Weird Venom Beads? 9" Yes, that's what I want the most, but it's a treasure that all the Poison-type Pokémon trainers dream of.⊥⊥⊥"

Silently looked at Aju. Xiao Zhicong took out a

Titled dark purple beads.And Aju's eyes straightened after seeing this bead.And Si Xing, who was being carried by Xiao Zhi, also looked at this bead that was fascinated by his father.

"Is this the Venom Bead you've been thinking about, Dad?"

"That's right, my daughter, this is a rare treasure for many poison-type trainers." To strengthen the ability of poison-type Pokémon, this poison

The venom in the Venom Bead is the best artifact. "

Xiaoxue looked puzzled when Xiaozhi took the beads at will.

"Is this an artifact?"

"That's right, L is the most important artifact for poison-type Pokémon|, so I beg you, I can buy it with money!"


"Please, please, give me a job, can't your Arbo monster be able to do it casually? Please, Xiaozhi L, this kind of poisonous poison that can even poison the poison type, the steel type, and even the ground type is me. I need L, or my king is not a real poison-type king at all."

right there

When Orange said, a strange smell came.And Xiao Zhi said speechlessly after smelling the smell, "My God, who actually opened the extract from the stinky flower of the emperor?"

"My mother smells so bad" "Shan"

Accompanied by three not like salted fish

Pu Teng's figure broke into the gym, and the four of Xiaozhi looked at the three living treasures helplessly.

"The Rockets are still locked up here:"

"Hayin, kid, we escaped meow!," 62-

Miaomiao vomited as soon as she finished speaking.And Kojiro continued. "We smashed through the wall

The wall ran out from the siege of a pile of imperial mud and sucked it up!"

After Kojiro got up, Musashi added, "In order to remove the odor, we deliberately used perfume ingredients stolen from Rainbow City, but the emperor is going to vomit on the mountain."

Looking at the Must-Arrow team in the mad leaf, Ah Jietuan, who had already stood up and rested, said with a forceful look. "For ninjas, group breathing is also a compulsory course. First of all, it cannot affect me."

"So I don't need to give you the gas mask anymore"


Hearing Xiao Zhi say this, back to Ju, only to realize that Xiao Zhi and the others had already put on gas masks.

As for Aya Nu and A Xing, it is also e

"Please give me a whole thank you." Fei Luqiu wakes you up: three things in reading: collection, recommendation, and sharing L (chao--

Chapter [-] Xiaozhi: Actually, you guys have good taste

Because the smell in the gym is too great, most people in Xiaowang go out after putting on their gas masks. Pokachu even closes the door very intimately to ensure that the odor will not spread out.

"Okay, let's start the gym battle now.

"Really, if you let my daughter come to fight you, it will definitely not work, then let me, the king of poison, Aju, be your opponent.

Speaking of this, A Ju started to have an aura, and Xiaoxia looked at A Ju and couldn't help but say, "After the Master Kezhang and Master Shiba, is Xiaozhi going to challenge the third heavenly king?".

"Wait a minute"*3 ,

With three shouts, the Rockets rushed out again, although they still smelled bad, but at this time they gave people a feeling of fighting spirit.

Musashi, "Little devil. Although we suffered a lot when we escaped before.

Kojiro. "But we are not without gains."

Musashi/Kojiro, "Let's show you how strong we are today!"*2

"Go to the evolved Arber monster of Arbor."

"Enter Arbor."

"Go, the evolution of the gas bomb, the double-bomb Vance up the mountain"

"On each other"

Seeing the evolution of Musashi and Kojiro's Pokémon, Ash smiled - down, and then said, "Above, in fact, I - always wanted to say that you both have good taste, because you two Pokémon are very good. "

I was stunned by Ash's praise of Musashi and Kojiro, and then these two actually turned red.

"Ahahaha. Is that so? So you also think gas bombs and gas bombs are great 3

"That's right. Actually, the gas bombs work well together. And the Arbor is one of my favorites."

"Ahahaha, even if you praise me, I won't

happy! "

Seeing Musashi and Kobeiro meow like this, he was a little speechless.And Xiaozhi then said, "And there's Miaomiao, you see my Miaomiao is really good, isn't it?"

"Meow. Little devil, you really have a good eye, Miaojiu~ Xiao"

"Well, then the three let me read yours... Then I'll let you see my Pokémon."

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