The fire-breathing dragon of silly things has enjoyed many aspects of adjustment education. Among them, Jenny Tortoise Frog Seeds and Da Miao Frog Seeds are directly involved in the adjustment education.

When the fire-breathing dragon of the silly thing is making a fuss, the Jenny Turtle will directly reward him-

The shocking fart served, and the two wonderful frog seeds would also take the opportunity to tickle him with rattan weaving, so that he could not even hold his breath.

Under this cruel adjustment and education.The idiot was in tears to stop the Jenny Turtles and the others. It was because of the idiot's action that the fire-breathing dragon was moved.

Bi Yi felt the shocking fart of the various flavors of the Jenny Turtle and understood the horror of that fart, so when he saw the stupid thing blocking his face with his body.The fire-breathing dragon was finally moved by the spirit of the silly thing.Admit this trainer to the stupid thing.

As for this result, Ash doesn't know what to say, but both

However, the thorn has been resolved 1 then you can rest a little - down.

And this rest is to play with Hanako everywhere..

After all, Xiaozhi also saw it. The stupid things here obviously can't make money by themselves. Since they are.. make up for themselves

It should be below..


Chapter [-] Vacation and Spike

A mother.Try the steak I was lazy when I was just now, since that one is useless over there, I'll go ahead and make up for you. "

"Hey! What do you call me useless!"

"A guy who can't share my mother's worries and worry her all day long."

Xiaoxia and Xiaogang don't know what to say now, although they know that Xiaozhi is very powerful

Everyone was on vacation.Then Xiaozhi paid everyone to ask everyone to talk about Guangguoxi episode and successfully made the chef cry. Then after arranging, Xiaozhi took Miaomiao straight to the back kitchen + after a stunned debate, he made it himself The fried raw steak that makes the chef cry harder will be given to the flower

The terminal is up.

"Okay, chef, don't cry, it's alright.

When the owner of the luxury cruise ship came to see his chef hugging and helping the chef there, he couldn't help but leave a drop of calculus-this is what it was like to be hit._-

."what happened."

"The boss... just had a guest and Miaomiao came to the kitchen room 09 to complain about the chef's raw non-jing Yao chef and his theory. As a result, the chef lost and the guest directly made a recipe to let the chef The more ruthless steak the chef cried

... , come with me, I'll see."

After listening to the chef's words, the old version is all

He almost wondered if this was for trouble. As a result, when he got to the table, he realized something.

Just standing here and smelling that smell can understand why the chef is crying so fiercely.

And.. looking at Xiao Zhi's aura, even the owner of a bunch of cute Pokémon cruise ships around Xiao Zhi feels that this is not good.

As the owner of a luxury cruise ship. His eyes still have it.

Xiao Zhi feels exactly the same as those big men. And the Miao Miao next to Xiao Zhi also gives him a kind of butler feeling. This situation can only show one thing. This one can't be messed with! One

Of course old

The board also somewhat understands why the group will pass.With this tongue, it is estimated that I really don't think the chef's taste is delicious

"That. This guest is very sorry., I am the owner of this cruise ship, and the chef's raw steak here does not match your taste.

The closer the boss is to Xiao Zhi, the more pressure he will get. When Xiao Zhi saw the boss coming, he nodded and said politely.

"I'm sorry. I went straight to the chef for a theory. After all, I hope my mother eats better"

"I understand. So who are you?

"I'm just a nobody, just taking my mother and friends on vacation

It is. ”

What can the boss say. , Not everyone can get on this cruise ship. At least the deposit may be a family's lifetime.

No, this time it's my problem too.Of course, if you agree, can you tell me if there is a venue for the game?

In this way, I would like to teach my stupefied younger brother some things by the way. "My partner has been a little itchy recently.

Saying that, Xiaozhi looked at the stupid things that were still eating Haisai over there.

At first glance, the boss looks a bit similar. But the one in front of him who is obviously too old is more mature and handsome.

be born

As long as there is an author, let's go, "Thank you boss."

"You're welcome.

The boss is really sure now.immediate luck

And if you are stupid, you are still eating

one dividing line - one

When Xiao Zhi and the others were full, Xiao Zhi fell into silence.

"They... are they hiding their power...

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