After the lucky egg beckoning to him, he sat down in his seat.

Hanako looked at Ash holding the Lucky Egg and couldn't help but smile and said, "The Lucky Egg is really sticking to you, Ash."

"Well, after all, the first person she saw after she was born was me. It's normal for her to be close to me. I'll just take care of this little guy now. Good luck, this is fresh milk from a big milk jar."

When Xiao Zhi was breastfeeding the lucky egg, she saw the round stones she was accustomed to put in her bag, so she touched her head and said, "Don't pack too much, or I will I can't hold you anymore."

That's it

In this way, the Xiaozhi family's dinner began, watching her mother Hanako, Miaomiao and Pichu chat happily, and the lucky egg in her arms that the family was full and started to sleep, Xiaozhi couldn't help thinking.

'Here, it is really happy. '

Along with this warm and happy day, Xiao Zhi participated in the summer camp.Originally, according to Hanako's idea, Xiaozhi should be able to play happily with his peers, but who knew that Xiaozhi would actually go directly to play with a group of elves that he already knew and couldn't know any more. As a result, friends of the same age were basically No.

But there is still an accident, that is a girl named Serena, she is because of

Accidentally lost and injured, but under the guidance of Xiaozhi's gang of elves who like to eat rice, Xiaozhi found her.

Looking at Serena who was still crying, Ash was helpless too, but just when Ash was a little helpless, Lucky Egg actually stepped forward and started to comfort Serena, and Serena was fine too. Attracted by the pink cutie Yundan, she slowly stopped crying, and it was at this time that she realized that she was surrounded by Pokémon, and Xiaozhi was standing in front of her with Miaomiao and Pichu.

"Is it better? If it's all right, let's go back."

"Okay, that you are Xiao Zhi, right? My name is


"I know, so can you go now?"

Serena wanted to try to move, but her feet hurt a lot. When Xiao Zhi saw this, she knew she couldn't walk by herself, so she could only squat down and said, "Come on, I'll carry you back, don't look at my friends. , they are still very wary of strangers."

Serena blushed a bit when she saw Ash who let her climb up, but she did as she did.


"It's okay, but next time you have to be careful yourself, after all, you can't be so lucky all the time."

After that, in a group of small

Under the guidance of the elves, Xiao Zhi returned with Serena, and the summer camp was successfully completed, but Serena looked at Xiao Zhi with reluctance when she left.As a result, Ash was teased a lot by Hanako and Dr. Ogi.

In this way, time went on, until when Ash was old, it was finally time to travel.


Chapter [-] A big guy is ready to go

"Well, I'm going to travel soon. Sister Xiaojuer, you don't have to worry about me, but have you been too busy to have breakfast recently? I just watched the new episode of Kamizlei's show. , Although it is still beautiful, but the pace of the body is a bit wrong when walking."

With a handsome face with black hair, red eyes, and a black vest delineating angular muscles, the already-year-old Xiao Zhi put on his red coat while chatting with Xiao Ju'er.

Kamizlei, this is the stage name Xiaojuer used after her debut, of course, these are no different in Xiaozhi's view.The connection between Xiaojuer Karuna and Xiaozhi has never been broken,

The three of them often chat about their own affairs together, but it's just not easy to get together because of the different areas they live in.

Xiao Ju'er lay on her bed, dangling her legs, smiled and listened to Bo Yu's nagging, and then said, "Okay, okay, I know I need to pay attention to my body, but it's just because the schedule is full recently, so it's more troublesome, here I am. Didn't you bring the medicine?"

"That doesn't work either. Taking medicine is not as good as paying attention to yourself. Anyway, you should pay more attention to yourself. Also, don't be too tired."

"I know, I know, you can start your own travel with peace of mind. When you come to the Hezhong area, think about seeing me, but my sister is waiting for you.

What yo. "

"Understood, when the time comes, please don't show mercy."

"I won't be merciful. When I lose, I can make you cry in my arms, Xiaozhi."

"Understood, then I should also set off here to worship."


After finishing the call with Xiaojuer, Xiaozhi began to conduct the final inspection. After all, the trip is about to start, and the things that should be brought should be packed.

"Well, the cash is ok, the bank card is ok, the supreme black card is ok, so are the clothes, the cooking tools and spare ingredients are also ok, and the sugar to be sent. Very good.

!This backpack is awesome! "

Patting the backpack of Pocket Star Black Technology, Xiao Zhi nodded with satisfaction, and at this moment a knock sounded on the door, and then a Geely Egg stuck its head out.


"I see, come down here, have you brought what you want to bring?"

"lucky!" Geely Egg nodded with a smile.

"Then let's go."

When Ash comes downstairs, Meow and Pikachu are waiting for him along with a big milk jug and Laluras plus a Katee.

That's right, Pichu has evolved, come on

Turned into a Pikachu, and Xiaozhi has long known that his Pikachu is the legendary skin god, but who cares, he has almost forgotten the so-called plot, maybe he has encountered something and can still have a little impression, but in It seems that Ash only needs to remember what Pokémon are, after all, he is not a fool who doesn't understand anything.

Speaking of which, I would like to introduce the big milk cans of Cati and Laluras. The big milk cans were bought by Xiao Zhi at the ranch, so that the lucky eggs at that time could drink fresh milk.

And now, although the lucky eggs have evolved into auspicious eggs, the milk at home is still supplied by large milk tanks

, after all, Xiaozhi's forage ingredients based on nutritional knowledge made the big milk tank very satisfied. Coupled with the special massage technique he developed with a girl who was inspired to become a breeder, the milk produced by the big milk tank was also extremely delicious.Of course, Xiao Zhi's big milk tank is not responsible for fighting, but is responsible for preparing fresh milk for everyone every day. The only thing she needs to do is to eat and rest after activities.

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