Pokemon list

1 Cinder (Houndoom) (on hand)

He is top elite level Pokémon, why he can battle Stevens metagross is due to type advantage along with the fact it is beginner champion level. He Has past his limit 2 times. His battle characteristics is using pure power to over power with advantage on speed. Along with powerful fusion moves.

2 Sinbad (Medicham)(on hand)

He is the same level of intermediate elite as Creek, he makes use of his abilities and skills to take very little hits. He then uses his other ability to try and end it in few moves. Doesn't like to fight for no reason as he is in aura training

3 creek (Tyranitar ) (on hand)

He uses his strong physical body to take hits and can battle close or distance but when it is close the battles usually end a lot sooner due to his great strength. Tries to get stronger to face cinder on even ground.

4 Absol (Oak)

Beginner elite level. Tries to break apart attacks sent to him with stronger moves, tries to end them fast with build up then uses strong moves. Doesn't like to fight

5 Spiritomb (oak)

Beginner elite level likes to hide in shadows to use sneak attacks, along with status affects or moves that goes with hypnosis. Can take some hits but prefers to try and dodge. Doesn't like sneaking

6 Shin (scizor) (on hand)

Intermediate elite level likes to use speed with with weaker attacks to over whelm opponents along with decent defence leading to longer battles as of now.

7 Hydrogedion (on hand)

Intermediate elite level needs more time for training, some reason his moves are attributed with dark type make in any move that isn't dark type double natures making fusion moves easier to accomplish.

8 weavile (on hand).

Gym leader top level. He doesn't like to get hit, thanks to having 1 eye damages he learned how to feel those are ounce him and can tell what's happening by Sensing though the ice and or hail.

9 Crash (metang) (oaks)

Gym leader top level. Great defence and great power, due to imbalance in aura when hit hard may causes him to go crazy hopefully when he evolves fixes it. Great control until then, along with little training from Steven that he is following

10 Dash (Sharpedo) (oaks) (shiny)

Elite beginner level dues to needing water cant stay with him, he is training 3 caravahn as followers. in battle uses strong speed to avoid attacks agaisnt him and uses his strong physical body to deal masive damage, best way to defeat him is special attacks that affect him

11 Slash (Nuzleaf) (Oaks)

beginner gym leader level, doesnt want to evolve until he feels hes ready, great speed in forest as well of sharp attacks to target weakeness. few attacks are needed to defeat him

12 ditto (Oaks)

beginner elite level. has ability to transform from memory into others and pokemon. can uses around 80 percent of pokemon coped ability as well great control

13 Aloan Muk (OAK)

top gym leader level. great defense perfers to poison and uses physical attacks along with smothering opponnets to win.

14-26 (12) aloan grimer (Oaks)

dont battle just follow muk and eat garabge

27 Baltoy (On hand)

beginner elite level. has knowledge on all moves it can possibly uses along with knowledge on ancient historic sites. first of its kind to be created so has no limits, along with being double the normal size.

28 Spector (Shedninja hand) shiny

wont be battling much as it is used for recon and infiltration, stange ability to camoflauge along with ability to hide in shadows allowing to move around as he pleases

Skorupi (pranks with ditto) (Oaks)

He has love for pranks along with being under ground to sneak on people. Hasn't been trained as he was young when he Kash left needed time to grow

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