Lin watched Xiaozhi being attacked by the Pokémon and suddenly thought of something, and then released the lightning ball. Then she pointed to the situation on Xiaozhi's side and said e

"Thunderball, your best friend seems to have been captured. Are you jealous?"

Thunderball looked at Ash's situation and suddenly

Ran smiled, then turned around and said coolly.

"_.." (A man's friendship _ is not the kind of child who acts like a spoiled me _ and close friends are not as simple as you think.

"Huh? You two are weird enough.

Looking at the cool appearance of her lightning ball, Lin also thinks it is quite fun.

Chapter [-] Xiaozhi: I'm not a devil either

- "On Flower Hill ⊥⊥"

Just when Xiao Zhi's noisy thief was happy.A scream came.

Then a beautiful flower stumbled towards Xiaozhi and the others, and Xiaozhi was quick to catch the beautiful flower. Of course, Minas, who had been entangled in Xiaozhi, was upset. She was almost hit. .Then Minas looked at Xiao Zhi unhappily.

"Ahaha, sorry for the gold reflection

"Huahua, are you all right? Thank you for helping to catch Huahua.",

Although I am very grateful to Xiaozhi for catching Huahua, but seeing Xiaozhi's shape, this female trainer does not know

Say what to say.Because.. Xiao Zhi now has a bunch of _Pokémon on him.

Needless to say, the jenny turtle, the bear child is the first! The same is true for the two wonderful frog seeds.They are all pulling on Xiaozhi and don't forget to compete with the Gu Niuniu for territory, that is, the child Snake Neng: has been steadily occupying Xiaozhi's hat: son.

Not to mention Fat Worker and Marylou. _

"The... need help?

"It's alright... it's just that these kids _ like me too much... this is your beauty _ Lihua..."_.

"Thank you, my name is Ali,

These two beautiful flowers are my Pokémon Mimei and Huahua. "

"Um.. my name is Ash, and _ these kids are my Pokémon... maybe a little bit of a kid"

"Here's Xiaogang, I don't know if I can have a cup of coffee with you?"

Just when Xiaozhi and Ali were introducing themselves to each other, Xiaogang suddenly came out and showed great hospitality to Ali, but Xiaozhi didn't know what to say after seeing it. Wasn't he just beaten by Ma Xiu and Violet before? ? Why is it now __.

And just when Xiaozhi thought so, Xiaoxia couldn't stand it anymore and came over and put it directly

Xiaogang pulled aside and said e

"Sorry, this idiot caused you trouble. My name is Xiaoxia and I traveled with Xiaozhi before.."


Xiaozhi smiled and said something that shocked Xiaoxia, because Xiaoxia didn't expect Xiaozhi to introduce it like this.

And Xiaozhi said with a smile.

"Just to make it clear to the Gu Niu girls. By the way, the beautiful woman with a single ponytail is called Lin. She is also my fiancee. The one over there with the dream demon called Natsume Reiko is our companion. Huang is my sister."

Ali is all

Stupid, Xiao Zhi's introduction was a bit too weird, but then Ali responded.

"Hello, my name is Ali, and Mr. Xiao Zhi, can you sign me? I like Gu Niu Niu and their chorus very much.

"of course can."

And when Xiao Zhi signed it.The lightning ball seemed to find something and then jumped in front of Xiao Zhi and looked at Xiao Zhi.

'My best friend is in a situation,

Seeing the lightning ball, Xiao Zhi looked in the direction the lightning ball was looking at.

Then Ash saw his old acquaintance.. Musashi Kojiro and Meow

Meow _ actually sitting - a too machine rushed over

.and.. Kojiro is wearing a tutu ⊥_ LL

Xiaozhi silently took a photo and sent it to Mr. Sasaki's uncle who asked Erzhu by the way.

"Kojiro is this... a woman's clothing fetish _?"

And Uncle Sasaki's reply was also very quick, and the answer was very strange. ..

"Oops.... Kojiro looks so good in women's clothes, I'm so happy. I'll show it to me later."

What did Xiaozhi say? Xiaojiro's parents are also strong enough

, but now that Kojiro, Musashi, and Meow are doing things like this, it's really outrageous

At least now Ash has seen the three of them surrounded.

Looking at the Rockets, the three Xiaozhi thought for a while, then looked at Lin and asked e

"Want to take a look?"

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