"We Latinos raise Pokémon on a pasture basis. So our Pokémon are a lot stronger than everyone else."

At this time, Fuzi was taking Xiaoxia Xiaoxue Xiaogang to introduce the Latin American people. And Xiaolu asked worriedly, "That. Are Xiaozhi and Lin okay?_"

It's normal for Xiaoxia to be worried. Because Xiaozhi was taken away after being stunned by one of Lin's head hammers, and the Pikachu meow auspicious eggs-Flying Mantis and Xiaozhi's little fire horse didn't even fart. Dare to let go.

"Don't worry meow_This is the normal operation of the old lady and Mrs. Lin."


Headbutt at first sight?

Xiaoxue was really a little speechless about the way that Lin met with a hammer.And Miaomiao explained with a smirk. "Hey 02, it's just because Sister Lin is too shy, meow, now let Sister Lin tell the old lady about the pain of lovesickness meow."

Meow Meow said that Xiaogang's tears flowed down.

"Why didn't I know them! Why didn't I know them!"

Dividing line --

On the other side, Ash woke up after being dragged behind the wooden house.It's just that Ash doesn't want to get up from Lindis' lap.

"Thank you for your hard work, Xiaozhi,"

"It's okay to say that I worked hard, you are the one who helped me watch the medicine...

"It's all my own will

"But it's almost there. Rin. Come on a trip with me. This time it's not a request. It's a request."

Lin said with a smile to hold Xiao Zhi's head. "I really can't help you, Xiaozhi.."

- "Thank you:-.Lindis.."

"It's me who is more thankful.--tolerate my sexuality again and again" 06 Because it's Lin, I have the privilege. , "loo" by the way, Xiaozhi, do you know?

"I know. Do you think I'll let Fuzi go with what I know when I know Lin?"

Hearing this, Lindis grabbed Ash's face.

"Although I already knew this was the result, I still want to pinch your face well."

"Anyway, I can raise it."

"Hey, I already knew you would be like this."

It's not surprising that Fuzi would like Xiao Zhilin, after all, every time Xiaozhi took him to other areas secretly, Fuzi also followed.To this day, Lin still remembers Serena's surprised expression when she saw that she and Tomiko were playing with Ash with her.

"Okay, it's time to find your friends. Ash, you don't want to lie on my lap all the time, do you?"

Xiao Zhi felt the touch of Lindis' legs, and then looked at the beautiful legs and said, "If possible. Please let me lie down until dawn."

"Okay. Don't act like a spoiled child, get up quickly. Even a rich child has a temper when it's too late."

"All right.."

When Xiaozhi and Lin found Fuzi and the others - Xiaozhi's Flying Mantis and Little Fire Horse looked at Xiaozhi with resentful eyes.And Xiaozhi is also very embarrassed by the eyes of these two, after all, he is the one who prioritizes sex over friends.


"I'm sorry, but I do care more about sex than friends."

check! "(Lady, I will be sad if you do this-:) .

"Hi!"_(I really want to burn you :-)

"Ahahaha, I'll make you something to eat then. Let's pretend nothing happens this time."

"Drink?" (Eat 2). _

Seeing that Duck Duck gets excited when he hears what he eats - Xiaozhi patted its head helplessly and said, "You may still accept the bug meal of the Flying Mantis. Xiao Huoma's food is all high-quality forage::"


Looking at Dak Duck, he still looked at Xiaozhi with eyes full of wisdom. Xiaoxia, Xiao Xue, Xiaogang Meow, and they all sighed helplessly. It seems that there is still a long way to go to make Dak Duck smarter.

At night, Xiaozhi and others stayed in Xiaozhi and Lin's special wooden house.And Fuzi also has her own room because Er has been with Lin.In the middle of the night, when Xiaoxia Xiaoxue and Xiaogang fell asleep, Fuzi and Lin quietly walked to Xiaozhi's room.Miao Miao and the others, who were sleeping in another room, glanced at it a little and didn't bother.

"Meow Madonna-: I don't know how she is doing. One" ⊥(ehao.

Chapter [-] Fighting on behalf of the wife

The next day, when Xiaoxia and the others got up, they could smell the aroma of breakfast._ And when they walked to the living room, they saw Xiaozhi who was making breakfast.

"Xiao Zhi, did you get up so early?_" Xiao Xue looked at Xiao Zhi strangely, while Xiao Zhi said while playing with the omelette with a spatula

"It's a bit later than the morning training. By the way, the breakfast here is almost the same. Come and eat."

After sitting down, Xiaoxue smelled the fried egg and said somewhat unexpectedly, "Geely Egg's egg?

"Well, the stock of cakes made before. Very nutritious."

Xiaoxia looked at Xiaozhi strangely.

"I always feel that you are a little strange, Xiaozhi: er: Xiaogang, what's wrong with you?" Xiaoxia-turned her head and looked at Xiaogang with tears streaming down her face.And Xiaogang shook his head in grief.

"It's alright. It's just that I didn't expect grassland women to dare to love and hate to such an extent: woo woo woo",

Xiao Zhi was a little surprised to see Xiao Gang behave like this.

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