"Of course, I won't lie."

"Okay" is actually very simple, just like Musashi and Koshinro just

Said, the prince's kiss in the fairy tale can wake up the princess, so can't we take advantage of this?"

After listening to Miaomiao's idea, Xiaozhi took a can of grilled fish from his own Miaomiao and handed it to him.

"Oh thank you!"

Xiaozhi looked at - Kabimon thought about it again, Miaomiao and the idea they said fell into contemplation, and Xiaoxueyi - looked at Xiaozhi, and asked with uncertainty: "Xiaozhi. You don't really think that way, do you?

"We have to have the courage to try, don't we? Maybe it really works? Xiaoxia, your Mohai

Hearing Xiaozhi mentioning Mohai, Ma Xiaoxia immediately covered her bag and said, "Don't

.! My Mohaima is still a child!"


Just when Xiaozhi wanted to try to convince Xiaoxia, when Jian Shaozhi's Da Duck suddenly jumped out of the bag and then - the duck mouth kissed the beast's mouth

Everyone present, including the artifact baby, was shocked, how dare this duck go on?!

And Ash watched his stupid duck after the kiss and couldn't help asking, "Da Duck, how do you feel?"

"oh go"

Being in a room like Xiao Zhi, Da Duck actually blushed and showed a funny expression. Xiao Zhi looked at Da Duck and then Kabi Beast and couldn't help but be a little speechless.

"Is it really the mother's Kabimon? 3 But it doesn't seem to work...",

"who said it!"

At this moment, Musashi and Kojiro grabbed Miaomiao who had already been dressed up by them and walked over and said, "See if you don't see me, that's why I'm called a prince!"

Seeing Team Rocket's Miao Miao being beaten and pulled into a prince's appearance, Xiao Zhi knew what Miao Miao was about to encounter, so Xiao Zhi stepped aside very politely.

"Then please put three."

"First class, meow?" I don't want to kiss Kirby"

meow looking away

The big face of Kirbymon, who was getting closer and closer, began to struggle frantically. However, it was useless, along with Musashi and Kobero - Miaomiao really kissed.

"It's cruel...it's horrible_

*6. .

They couldn't bear to turn their heads when Miaomiao was forced to kiss Kabi the beast Xiaozhi. After all, the picture is too beautiful.

However, something unexpected happened. After being kissed by Meow Meow, Kirby Beast actually reacted⊥

"I'm going! No way 2!"

Just when Ash was startled at Meow Meow - One Mouth was really useful, Kirby and

Instead of waking up, she showed a painful expression as if she was having a nightmare.

_" Miao Miao this mouth is poisonous. 3_"

And just when Xiaozhi was surprised by Yu Miaomiao's poisonous kiss, Shanaido beside Xiaozhi showed a dark smile. , then she looked at Xiaogang.

"Huh? What's wrong with my body 3

Just when Xiaogang looked at the pained look of the Kirby beast, he suddenly realized that he was actually moving, and he was still moving towards the Kirby beast.

"Wait 1. Why me?" Wait-down ⊥ Don't do this, up. ll⊥"

Then in Xiaozhixiao

Xia Lin Xiao_Xue Meow Meow Pika Chujili Egg and Team Rocket's surprised eyes, Xiao Gang actually kissed the Kirby beast"

Lin Changzuo looked at Xiaogang and said with admiration: "Our grassland children dare to love and hate, Xiaogang, you are a qualified grassland child"

"No, Xiaogang probably provoked Shanaido, is it useful for Xiaogang?" Xiaoxia stared at the hot-eyed picture in a stunned manner and didn't know how to describe it, while the sharp-eyed Xiaoxue suddenly shouted, _ "You guys Look at ⊥Kapimon!"

The next scene that shocked everyone's eyeballs showed that Kirbymon actually woke up, and it was still red

The face hugs Xiaogang!

"It turns out that the prince is Xiaogang Shang" *N


"1ucky!" (moving!)

"Sana!" (It really became 2⊥..)

"This world is so crazy, meow? 1_".

At this time, Xiaogang, who was held by the Kirby beast, could only cry out in tears, _"No matter who it is! Please save me, please. L.": ⊥

Chapter [-]: Kabi Beast: My Prince

"Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuh l_!

Listening to this resentful cry, Xiao Zhi comfortably patted Xiao Zhi's shoulder and said, "Okay. Think about it a little bit, at least this proves that you are a prince."

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