrain. As I get Spiritomb to use sunny day both to weakens her water moves but also to create more shadows and glaring as the sun hits the ice.Lake tries to use rockslide to destroy everything but only creates quite a few boulders on the field. As I want to end it now I call for Spiritomb to use hypnosis as he continues using dream eater drawing energy and causing a lot more damage before his opponent is knocked out. As we recall our Pokémon and shake hands as the crowed goes crazy.

Referee "Lake has no Pokémon left making Kash the winner and advancing to the semi finals."

Kash " Great battle, your Pokémon were well trained one of the toughest official matches I have had in Hoenn."

Lake "Thank you very much. You gave me a lot to think about on how to get better"

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