After listening to Miaomiao's translation, Zhi smiled and handed the two of them drinks and said 1_ "Drink something to take a breath, and wait until the beater has the strength."

"Roar" (too sweet⊥)

"Shawa!" (Thanks a lot 1)

When Musashi and Kojiro woke up, they found that Miaomiao was lying on the side with a charred body.When Musashi saw this, he also reacted.That meow just now was Ash's"

"Damn we got cheated on the mountain"

"Roar". "(You still worry about yourself."),

"Shawa!" (I finally

can kick you up

Musashi and Kojiro couldn't help hugging each other as Sawaran and Hot Monkey approached slowly.

"It's better than being bored~"

Afterwards, Hot Monkey and Savaran began to beat Musashi violently, while Kojiro watched dumbfoundedly.

"What's going on"

Ash, who walked over with Kado duck, handed him a glass of water and said, "Oh, Musashi was yelling in the audience before. It was annoying for Hot Monkey and Savaran. So now they're just venting their anger."

"Oh, that's right-: No! Musashi, I'm here to save you



As soon as Koeruro left Musashi, he flew straight out and stuck his head on the wall. _ On the other hand, Hot Monkey and Sha Hulang kept their punches and kicks.


"Shawa!" (comfortable⊥)_.1 (chao_

Chapter [-]: The weak beat the strong, the champion!

Because Chavaran's loanee didn't know where he was tied.Therefore, Xiaozhi decided to wait for the end of the PI fighting competition to let his subordinates send Savaran back. He also expressed his gratitude to Gan Xiaozhi for his help and gave Xiaozhi a business card.It was only after Xiao Zhi read it that he realized that the company that Chavaran cooperated with was his own!

"Hahaha, what a surprise... I didn't expect it to be a fighter elf who signed a contract with our company!"

"Shahu!" (I didn't expect it to be like this. Thank you for providing us with a training platform. L

In fact, this Savaran is a wild Pokémon,

And he signed a contract with Xiaozhi's company to be able to participate in some of the ethnic groups in the back mountain of the big fighting town, which are powerful and powerful, so a group of fighting-type Pokémon can fight against each other Pokémon.Signing a contract with Ash's company to be able to participate in a fighting tournament is not so good.

On the other side, Abilang, the uncle who fanned the bucket, lost to the heroic hand of the man with the cloak.

"Sure enough, our practice is not enough, Abillon."

"Abby 1." However, the man in the cape walked up and said, you are too obsessed with training.In this way, it is impossible to make further progress. "

Amy also ran over to look at the fan at this time



Watching my daughter Fan Dou, I thought about what the man in the cape said and thought about it again." After thinking about what Xiao Zhi said before, he sighed.

"Indeed, I was stunned. I was obsessed with training and forgot about my family."! "Amy smiled when I heard Fan Dou say that and apologized, while Fan Dou laughed, "I'm sorry Aimei, let you say this, _

"It's alright, Daddy can see the scene where the father and daughter are deeply in love, and the man in the cape nodded, while Xiaozhi's Duck came over and said. "Although you are right, but you don't think that with It's very easy to fight with the Pokémon of the Heavenly King.

Are you abusing vegetables? Xiaozhi's words caused an uproar in the audience because Shiba was four days in Kanto

The hooded man also threw away his cloak.It's not enough for you to panic, a guy of the level of a pickup truck, say

Qiu and Miaomiao, you are Xiaozhi? It's going to be a hot fight for a long time. "Xiao Zhi patted his body

Monkey_ and the hot monkey is also a firepower, so you laughed at the soup!_ "Reiterate one L, you are now everywhere_ That heroic power is the king level, no situation, it is really the peak of the elite. It is not easy to fight according to one f, but if you plan There is no such thing as strong - the strength of war is weak

Love didn't happen. "1 how

Do it at 1)

Hualuo: It's about to start, so who is the champion of the waist division? Is it the Four Heavenly King Shiba z<Booming Monkey? Li or the super dark horse Xiaozhi's beginning!Then the P1 Grand Prix final is now on

⊥⊥⊥" The monkeys and the Hao Yees didn't have the strength to stare at each other, and they didn't have to act in a hurry, because the master i

Mindfulness is the end.Also staring at Xiren's pre-war Ba's heroic while following Xiaozhiyu

The confession has begun

Use Mawei! "The depth of the violent monkey. Then he said that breathing Xiaozhi is not unexpected but

L_ "Shang Bang Monkey went up and carried a crazy baby and grabbed it. In the face of the king-level God Bang Monkey, it is better to let Xiao Zhi command it than to let Yi's name play. Because when you call out a trick to deal with it. I'm afraid the other party is ready

applied.And this one of the hot monkey is very catchy, although Hao Li is startled _Z flame fist timidly responds and activates it is monkey Euler a to use punch west.

Look at the super fast of the hot monkey_"

Ba Zhaohao Li shouted, "Use the protective layer of green protective film of God. - After being used by countless people, Xiaozhiji appeared, but seeing the protective layer

but showed a smile

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