Although Xiaozhi is so

What he said, but he still added some more chili powder to him under the expectant gaze of Roar Bomb, and Roar Bomb left happily.

"God...the taste of each one is so's better than the carving. I'll get your share later. Don't steal it now!"

Hearing Xiaozhi calling him, Bidio, who knew that he couldn't steal it, could only scream and leave.

Ash, on the other hand, continued to help his Pokémon with diet therapy.

Xia Yuelingzi is also very interesting to see Xiaozhi busy over there. He has seen some animations, so he also knows that the final version of Xiaozhi and the animated version have some

huge difference.But this difference is also too big, right?

The animated version is a bloody idiot who always needs Xiaogang and Xiaoxia to help take care of the bank, and the ultimate version is a super babysitter.

Of course, Xiaogang's treatment is also quite different. The animation may be for children to watch, so it may be okay for Xiaogang to suddenly grab the girl's hand.

But in the ultimate version. When Xiaogang goes to harass people, it is really possible that he will be beaten. .

At least Reiko has heard about the sucker puppet thing.Xiaogang was beaten for disturbing others__ ,

And for Xiaogang's encounter with Reiko-

No sympathy at all.._

Two-one dividing line - one

"poi!" (We make _ days must be united". )

Just when Xiao Zhi was preparing food for Gu Niuniu and the others, Fat I was going back and forth in annoyance, while Marylou was looking at her strangely beside her.

"Li?" (What's wrong?)

"The poi05o gang of Gu Niu Niu are now pestering Xiao Zhi L, don't you think we are going to fall out of favor? )

Seeing that Marylou didn't respond, the fat worker looked at her in annoyance, and then looked at the Jenny Turtle and the two who were called by her.

Frog seeds.

"ei!" (And don't the three of you know that we are in danger of falling out of favor now?)

Jenny Turtle and the two Frog Seeds don't know what to say now, after all.. they don't feel that Xiao Zhi is not good to them.

"Jenny?" (The boss, Zhao Yigu, Niuniu, they are normal, right?)

"Seeds." (Yeah, after all, we are always by the master's side, Gu Niu Niu and the others are not all of them.)

“.poil_”_ (Cesheng

Looking at Jenny Turtle and Frog Seed, the three fat workers can be said to be angry.

Come on, these three guys can be maddening!

But then Fat Ding took another deep breath and said.

"poil"_ (You guys really have no sense of crisis at all, it's really hard to be teammates with you _...__

Then Fat Worker thought of the two Hanhans who were following Xiao Zhi directly, and he couldn't help but cry.Stupid Hanhan doesn't know how to act like a spoiled child with Xiaozhi, but she knows that she sleeps in Xiaozhi's backpack, but now she has been stolen from her house, she doesn't know.

But just when Fat Ding was helpless, a voice suddenly came.

"Electricity.." (It's really a bunch of long_no

Big boy, dear friend, he really worked hard

Then Lin's lightning balls jumped over.

"poi?" (Thunderball 2 What are you doing here?)

"Electricity~" (Look at what you guys are doing. But now it seems. You are still too tender)

After talking about the lightning ball, he showed a smug expression. But seeing the expression of the lightning ball, the fat worker was unhappy.

"_poi!"_ (What__ is too tender and small. )

"Electricity~" (Hmph... Should you learn from that Shanaido 1 and directly express your meaning?

, although best friends always get her meaning wrong. )

"poi?" (Isn't it bad to learn Najie pervert_1?)

"Electricity⊥" (what's wrong?)

Thunderball looked at Fat I and they jumped right in between them and then - are you stupid?

"Electricity!" (Since you like your best friend so much, just act like a spoiled brat! It's just like that Jenny Turtle and Frog Seeds over there⊥)

"Jenny?" (What happened to us?

Hearing Thunderball saying that his Jenny Turtle was a little strange, but Thunderball nodded seriously.

"Electricity!" (Yes, you are doing the right thing. If you like it, then it's over to act like a spoiled child. Where do you need to be like what this little fanboy said?)

After saying that, the lightning ball jumped and left.It's just that when I finally left, I didn't forget to remind a pack.

"Electricity!" (Anyway, Gu Niu Niu, they won't follow L all the time, isn't it good for you to behave a little bit or act like a spoiled child? Really. You have to compare the number of people with the opposite party..).

Jenny Turtle and the others looked at each other after listening-

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