"I really didn't expect that the Rockets would actually help this time."

"Indeed, but to be honest, they're good enough. I heard that if it wasn't for the huge number of Pokémon hunters, they wouldn't lose."

After returning to Yiqi's village, Xiaozhi and the others couldn't help but admire the Lingtian Rockets.After all, according to statistics this time, Kojiro Musashi killed a lot of Pokémon hunters before they arrived. Of course, Kojiro seems to have been bitten by Taishihua.

Although there is an episode of the Pokémon hunter blowing up the mountain, Yu Wang and the others made a lot of agate Xiaozhi when they bombed, so Yi Qi brought it back first.After all, since they have all been taken out, it is really inappropriate not to take them away.

And the people who brought back these agates by Xiaozhi are also interested in processing them, but Xiaozhi doesn't care much about these things. After all, Xiaozhi does not lack this money, and what Xiaozhi really cares about is digging. The refreshing feeling of agate

And after dinner, Xiaozhi and the others also went to the village for repairs. After all, it was getting late. As for Xiaogang's words.. Maybe the hypnotism of the dream demon is too powerful and still hasn't woken up, _so Xiaozhi They also didn't mean to wake Xiaogang up.

In the future, Xiaozhi, a humanoid Dunjia, is welcome. At the same time, he is also the real behind-the-scenes village that helps the village to become rich.

I organized a party here, and of course it was just a late-night snack.

However.. Ash's real gift is late at night. ._

the next day.__

"Xiao Zhi, don't you have anything to say?"

This time, Xiaogang opened his eyes⊥ When Xiaogang looked at Xiaozhi with his bloodshot eyes, Xiaozhi was looking outside.

Yesterday...I ate Yiqi by myself_

Xiaoxia and Lin were covering their heads and looking at Xiaozhi speechlessly.As for Lingzi, she was very interested in saying something to Xiao Huang. Of course, Lingzi also knew Xiaozhi.

It's carnivorous

And Xiaogang is more miserable... Because of Yiqi, Xiaozhi and the others have to stay in the village for a while, but Xiaogang wants to strike up a conversation, because yesterday Xiaozhi not only dreamed of Sanpo Tire also dreamed of Mr. Billy.. So Xiaogang's "film and television' star identity. Exposed.,


Chapter [-] Violet and Mashow

"I'm sorry, we're here to rent Dunjia to dig agate..."_

The next day, when some people came to Yiqi's village to rent Dunjia to dig agate, they found that there were no Dunjia here.And Xiaozhi, who is in charge of helping Yiqi to watch, is feeding tree fruit to his snake-pattern energy- said

"Sorry, Dunjia has basically been rented out. I think a few of you also know about the incident yesterday when the Pokémon hunter blew up the mountain to dig agate. 2. Because of the discovery of many agates, many people came to rent the Dunjia in the morning. "

"Is that so.."_,

Two people who came to rent Dunjia heard Xiaozhi's

It's a pity to say, but when they were about to leave, Xiao Zhi suddenly said e

"If you really want to dig agate, it's not impossible."

"Huh? Really?"

Hearing Xiao Zhi say this, the two were stunned for the game, while Xiao Zhi nodded.

"That's right.. As long as you sign this agreement, I can take you to dig agate."

Speaking of which, Xiao Zhi took out an agreement and looked at the agreement, the two of them tilted their heads, and then read it carefully.

"It is agreed that Mr. Xiaozhi will bring them together to find agate, but I agree

You must promise not to opt out midway... Then _then Mr. Ash, you won't do anything dangerous to us, will you?_"

Both Yuyu were girls, so they were still a little worried, while Ash pointed to the agreement and said.

"It should be written on it that the contract is for both parties, and it is forbidden to attack each other. Otherwise, it can be transferred to Junsha for investigation."

Hearing Xiao Zhi say this, the two girls did see it. _ But a girl is still a little worried.

"Is there really no problem.

And just when she's weird, a craftsman

The villagers of Pinquan looked at them and said.

"It's actually faster if you ask Xiao Zhi to help... and Xiao Zhi's character is indeed guaranteed. It's just not _

_ "Just?"*2 ,

The two girls were a little surprised that this was just what it was, and the villager looked at the sky helplessly.

"You'll know L when the time comes. I hope you won't be frightened. Ash is indeed a good boy, just let him dig agate..."_

Listening to the villagers' words, one of the girls felt that it was better.However, her companion grabbed her and said.

"Maxiu, you're going to Carlos soon, it's not bad to bring agate from your hometown.

"But Violet, I feel this Mr. Ash... is a little dangerous...___

Ma Xiu looked at Ash who was sitting there feeling a little dangerous for some reason. L.And Violet looked at Ash.At this time, Xiao Zhi was pressing his hat so low that he couldn't see his expression.

The Snake Bear is resting on Xiaozhi's head with a tree fruit in it. The two naives, the Duck and the Silly Beast, seem to be asleep, so they are bubbling with snot, and Fat Ding and Marylou are in front of Xiaozhi. They are looking at each other with their heads facing each other, and little Ibrahimovic is growing up

Chi poked his head out of his clothes and looked around.Love.. it doesn't matter, don't forget that we still have real nine of the two. "

Seeing that Violet persuaded herself so... and she really wanted to bring an agate to Carlos, she nodded.


- "Great. Then Mr. Ash will trouble you!"

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