Bishas escaped. Ruli Xiaozhi thinks that he can be captured at any time. Yubishas will be an important pawn in the Rockets' whitewashing plan, so Xiaozhi did not send Bidiao to chase him, and compared to Bishas This kind of scumbag is more worried about dark Bangira now.

"Miaomiao, help me prepare the tools, Geely Egg, you help me, Pikachu little Ibrahimovic, you can take a picture first, and Da Duck, please come out of the bag first."

“nice granny”

"1uckxeL" (this disease _- has some trouble)

"Pickup," (Come to Little Ibrahimovic's side

"Drinked" (What the hell 3


Take this tool when Xiao Zhi aims at Meow Geely Egg

When Boss Cogella passed by, Xiao Zhi patted Boss Coco in response.

"It looks so handsome."

After being checked by 12 Xiaozhi, Potucadora smiled and nodded.

"Hooer" (thank you for the compliment)

When he came to Dark Bangira's side, Xiao Zhi first touched it, touched Dark Bangira's body and then said to Meow. "Change the stethoscope to a high-function one. Bangira's body can't hear a normal model".

"I understand, but the old lady Bangira is obviously consuming her life to fight.,We are now

There is no need to check again.”

"You don't know here. Although Bangira's main condition has been determined, the possible dark wounds on it will also be an obstacle to treatment."

While talking, Xiaozhi took the stethoscope from Miaomiao and took out a prescription and handed it to Geely Egg.

"Feed him first, if he still struggles when he wakes up:."

Xiaozhi turned his head and said to the Aber monster in the body sound. "You paralyze it with analoid venom while the auspicious egg is holding it down."

"Abo Shang" (Understanding Shang" begins with ..

At this time, Taigo came over and said

Said, "Then let me help too. If I hold down Bangira, my mega-bosko-duo will be fine."

Hearing Taikan say this, Yu think about Taiwu mee Boss Cordola's characteristic is that the heavy gold star can definitely hold down the dark Bangira at this level.

"Okay then please."

two-one dividing line two


When Dark Bangira woke up, it only felt that a hand was constantly stroking its own head.And these hands also made some painful feelings much better.

"In a little patience, the second worker, Bangira Xiaozhizheng

Treating you. "

Xiaoxue used a massage to relieve Bangira's pain and listened to the treatment of Darkness. Only then did Bangira realize that she was being held by a bunch of Pokémon, and a group of people around were watching a man in a white gown. What are humans and auspicious eggs doing to themselves.

"Class?" (What's the matter 2 What happened to me)

"Meow, wait for the boss to treat you. The only thing you need to do now is to wait quietly for the treatment to end. But if you are too struggling and hurt Xiaoxue:"

Meow Meow didn't say anything later.dark bandira looking sleepy

My own fire dinosaur, Benny, the fish, the wonderful frog, the seeds, the eagle, the hot monkey, the big needle bee, the Aber monster, the flame horse, the wind speed dog, the wolf dog, Luga, Absol, and even the fast dragon. A girl who relieves herself of pain will die miserably herself.


Nodding obediently, Dark Bangira said that he would be obedient.In the dark, when Bangira was looked at by a bunch of great use, little brother, you dare to move and try.Xiao Zhi is helping him deal with the wound.

"Damn, so I don't like to treat the wounds of rock-type and steel-type Pokémon with special medicines."


xL" (also need to be careful not to damage their shell - ._is a hands-on nightmare. 2)

Mian is different from the seemingly relaxed conversation between Ash and Geely Egg.When two people and one Pokémon move, their eyes never leave.Because this time Dark Bangira is special.Second, if you are not careful, you can cause the dark Bangira to die because of the power of the dark ball, so now Xiaozhi and Geely Egg are not only healing but also saving lives.

On Da Zai's side, he and Bo Shi Ke Dora have already stood on the second chapter.Because Xiaozhi called out all the Pokémon when Xiaoxue came to help, I ensured that the Dark Bangira-straight change would come to a physical therapy.

It's good to have such a cautious personality, isn't it?"

Taiwu said and patted Boss Cordola next to him.And Bosco Dora also nodded. It also likes Xiao Zhi, his trainer's friend, because it can feel that Xiao Zhi is from the heart, babies, Fei Lu wakes you up.Three things to read, two to collect, recommend, and share” (zhangti anhao88) support Fei Lu’s original works and enjoy the joy of reading”

Chapter [-] The Ring Sent

"Preliminary treatment completed. Shaonai Duo Geli Egg heals fluctuations."

"Sana!." (Look at me dear L)

"1uckyL" (don't call __Xiaozhi's dad dear⊥. )

With the two healing fluctuations Dark Bangira's body finally recovered. z And with the help of Xiaoxue, Dark Bangira has completely calmed down from the influence of the dark ball, and then he stood up obediently and called to Xiaozhi and Xiaoxia, "class" class."

"It said thank you boss for your help

"Don't be too happy about the impact of that ball on

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