'Well... I really have to pay attention to Xiaozhi, this guy's personality is easy to provoke bad people when he comes out.

Thinking like this, Lin's gaze at Xiao Zhi became deeper, a little bit.

And Xiao Zhi couldn't help shivering. He had already felt the gaze from the abyss just now.

'Well... come home and quickly confess.Or it was blood splattered on the spot_

Feeling Lin's stare, Xiao Zhi also knew that he was going to be miserable when he went back, so Xiao Zhi planned to pull up a few J backs, like _say these guys in front of her._

"Everyone of me has an attitude of rejection towards villains, so I'm sorry to all the hunters. Today I want to ask you to feel the fighting style of the Gu Niu Niu Choir."

After talking, Xiaozhi snapped his fingers, and then Liebang and Boommon stood in front of Xiaozhi and prepared together.

Face Hunter B also called out his own Pokémon, the Big Steel Snake, when he saw it.

At the same time, other hunters also called out their own Pokémon to fight.

In the face of these guys, Xiaozhi just took the violin that Miaomiao handed over, and then

_"Beethoven virus, hope you like it

Afterwards, along with Ash playing the small tipi roar bomb and the sonic boomer, they sang directly with a terrifying sound wave, and this terrifying sonic attack directly caused the big steel snake hunting AB to suffer, and the other hunters' Pokémon also sang. They were all manipulated by this terrifying sound wave.

"Ah ah ah L ears! Ears!

"How can 1 be an official? They're all right

"Ah, ah ah ⊥ Mountain"

The terrifying sound waves aren't just for Pokémon.It's a direct result - help the Pokémon hunter to hit the ground in pain, after all, this sonic attack is too powerful

Meng and others were watching Xiao Zhi's balance like the audience at this time. This terrifying performance will be fresh in the memory of many famous people.

One by one dividing line one by one loes "Thank you for your signature. A then we go on 06

"Goodbye, Mr. Commander!"

"Come on, Mr. Commander!!!

When Ash takes the Pokémon in a very brutal way

After the bei hunters were stunned, the people from the galaxy group had to leave, after all, if they stayed any longer, someone would come to arrest them.

And these guys from the Galaxy Group actually asked Xiao Zhi for a lot of autographs, and Xiao Zhi also signed them.

When it was time for Huoxing, Huoxing looked at Xiaozhi and then took off Xiaozhi's mask and asked.

"Can this be given to me?"

"Of course, there are many."

"Thank you, this is a thank you gift."

Speaking of which, Huoxing kissed Xiaozhi's face and directly stared at the bottle of Xiaoxia, Xiaohuang and Lingzi. As for Xiaogang, this _ guy is now

I'm surrounded by a bunch of big muscle guys..._ . ,

"Don't stop me! Don't stop me! I'm going to die with Ash and he's actually L he's actually" Uhhhhh⊥⊥!"

"Okay L, you're almost there, right?

"Yeah, there's no need for that. Don't you still have a girlfriend in the Orange Islands?

. "1 small⊥⊥"

When he heard the Orange Islands, Xiaogang instantly lay down - curling himself up, muttering constantly in his mouth.One... It hurts me just thinking about them... please don't say it anymore...


You really are.

Seeing Xiaogang curled up in one, the big brothers scratched their heads helplessly, not knowing what happened to him.But when I think about the weak look of Xiaogang they said before, everyone is silent - after the battle, there is no more to say 0

Poor child. I'm afraid I've been drained by _. . This has a psychological shadow _

But this kid is also a talent and has a psychological shadow. He can still be like this. He likes to chat with people. _

If one day encounters a banshee, I'm afraid it's not the rhythm of being squeezed to death. Part [-]

Waiting for the stars to leave with the galaxy cluster

back.Ash now feels like his death is near, too. ,_

Because Xiao Zhi has already felt... Lin is approaching him step by step..

And after Xiaozhi turned his head, Lin was looking at Xiaozhi with a bright smile.

"Looks like you've got a lot to tell me ^ dear"_

"Oh, um.. yes,

"Then let's go back and talk"


Afterwards, Xiaozhi was taken back to the town by Lin with a blank face in the aircraft that boarded the Continental Hotel, after all, to report a peace to everyone.


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