With a graceful and luxurious voice sounded.The L people present couldn't help but stand up and looked at the voice L, then greeted him slightly.

And Xiaozhi was stunned after seeing the person who came, and then asked.

"Eileen? You sneaked out?


_'Eileen'_ smiled meaningfully after hearing Ash's words and then

said with interest.

"Irene, you're so close. It seems that the will I made is correct. Come and tell me how you've been doing recently? Aaron?"

"...you are. Queen Lynn?"

Xiaozhi seemed to have remembered something and looked at the 'Irene' in front of him with surprise.And Lynn smiled when she heard Ash call her name.

"It's so sad to call me Queen Lynn. Come over here. You're the master here, so the banquet can't be without you."

Seeing that Queen Lynn, Xiaozhi, who didn't look hurt at all, fell silent.

After a while, he said e to the crystal lamp beside him.

"Hurry up and get the dress. It's a big trouble, let's be more formal, Xiao Huang's model is"

_ understand on'

"Really, calling me a big trouble. You know we've been together for a long time."

Looking at the ghost of the Queen of Lin League, Xiao Zhi shrugged and shrugged.

"Sorry, I just have a general memory, I don't know the specifics."

Hearing Xiao Zhi say this, Queen Lynn was not angry, but walked over and took Xiao Zhi's hand and said.

"It's okay, I can

tell you.So are you going to take a seat now?"

"Go to someone please take care of yourself. 2 and you can float, why do you want to go 3"

"Because it's about feeling—how it was. Come and talk to me while your little girls get dressed. I've got a lot to tell you."

It was certain that Lin's daughter Yu took Xiaozhi away first, and seeing this situation, Lin shrugged and took Xiaoxia Lingzi and Xiaohuang to change clothes under the leadership of Crystal Lantern.And with them are Violet and Ma Xiu.

And Xiaozhi was pulled by Queen Lynn and sat next to a special seat


Fei and Lu remind you that there are three things in reading, two collections, recommendations, and sharing (zbangti anhao88)

Support Fei Lu) original works, enjoy the joy of reading!

Chapter [-] People won't see the scars of the brave

"To be honest, we haven't seen each other for a long time. No matter it is to you or me, time is really ruthless, but the only thing that is gratifying is to be able to see you now, and see that you are still so healthy. Don't worry."

Queen Lynn sat in the seat and looked at Xiao Zhi's current appearance and couldn't help but feel nostalgic.And Xiaozhi asked strangely after taking a sip of the drink.

"Do you mind if I ask? We two are so familiar with each other2"

"Don't be ashamed. Of course you seem a little resentful towards me. After all, if there were better heroes back then, you wouldn't need it~

Lynn didn't say anything after that.But on the side - Geng Gui sighed.

"Hey... To be honest, you are a model of arrogance. You say that you won't save the world in the end."_

"That's why I'm also wondering. At that time, whether I was mentally ill and actually wanted to save the world, I even doubted whether you were talking about me. After all, I know very well what I look like."

After speaking, Xiaozhi took the paper that Zhu Huoling from the side handed over and wiped his mouth.

"I'm the kind of guy who can't see a rabbit but not a hawk. Let me save the world or something. Hes~ I feel like I'm all alone

Got goosebumps. "

Ash really knows a lot about what kind of person he is.How could a guy like himself who has brought his selfishness to the extreme think about saving the world.Even if it is saved, it is estimated that the duck will be put on the shelves.Now that I think about it, I guess it was really impossible at the time, so I left Xiao Zi's side?

And Queen Lynn just smiled after listening to Xiaozhi's words, and then said in praise.

"Indeed, you were very unhappy at the time. If it weren't for the fact that there was no one there, you would not have been able to go there."

"Probably the same, anyway, it's my own

It's better to let others do things like saving the world, how about I hug my wife and hide on the side?"

Queen Lynn was also amused by Xiao Zhi's remarks, but she also understood that this was Xiao Zhi's most real idea, otherwise, when Xiao Zhi changed his name to Aarang, he would not be so upset. After all, Xiao Zhi is not the Virgin, let him It would be really uncomfortable for him to go all out.

"Think about it now.. At that time, Pi was just sorry for you and Lucario, but also your lover.

"Huh? Did you say Xiao Zi? We met again and are at home now.".


I was a little sad

Queen Lynn was stunned when she heard Xiao Zhi's words, and Xiao Zhi explained with a smile.

"It's okay, I'm also surprised that Xiao Zi was saved by the lock thief from the God of Creation. Although he was petrified for a while, we can finally meet again. As for Lucario. I'm traveling here in Chengdu. After that, I will go to Fengyuan.”

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