And when she woke up and saw Ma Xiu on the side, his body burst out with a powerful force and charged directly towards Ma Xiu.

And Ma Xiu didn't panic when she saw this situation.After all, there was already Xiao Zhi who had rushed over before Ma Xiu couldn't help frowning, she understood what Xiao Zhi meant.

"Big mouth baby trouble you


With the appearance of the big mouth baby, Xiaogang was swallowed directly by the trick bite, and for what happened to Xiaogang, Xiaozhi did not go to the rescue. Nonsense!

This guy deserves to be punished." When he saw the pretty girl, he rushed up.It's enough restraint that people didn't give you a slap before.Now Ma Xiu is blocking Xiao Zhi with a big mouth baby, and he can't say anything. After all, even if Xiao Zhi helps him and doesn't help him, it doesn't mean that Xiao Zhi will be fooling around because of this kind of thing.

"Thank you, Mr. Xiaozhi, for your previous reminder."

"Huh? It's okay. After all, I also know his problems. Of course, if you can, please don't cause him too much damage."

"Please don't worry about this. Although this gentleman has behaved very excessively, I have already made Dazuiwa show mercy."

"That's good."

Since Ma Xiu has said that she is merciful, Xiao Zhi is too lazy to take care of her heart.I saw that Xiaogang was stabbed and let the happy egg protect him. It's light for a girl to do this. . .

If it were Ash, he might have called the police sooner.

Two-one dividing line --

"I hope you can learn from Xiaogang..",

When Xiaozhi and the others rescued Xiaogang from Dazuiwa, Xiaozhi watched Xiaogang say such words, while Xiaogang lay on the ground and looked at Xiaozhi and sighed.

"Sorry.. but that's Miss Ma Xiu_

!One of the battle models⊥”

"Oh, my sister Ju'er is still the champion."

"Woooooooo ⊥_⊥1 You hit me again!"

Hearing Xiaozhi's words, Xiaogang ran away in tears, and Xiaozhi stared at the direction he ran away and shouted.

"Hey there's... __

"Ah, ah ah ah go _L!_1!_!


Seeing Xiaogang who fell down without waiting for him to finish speaking, Xiaozhi thought about it for a moment and asked the hippo king beside him.

"You said.. do we want

Take _ him right! "

Hippo King looked at the funny people in the team, and nodded to Xiao Zhi after thinking about it.

"Alright, burying it might make the world quieter

After saying that, Hippo King and Xiao Zhi looked at each other, and then..._

"Go get the shovel"*2

Anyway, now Hippo King and Xiao Zhi are getting more and more tacit understanding.Anyway, at least joking, Hippo King and Xiao Zhi can have a good time

Of course, Xiaozhi and Hippo King couldn't really bury Xiaogang.It's still possible to spread some soil though.

Wait for this guy to pull Xiaogang again

After coming up, Xiao Zhi winked at the happy egg beside him. .and Happy Egg appeared behind Xiaogang when he looked at Maxiu and Violet and slapped him on the neck.

oh oh

With the crisp sound, Xiaogang fell unconscious on the ground.

And Xiaozhi touched the head of the great frog seed beside him and said.

"Then I'll trouble you next. Let's go out with this guy_."

"Seed." (Give it to me! )

Then the big wonderful frog seed took Xiaogang's leg and walked behind Xiaozhi.

.And for what happened to Xiaogang... Violet and Maxiu didn't say anything at all.

Bi Yi just now, Xiaogang rushed towards Ma Xiu directly.

Of course, Ma Xiu was more concerned about something else.

"Mr. Xiaozhi L. You just mentioned Ju'er._It won't be Kamizlei anymore."

"Huh? Do you know my little sister Ju'er?

"I do know each other, and... I_ feel that you look familiar. Have you ever been her agent?"

Accidentally looked at Matthew Xiaozhi and recalled it and said a

"Sister Ju'er, she participated in the championship game that-

I was her manager for a while."

"It's no wonder that it feels familiar."

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