; "Heiyun City is different here. The whole city is powered by a huge generator. Now the generator is definitely out of question page."

"Then we'll go with you!"

"It's definitely not a small trouble for Xiaoxia to stop the generator. And there are some Electric Pokémon there, your Water Pokémon can't play well. Xiaoxue's six tails are weak. It's better to stay and protect the sleeve Pokémon Center. Geely Egg, Hot Monkey, and Bi Diao are here to help. Meow, you are now informing the people at Huaxia Restaurant to let them come over to the Pokémon Center immediately if they have an electrical Pokémon. Power and protect here, others bring their own Pokémon and I go to the power plant.


Soon, the people in the Huaxia restaurant quickly assembled. The beginning of the electric-type Pokémon

Powering the Pokémon Center Others rush to the power plant with Ash.When Xiao Zhi and the others arrived at the power plant, they heard footsteps running fast.

"Huh? What about the team of arrows?"

"Little devil", think of a way! 1_There are a lot of royal muds in the back, meow" L⊥! "Miaomiao immediately saw Xiaozhi as if she saw a savior. And behind Team Rocket and two suspected power plant personnel - Duihuangni was madly leading here.

"I'm so tired! Have you gangsters poked the stinky mud nest?⊥"

"I don't know, meow, what did they say we came to grab food or something?


Hearing what Miaomiao said, Xiaozhi looked at the stinky muds staring at Team Rocket, and Xin Shen had a rough guess, but he still waved his hand and said, "Give me the one with the ground type and the steel type. Chirulian attacked with a super-wide range of psychic power!"

0. Ask for flowers ___

"Yes!" N

With the continuous throwing of the rumbling stone Taiyan snake or Cordola and other magical treasures, the offensive of the stinky mud was slowed down, and as the main attacker, Kirulian used his super power to harvest the stinky mud.

However, the amount of stinky mud seems to be endless. See this little wisdom

Said to Chirulian: "Chirulian used my trick Sunshine Puzhao! Pikachu Ultimate Volt."



Along with Kirulian's silver-white light covering the sky and Pikachu's super electric shock, the stinky mud troops fell in pieces_ and at this moment, the boss of the stinky muds, stinky mud, appeared.Looking at this dark purple stinky emperor mud Xiaozhi was a little speechless.

"Wow. This stinky mud is very poisonous..."

Xiaogang looked at the stinky mud and said, "If you defeat him, you should be able to solve the current problem."


Well, capture Fu first capture the king, Qilu

Just when Xiao Zhi planned to let Chirulian attack the smelly mud, he found out that he didn't intend to attack, but watched the attack with sweaty eyes.Then this shit

Boss, he said thank you for the cake plate Xiaozhi remembered and looked at that

"Oh you're not that stinky slime

Seeing Xiaozhi recognize himself as Smelly Mud

He nodded, then waved his hand. The stinky muds next to him slowly retreated, and Xiaozhijing stepped forward and asked, "Why do you want to

Attack it 2"

"The emperor stinks!&q


Watching the Rockets trio Smelly Mud[

For a moment, and Meow Meow translates Road 1

It says the Rockets are coming to grab their food:-

Everyone looked at the Rockets with complete ignorance


Chapter [-] Responding to this tenderness

I am a stinky mud, I am the king of the emperor mud in Heiyun City.We are in Heiyun City. We are constantly devouring this sewage. For us, these polluted water sources are delicious food.But when it comes to food. What I really like is the food __ 'cake' that was given to me by ever-humans.

When I was still stinky, I was really hungry once.So I wanted to scare a little girl into handing over the food, but was stopped by an imperial stinky flower.To be honest, the smell of stinky flowers is really "seven-three" so stinky.But thanks to that stinky flower, I met a kind human being.

"Wow" this smell. 2 stinky mud are you hungry?

2! "

How can this human know that I'm hungry? I do smell weird when I'm hungry.

"The Emperor Smells!" (How Do You Know 2)

"Boss, he looks really hungry.

Meow who can speak human language?_ !

"Then share some cake with him. Come and eat, but I personally suggest that you should go to other cities. Rainbow City's perfume is not suitable for you."

Looking at the plate that the human handed over and the cake on it, I was puzzled, _Why did the human give me the cake? I know.

Not liked by humans because of the stench on us.But why is this human being willing to give me food?

"Smelly?"_(Why give me. Food?)

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