Then a group of flying mantises and little fire horses surrounded Xiao Zhi and they came to the cattle pen of Fuzi's house.When I saw the second gang of flying mantis and little fire horse, the three people who were hired by Duli to make trouble

It was trembling.How come there are so many Flying Mantises and Little Fire Horses? L and then when they saw Ash - there was a glint in their eyes.

"Vengeance Mountain."*3

"Come on, let Kojiro attack the kid's little fire horse and cause a riot!",

"Understand that this is a blow for our revenge! Let's see the trick, kid"

As Xiao Dalang aimed at Xiao Zhi and shot the stone from his slingshot, the stone quickly flew towards the little fire horse. However, because Xiao Zhi's little fire horse walked faster, the stone had to hit slowly_ A little Lynn.Just in the nick of time, one hand dies

I grabbed the stone that hit Lin. And the owner of these hands is Xiao Zhi e

"Pickup.." (Crap::)

"1uckyL" (finished" is an attack on Lin's mother l Xiaozhi's father is going to run wild from ⊥⊥⊥)

"It's miserable meow.:."

Xiaoxia, Xiaoxue, Xiaogang, Pikachu, auspicious, egg, Fuzi, and the others' eyes that looked finished, Xiaozhi said to Lin, "Be careful next time, Lin, it's very dangerous."

Lin looked at the stone in Xiaozhi's hand and apologized, "I'm sorry for making you worry about Xiaozhi."

"It's okay, ah yes, Xiaoxue, Xiaoxia, Fu Zilin, you.

Stay safe with Meow Meow Pika Churchillie Eggs, and so are you, Xiaogang.And then, I am now.

Turning their heads slowly, Team Rocket saw Xiao Zhi, whose face was already extremely hideous.

"I'll cut the guy who attacked Lynn into pieces now. Hot Monkey! !. Come with me ah ah ah ah ah ah ⊥⊥⊥!

"It's miserable ah ah ah ah ah _ 1⊥

Looking at Xiao Zhi who rushed up with a group of Pokémon, Team Rocket hugged him in fright.

"The kid is so scary meow"_ 1⊥"

"We know without you telling us l⊥⊥⊥"*2

"Frog seed sunshine flame! Jenny turtle golden bell rocket head hammer ready!_"

"Seed ⊥"


Ash grabbed Frog Seed and Jenny Turtle and slapped him on the shoulder.And with the help of Xiaozhi's shoulders, the frog seeds start to accumulate power through the ripples and aim at e.

"Run!" _ ⊥! "*3

Seeing that Xiaozhi is getting closer and closer to them, the Rockets are about to run away, but Xiaozhi

I have already prevented them from running away, so.__

"Chirulian". Petrochemical 1. Duck! You too". Use it out and I'll make you a late night snack!"

0 _ ask for flowers

- "Qilu!"


With the petrochemical power of the two superpower masters, the rocket team was fixed in place.

"It's over"*3


"Seed ⊥⊥_on"

With the sunshine and flames of the frog seeds covering their faces, the Rockets immediately encountered the rocket thrown by Ash.

Jenny Turtle.

_ "Go on" Supreme Iron Head Gong!."


With the big head of Jenny Turtle slammed into Musashi's face.A brutal siege began.

"Beat me to the death! I'll make you Supreme Soup after the fight tonight!".

"Roar up⊥⊥⊥"*N

Ash's supreme tang to temptation is no joke.As soon as I heard this, even Kuailong was hard at beating people, and the hot monkey who had heard of Xiaozhi Supreme Soup also beaten it even harder.

Glancing at Z, he rushed up.

"Pikapie!" (Can't Forget Me")

"1uckx!" (Count me a __⊥)

"For Supreme Soup"! "


"Sizzle" (I'll take a kick

Seeing Miao Miao and the others joining in, Xiao Zhi did not stop him, but reminded 1 "Remember! Don't use skill L to carry me to death 1_!

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