When Taizuique appeared in Wukong, Shang Xiaozhi silently made a call

The Rockets headquarters in Chengdu, Saatchi was listening to a report from her subordinates. Suddenly her phone rang.

She was a little strange to know that basically few people knew about this call.But she only understood when she saw that it was Sebastian on the phone.It's Aunt Chi-Sign looking for her.

"Hello. General Sebastian? Why do you have time to call me 2"

"It's okay. Take a moment, are our team members in Chengdu stupid?"

"How to say?"

"There's an idiot. I don't know that Xiaoshan is cautious. He goes out to make trouble wearing the Rockets uniform. And he has to fight two and the most important thing. He clearly sees the bully sheep on the opposite side, but he still sends out a taurus?"

"...General, you need to know

Since we started the whitewashing plan, we don't look like this guy anymore.Apart from

"Except Bishas?."

"Hmmm" The taste is not very good, and the staff are full of talents." _ .

"Yeah, then, general, do we want to..." _ A bunch of pots need this guy to carry, so it's not necessary, then that's it.By the way, my subordinates will also arrive at the headquarters later. You cooperate - come down.By the way, open the connection with restaurants and hotels.The last thing is to give me a copy of the information about that idiot's direct subordinate of Bishas.To save my time, I thought it was because my own people were not very good at starting. "



After finishing the call with Ash, Saatchi shook his head helplessly.This Bishas is really revealing.It shouldn't be stupid enough to think that no one has discovered his actions, but in fact, the old lady and uncle have already discovered it.Not only that, but it has also become the backlash of the whitewashing plan.

Saatchi knows what the two forces of Xiaozhi and Sakagi together represent. If Mrs. Sakagi's Rocket Team is the biggest leader in the dark world, then Xiaozhi's Tailu Hotel and Huaxia Restaurant are in the white and gray area. Old lady.

White is because Xiaozhi has connections and cooperation with Joey and the Junsha family.the grey area


The bounty hunters in the Tailu Hotel are a formidable force.After all, these guys can do anything for our company. And the owner of Tailu Hotel, Xiao Zhi, is a master who doesn't take money seriously._" Nei Xiao

All the bounty hunters liked the boss of Ash very much, after all, Ash gave too much

Just when Saatchi was thinking about this, Xiao Zhi had already started to carry 38m,

Saru couldn't help showing a mocking smile when he saw Xiao Huang's Baa Li Yang and Reiko's Dream Demon.Guys, but there's no need to say anything else⊥ The battle is over, go to hole 1, and the sparrows peck with the drill!"

"Wow on"

Hearing Saru's order, Taizui flew directly to the sky, and then formed an air current in its mouth and then went straight to Baa Liyangdi.

And seeing this situation, Xiao Huang was not afraid, but issued an order according to what Xiao Zhi had said.

"What a good sheep! Use electromagnetic waves!"

"What's up"

After hearing Xiao Huang's order, Baa Li Yang sent a wave of electromagnetic waves directly towards Taizui Que. And Big Mouth directly took this move because Di Xiang Baa Li Yang.Then the paralyzing effect takes place

"Wow 1⊥⊥"


With the paralyzing effect of the toucan's borehole, the peck was interrupted.And Xiao Huang said that he saw the opportunity.

"It's the baa benefit sheep now 1. Use a cotton robe to lower the block and stick to the too-billed bird!"


After hearing Xiao Huang's next command, the Baa Li sheep shuddered directly, and then the cotton balls flew towards the sparrow one by one.And seeing this situation, Saru knew that he was going to suffer, so he said.

"Blow these clumps away with your wings!"

"Dream Demon! Strange Light!"


Suddenly, Reiko's voice suddenly remembered, and then the dream demon brought

The bad wait appeared in front of the big mouth and then showed the most light. And the big mouth was also caught off guard by this move.into a state of confusion.


When the sparrow fell into a state of confusion, the dough of the bleat sheep also arrived at these cotton balls and directly entangled the sparrow, and the dream demon took this opportunity to continue to cast the strange light a

"Damn you two are so sinister

Saru saw that Xiao Huang and Reiko were actually fighting with a negative state. This was something Saru didn't expect. After all, ordinary people are preparing some unique tricks for combat. Who would have thought that two obvious novices would be so obstructive! _ actually use negative

Looking disgusting from the state of the face? Watching the big-billed bird wrapped in cotton balls and then suppressing the speed and then said to the Baa Li Yang.

"What a goat with electric balls!."

"Then we use shadow balls here!"

"Not good!, the sparrows get out of the way!"




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