"It's right now 1. The Arbo monster sneaks up with the solution!"

"Damn it, leave now!_"

However, Ah Ju's order was too late_ A step of purple dissolving liquid spewed out of the hole like a fountain, directly hitting Ah Ju's unpenetrated moth, and the last penetrating moth suddenly trembled after being sprayed.

Then it fell to the ground.

"At the end of the moth army!"

"Don't worry.. He's fine. Arbor used paralyzing venom during the battle."

Hearing Xiaozhi say this, Aju stepped forward to check it before he said with confidence, "Thank you for your mercy. Come back, let's get into the moth. Then if that's the case, let's go back to the bat!"

"Cross-shaped bat, I didn't expect you to put out the trump card."

Seeing the word bat Xiaozhi knows.Aju has already dispatched the trump card. _. Fei. Lu reminds you.Three things to read, two to collect, recommend, and share.” (chao_

Chapter [-] Ling Nu: Come with me quickly!

"Cross-shaped bat, I didn't expect you to put out the trump card."

- "That's right. After all, the opponent is you, so it is necessary to be more serious. I will definitely win your poison."

"on the fork"

The cross-shaped bat quickly rushed towards the Arbor snake, and the wings also flashed purple light.

"You know how to deal with a person of this level."


Hearing Xiao Zhi say that, Arbor's eyes sharpened, and at the same time he used his own trick of drilling a hole.When Aju saw it, he narrowed his eyes slightly.

. Pokémon fighting autonomously is troublesome for Pokémon with trainers, because they need to be able to make the trainer trust and trust the trainer L and Ash's Arbor is actually. No _ to L Aju suddenly Thinking of something, the look in Xiao Zhi's eyes changed.A small smile appeared on Xiao Zhi's mouth.

"Have you found it?"

"Not good! Quickly escape the bat again!".

Although he wondered why he had to dodge, the bat still did it and this action also allowed the bat to escape. The powerful solution was sprayed out of the hole again, and the bat would be hit if he did not leave. bingo.

"Did you deliberately fight the Aberdeen's self-defense?.!"

"No, I did let the Arbor monster fight on its own."

Run into

Speaking of I's practice, Aber Monster suddenly sprang out of the ground with a bite. It bit on the bat and Xiao 27 Zhi looked at A Ju and said, "You. It's useless to observe me all the time., Aber Monster is indeed able to fight independently."

"what? !"

At this time, A Ju also reacted. Xiao Zhi did it on purpose before, to make him suspicious.And now because of his own negligence, the cross-shaped bat is straight

It's not good to be bitten.

. "Again..."

The word bat bitten by the Arbor began to be in a trance.Because Aberdeen has already started injecting paralyzing venom.. This is his favorite way to prey on rats in the wild.

"The cross bat breaks free with sonic waves!"

"1⊥ on the fork!,"

Accompanied by the shrill cry of the cross-hatched bat, the Arbor frowned but did not receive any effect. ,

"not good!"

"You don't have to worry about the training situation, Arber's last big snake wagging its tail!"


The Arbo monster that bit the bat stubbornly threw the paralyzed bat into the air and then hit him to the ground with a heavy tail. The bat was finally unable to recover after suffering this heavy blow. e

"The bat can't come back! _The winner of this Pokémon showdown is Ash!."

Following Nv Ling's announcement (send white) 5, Aju sighed and took back the cross bat:

"You did a good job, but I didn't practice enough, so come back and bat again."

After retracting the word scorpion, Aju took out a scroll and opened it.

"This is the light red road

The light red badge of the pavilion and the special edition that beats my straight

"Thank you, then we won't bother anymore, goodbye."

"Hey" wait a minute.Don't be so heartless.Let's talk about Venom Beads again." And won't you leave without some tea?"

"No, I'm not used to your Chengdu tea, I prefer our Kanto tea.

"This feeling is so good. I just got a good tea here. You must try it!"

Xiao Zhi, who looked at A Ju's face so deadly, was speechless. However, he still looked at Xiaoxia Xiaoxue and Ren Gang and asked, "Then, stay a little longer.


Xiao Xiaoxue looked at Aju with a look that could be said to be pleading, a little unbearable.After thinking about it, he just stayed a little longer and said, "I'm fine, how about you, Xiaoxia?"

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